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Author Topic:  Peavey ProFex II - L & R Signal Outputs
Ron Funk


Ballwin, Missouri
Post  Posted 28 May 2011 11:10 am    
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I've always used two Nville 400's in conjunction with my Profex II, and was curious what Peavey recommended when using just one amp.

Per the Profex II Manual -

"Left and right outputs are provided for true stereo effects. For Mono output operation, either output may be utilized."

For most other effects units, one signal output is 'wet' and other signal output is 'dry' - and when using just one amp, you typically use the 'wet' signal output.

When using just one amp with Profex II, how can either output produce the desired result?

Thanks for others' knowledge and response.
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Bob Martin

Madison Tn
Post  Posted 28 May 2011 5:32 pm    
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Ron, back in the earlier years of stereo effects mostly with modulation and delay effects it was very common to have one side with modulation or delay and the other side dry and that sort of a setup made a very nice very wide stereo chorus or delay sound and even in today's newer multi-effects units they have algorithms that do the wet side dry side effect for modulation or delay signals one going to the left side and the other the right side.

What Peavey is meaning in their manual is when you plug either output jack into a single amp the effects module sends only a single mono signal out of either output left or right, but if you plugged both into 2 separate amps it automatically makes the signal work in stereo again for certain effects as I mentioned before.

I hope that clears it up a bit.

Bob Martin
***Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow***
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Ellis Miller


Cortez, Colorado, USA
Post  Posted 29 May 2011 5:57 am    
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I used a Profex II for years into a single amp, mono. I always plugged into the left output for no particular reason which worked fine. I double checked the manual and it indeed says either output can be used. Here is a link to the manual:
Ellis Miller
Don't believe everything you think.
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