
Nothing to see here. Move along.
Rick Collins
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Post by Rick Collins »

Could it be, that NOTHING is actually ENERGY?
We use the term, energy, to express motion __ heat (which is actually molecular motion), radiation (partical motion), etc.
Tri nitro toluene (TNT), which is dynamite, contains nitrogen in an unstable form.
The release of this nitrogen is defined as an explosion, which is only nitrogen escaping (ENERGY).
Matter is neither created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction such as this.

On the atomic level, after a fission reaction (the atom bomb or nuclear reactor) all of the matter cannot be accounted for as it can be in a chemical reaction (TNT).
Some of the MATTER is turned into ENERGY instantainously. ENERGY continues to be released (fallout) slowly for many years.

Fusion (hydrogen into helium) also releases tremendous amounts of ENERGY.

ENERGY itself is NOTHING but "physical things" in motion.

SUPPOSE the "big bang" (as we refer to it) did actually occur 13.72 billion years ago, then:
Since we know that matter can be turned into ENERGY, after which we can find no trace of the energy,
does it make sense that all physical things came from ENERGY which was actually NOTHING before physical things begin to exist?

The argument creation vs. evolution makes no sense.
They are not in opposition __ evidence of both are quite apparent.

I happen to believe in a/the Supreme Reasoning Power, the mastermind of DESIGNED CREATION and EVOLUTION.
Supreme Reasoning Power as a being AND the spirituality in the mind of mankind.
DESIGNED CREATION and EVOLUTION are the physical things we gather from our five senses.
Brian Henry
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Post by Brian Henry »


Here is a picture of my beautiful house. Nobody designed it, nobody built it - I just got my 5 sticks of tri nitro toluene lit them and ran like .... and hey presto, it just happened. Why will no one believe me?????? Does no one believe my evolutionary equation!

nobody + nothing = everything
Steve Atwood
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Post by Steve Atwood »

"How would you like that coffee?" "No cream, no sugar." "I'm sorry, we don't have any cream -- how about no milk instead?" old joke
Rick Collins
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Post by Rick Collins »

Here is a picture of my beautiful house. Nobody designed it, nobody built it - I just got my 5 sticks of tri nitro toluene lit them and ran like .... and hey presto, it just happened. Why will no one believe me?????? Does no one believe my evolutionary equation!

nobody + nothing = everything
Mr. tbhenry, your metaphor is "out of joint". The Creator doesn't deal in the simplistic (so far as I can ascertain).
Construction of your "beautiful house" required no creation, only rearrangement of elements and compounds __ really simple!

But, to make palms thrive in the rough winters of Chattanooga, like those in the picture, is somewhat of a mircle __ if that's where the house is located.
There are some amazing things in nature, so I'm not doubting you.
Brian Henry
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Post by Brian Henry »

Dear Mr. Rick,
This is actually my summer house located near Jekyll Island Georgia.

I am glad that you are on such close terms with the creator that he has told you that he doesn't deal in the simplistic!

Nobody rearranged the elements and compounds - they just had the urge to come together and the result is my beautiful house. Once again you have just confirmed the dumb evolutionary equation!!

nobody + nothing = e

What a silly joke -ha ha ha
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Alan Brookes
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Post by Alan Brookes »

This reminds me of the fellow who goes to a tailor to have a custom suit made.

"I want no button holes and no buttons."
The tailor makes a note of it.
"I want no cuffs/turnups."
The tailor makes a note of it.
"I want no pockets."
The tailor makes a note of it.
"I want no lapels."
The tailor makes a note of it.

"How much will it cost?" he asks.

"Well," said the tailor, "In that material and your size it would normally be about $500, but with all those extras....." :\
Rick Collins
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Post by Rick Collins »

Nobody rearranged the elements and compounds - they just had the urge to come together and the result is my beautiful house. Once again you have just confirmed the dumb evolutionary equation!!

nobody + nothing = everything
Good morning Mr. tbhenry, your apparent admission that "you don't know", however trite, is noble.
But, don't worry. No one knows everything.

I will be on vacation for a while.
But, you think hard and you think long and see if you can come up with NOTHING. :lol:
Brian Henry
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Something for Nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by Brian Henry »

Even King Lear in Shakespeare's famous play said "Nothing shall become of nothing!"
Last edited by Brian Henry on 27 May 2011 1:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
Paul Graupp
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Post by Paul Graupp »

But tbhenry: if the electron is proven to be egg shaped instead of spherical then all of this is of no value and of no other words NOTHING !! :whoa: :whoa: :whoa:
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Alan Brookes
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Post by Alan Brookes »

Paul Graupp wrote:...if the electron is proven to be egg shaped instead of spherical then all of this is of no value and of no consequence...
Unless it hatches. :\
Paul Graupp
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Post by Paul Graupp »

I'm not sure there were roosters before the big bang...and minus that dark matter, these eggs will contribute NOTHING to the gene pool. :D :D
Brian Henry
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Post by Brian Henry »

Paul, Actually the electrons are hexagonal - this is what constitutes their movement. Egg shape or spherical would not cut it. Without the hexagonal shape they would not be able to engage in deflection - thus no action , consequently NOTHING!!!!!!!
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Alan Brookes
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Post by Alan Brookes »

A hexagon is two-dimensional. Space is three-dimensional.
Paul Graupp
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Post by Paul Graupp »

They have hexagons and pentagons on a soccer ball and they are spherically three dimensional...right ?? :? :?
Brian Henry
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Post by Brian Henry »

Thank you Paul. That is just one example - there are thousands of example one sees in every day life!! Two dimensions are nothing compared to three dimensions.
Brian Henry
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Post by Brian Henry »

Paul, I came across this quote which you may find rather interesting:
Paul Ackerman has written a book called It's a Young World After All.In this book he says this,

"Let me be blunt on this matter. Evolutionists around the world have had to learn the hard way that evolution cannot stand up against creationism in any fair and impartial debate situation where the stakes are the hearts and minds of intelligent, undecided but nevertheless objective and open-minded audiences. Experience will prove that the same is true for the age issue as well. Evolutionist's beliefs regarding the origin and development of life cannot withstand the scrutiny of an informed opposition and neither can evolutionists claim to the effect that the universe has existed for ten to twenty billion years and the earth for 4.5 billion years. To delay the collapse of widespread public acceptance of such claims, it will be necessary for evolutionist scientists to carefully avoid debate," end quote.
They cannot survive a debate and so they won't debate and the result is NOTHING!
Paul Graupp
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Post by Paul Graupp »

I was going to go back and reread the long post from yesterday but it is not there or should I say here, any longer. I know someone created it but now it has evolved guessed it !!

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Alan Brookes
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Post by Alan Brookes »

Paul Graupp wrote:I was going to go back and reread the long post from yesterday but it is not there...
Maybe it met its equivalent post in antimatter and the two combined into nothing. :whoa:
Paul Graupp
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Post by Paul Graupp »

I don't think so Alan. I heard on Public Radio that anti-matter has been disappearing since the big bang. Not sure how they quantified that measurement but PBS is always right, aren't they ??

Regards, Paul
Steve Atwood
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Post by Steve Atwood »

I have a three-dimensional TV. If it was 3D, would that make it 6-dimensional, or 9? What if it were a flat-screen?
Paul Graupp
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Post by Paul Graupp »

I had some 3D glasses once from a movie I saw. But they only had two lens'...maybe this belongs in DNT UNDRSTN !! If they had been 6D would they have had four lenses ??? :? :? :?
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Mike Anderson
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Post by Mike Anderson »

Quick thought for you guys who think you can use science to prove a theist worldview - and let me make it perfectly clear that some of the people I love most like my Mom and Grandma are religious folk - next time, try faith. If you want to understand the established science behind evolution, make an effort, don't just parrot pseudo-science from guys who don't understand it. Read Stephen Jay Gould, who although a Commie was also a bloody genius who wrote some very good books on the subject.

Again: try faith. Faith doesn't require science, and flawed or false science only makes it look worse.

Paul Graupp
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Post by Paul Graupp »

Mike: Try to remember that this is the Humor section and as such, a lot of this is in pure is not meant to cause indigestion as that would be something and this, while one of the longest and most viewed sections of the Forum, is not meant to be taken seriously. There are other places for such endeavors. This is simply as titled...NOTHING !!

Regards, Paul :D :D :D
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Mike Anderson
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Post by Mike Anderson »

Thanx Paul, I know - but it was veering (IMO) dangerously close to mocking science and evolution and a bit of preachery, and that's where I felt it was OK to make a note of it and ask folks to please, er - save it for another forum maybe?

No offense guys. I love my Mom and my Grandma not in spite of their beliefs. I find their beliefs beautiful and wondrous. Leave the science to the science geeks (like me).
Paul Graupp
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Post by Paul Graupp »

:D 8) :) 8)