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Matt Prickett

St. Paris, Ohio, USA
Post  Posted 4 Nov 2011 1:32 pm    
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Ok I'm not up on the tech, So how do you guys record yourselfs playing, for like a youtube video. And what do I need.You got your steel playing through what, and how do you get your rythm track in their. where it all sounds good.
GFI Expo, Nashville 112 and 1000
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Dave Grafe

Hudson River Valley NY
Post  Posted 4 Nov 2011 3:42 pm    
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I imagine most folks use some sort of mixer, often with pre-recorded backing tracks, MIDI or BIAB providing the accompaniment.

Some folks record every instrument themselves using a tape or digital recording setup, whatever the backing track it will all go through a mixer along with your steel, either from a direct line or a mic on the steel amp.

Once the backing tracks are prepared and the steel mix is set you will need a video camera with good audio capability that can accept a signal from your mixer. Set it up, focus it, turn it on and have at 'er! Keep at it until you get a take that you like, then you will need some basic video editing software to clean up the audio and video and create a file acceptable by YouTube or other such media server.
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