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Author Topic:  New 13/16" Bullet Bar from Jim Burden
Dan Schwartz

Bloomington, MN
Post  Posted 22 May 2011 4:31 am    
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So which John Pearse bar do you use?

I use this one:

John Pearse® Thermo-Cryonic™ Tone Bar - Lap Steel/Hawaiian Guitar

Length: 2-7/8" Diameter: 3/4" Weight: 5.2 oz, 148g .....$46.00

It looks the 13/16 would be quite a bit heavier than these. I'm guessing even the same dimensions from Jim Burden would be a heavier than the Pearse. Can anyone attest to this?

I had to let the bar hang over the first string a little bit more than I had with the Dunlop bars, but with the greatly improved maneuverability that is really a non-issue (I mention that only because I was wondering why I kept screwing up playing the first string, getting a buzz rather than a clear tone).

Does the different shape nose affect your slant work? Especially split bar slants?

This is probably the 10th bar Jim has made for me and there is a certain familiarity that I have with the feel of them. Thanks for reminding me that I need another one!

Mike, I'm curious - I gotta ask. Why so many? Have you been experimenting with different lengths to find the perfect one? Do you use different bars for different situations? Did some disappear? All of the above? You mentioned too that you like these for slants. Is it because of the way the thumb feels with the indentation, or is it specifically the 13/16 that feels great for slants?

Thanks guys,
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Mike Neer

Post  Posted 22 May 2011 8:15 am    
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Dan Schwartz wrote:

Mike, I'm curious - I gotta ask. Why so many? Have you been experimenting with different lengths to find the perfect one? Do you use different bars for different situations? Did some disappear? All of the above? You mentioned too that you like these for slants. Is it because of the way the thumb feels with the indentation, or is it specifically the 13/16 that feels great for slants?

Thanks guys,

Dan, the first bar Jim made for me was 1" x 2 7/8", about 7 years ago. I had to send it back because the nose had a bit of a point to it. Jim fixed it and I really liked it. It was about the way the bar felt in my hands and how solid the tone was. Then, I ordered a few shorter bars for playing my tricone (7/8" x 2 1/2"). These were great and I had 2 or 3 of them. After that, I needed different lengths for different guitars. I use mostly 3" bars, but for 6 strings (on the rare occasion I play them) I prefer something a bit shorter. Also, I believe in having 2 of everything.

All of his bars feel good for slanting, so I don't think that's why I like the 13/16" bar. There's just something nice and compact about it.
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Ray Shakeshaft


Kidderminster, Worcs, UK.
Post  Posted 18 Jun 2011 8:15 am    
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My Jim Burden 13/16 X 3" bar arrived this morning and despite having to pick another import duty bill for £11.71 I still think it is good value. I took to it immediately and I find the recessed end is ideal.

Many thanks Jim - a great product, and thanks to Mike for bringing them to our attention.
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Frank James Pracher

Michigan, USA
Post  Posted 18 Jun 2011 8:59 am    
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I just got my 13/16 x 2 7/8 yesterday and absolutely love it!! I could not put it down last night. It fits my hand perfectly. The finish on these is crazy good, and the service is top shelf. I have found my bar!
"Don't be mad honey, but I bought another one"
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Charles Stange


San Francisco, California
Post  Posted 27 Mar 2018 4:55 pm    
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Just saw on another thread and checked myself. Jim Burden's website is shuttered. Sad
I have two and was hoping for another. I'm disappointed.
Charles 'Skip' Stange
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Steve Lipsey

Portland, Oregon, USA
Post  Posted 27 Mar 2018 5:51 pm    
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His phone also doesn't answer. I sent an email to his address in SGF a day ago....nothing yet...
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Steve Lipsey

Portland, Oregon, USA
Post  Posted 28 Mar 2018 4:13 pm    
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Jim Burden's new phone number is 812-968-9665. He didn't know that his website wasn't up, and will get it fixed. His email is

He forgot his SGF password and couldn't change his profile to add the new info, but the email did get to him...

I've ordered a ¾ x 2 ⅞ bar with inset in the base! $40 including shipping...
Williams S10s, Milkman Pedal Steel Mini & "The Amp"
Ben Bonham Resos, 1954 Oahu Diana, 1936 Oahu Parlor
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