Heel Spur Surgery

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Dick Wood
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Heel Spur Surgery

Post by Dick Wood »

Just curious how many of you have had surgery for the boney growths on the back of your heel that invade the achilles tendon causing intense pain and how long it took you to recover after surgery.

Mine was on my volume pedal foot.
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Ron Patrick
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Heel Spur Surgery

Post by Ron Patrick »

I can remember sitting in a Recliner all winter long for fear of pulling the tendon apart after surgery.If that should happen the pain from the heel spur is nothing and you are facing some big time pain and recovery .The good news is I never had another pain after surgery . If you just had your surgery I would advise you to really take it easy . Hope you have a speedy recovery. Ron
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Dick Wood
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Post by Dick Wood »

The tendon issue is what's got me worried. Anytime something like a tendon is detached and then reattached has got to take a lot of time to heal.
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Paul Warnik
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Post by Paul Warnik »

Dick W-I had the operation a few years ago on my right (volume pedal foot). I have high arches and developed plantar faciatis from working out at Tae Kwon Do. (I had to give up the martial arts). The plantar faciatis caused the bone spur on my heel attached to the plantar tendon (on the bottom of foot) not the Achilles tendon. The surgeon removed the spur and did the tendon release proceedure. It took me at least six or maybe eight weeks in several casts to heal.The first three weeks or so, I was on crutches.I don't regret having the operation.It is better than having CONSTANT heel pain. These days I have some numbness on the bottom of my heel and I still experience some occaisonal pain if I over-exert myself with alot of walking-I use my orthotics if I know I will be walking alot.If you are in constant pain (like I was) I would suggest going through with the operation.The benefit for me was worth suffering through the "down time" :\
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Dick Wood
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Post by Dick Wood »

Hi Paul,

Thanks for the info and I have already had the Surgery two weeks ago today.

After a couple of years,I finally got tired of the pain and taking anti-inflammatory meds to stop the pain and decided to have the Surgery.

I play in a very busy band and was wondering what others may have experienced in the way of down time.

I sat behind the steel to see if there was a chance I could use my volume pedal foot and there's no way at this point.I couldn't barely move my foot although I was very apprehensive about doing anything to aggravate the tendon.

Thanks for your response.
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Joey Gaskins
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Heel Spur

Post by Joey Gaskins »

I also had it done years ago. My Dr says I was one of the first to have the tendon release in his office. I walked better the next day with stitches than the day before with none. No more pain
Ron Scott
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Post by Ron Scott »

I also have a heel spur on my left foot and have had lots of pain since last Dec and even with the orthonics I have pain when I do some walking. I would like to have the surgery and remove it too. They said mine was from dropped arches. I too was not sure of how long I might be laid up. Thanks for all the comments it lets me know that I'm not alone with this problem. RS
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Paul Warnik
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Post by Paul Warnik »

Dick W-I know your are having some pain right now and frustration about the time away from playing, but probably after four to six more weeks,you will be up and around-When it's over you'll be glad that the pain is all gone (for good-hopefully).

Ron S-Orthotics,anti-inflammatory pain meds,ultra sounds,and even steroid injections (with the big long needle) are only temporary relievers.
Believe me I've had 'em all. :\
Fallen arches (your case) and high arches (my case)
are frequent causes of the condition.

Good luck to both of you.
Arty Passes
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Post by Arty Passes »

I don't know if mine was the same, but I dealt with that for a few years back around 10 years ago or so. Could barely walk in the morning and then it would usually ease up. I tried different kinds of heel pads, gel, etc, and finally came upon some cheap ones that were just pads with holes cut in the middle of the heel. I think I found them at Walmart, but it's been a while. I wore them religiously for many months and never went barefoot, and it eventually went away and I haven't ever had any trouble since. Not sure if your's is the same Dick, but good luck. I know it's no fun.
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Joe Rouse
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Bone Spurs

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How about bone spurs in the knees? Has anyone had them and is there a remedy besides knee replacement?...jr
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Dick Wood
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Post by Dick Wood »

Hi Arty,

Hope all is going well with the Kevin Fowler gig.

Your problem sounds like Plantar Fasciitis which involves the bottom of the heel and not the back like mine did.

It's been almost 3 weeks now and I have been stretching the achilles tendon as I was instructed. It is really tight feeling and feels like it may take another week or two to feel more normal.

I'm starting to be able to barely use the volume pedal to some degree as the Tendon loosens up.
Cops aren't paid much so I steel at night.
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