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Author Topic:  Hawaiian, Nashville 112, Fender Dual Pro.
Rick Collins


Claremont , CA USA
Post  Posted 5 Jan 2011 9:29 am    
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The setting examples in the booklet that came with my Nashville 112 suggests that the Mids be set at negative 9.
Playing my Fender Dual Pro. at this setting sounds as if I'm playing through a 4" speaker.
I must run the Mid over to plus 6 to get the depth I need.

How can that be? I know my hearing is good and I have decent taste in sound quality __ in music.
This wide variation from the recommended seems extreme.

The suggested 800 setting for the shift sounds OK.
I back the suggested plus 9 down to plus 6 on the presence __ not a large movement.
All other setting positions sound great at the suggested normal.

Anyone else using Fender trap. pickups noticed this?

Many thanks.
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Paul Arntson

Washington, USA
Post  Posted 5 Jan 2011 10:27 am    
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Rick -
I have a Dual Pro with traps and a nash 1000. As soon as all the visiting relatives are awake I will check tone settings. One thing, do not worry too much about the Peavey manual setting charts.

Have you checked the ohms of both your traps? An open pickup will cause the tone you are complaining about. Very tinny but still almost functional.
I'll get back to you when I can light up the amp.

-- OK. Guests are awake and I turned on the amp.

My settings are:
Bass +6
Mid -3
Freq 300
Treb +9
Pres +9

With the Dual Pro D8 (traps) on both tone and vol full, it gives a balanced, bright guitarish tone.
The Nash 112 I believe has the same preamp, just lower watts and a 12". So the center frequencies (which I believe you are having trouble with) ought to be pretty much the same.

Checking the pickups with an ohmmeter, I turned up the vol and tone on the guitar to max (to get them out of the measurement)
and put a digital ohmmeter on the 20K ohm range and made sure the strings were not ringing (rag thrown across them). Put the probes across tip and sleeve of a guitar cable plugged into the guitar.
Individual pickups read 10K ohms (+/- like 10 percent is fine) and with both pickups on it should read about 5K ohms. Reading should be solid and not bouncing around.
If you read more than 30% higher resistance than this I would suspect a pickup problem. You shouldn't read much lower than my readings unless you have a short somewhere. A short should not cause the symptoms you describe.

Good luck with your investigation.

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Rick Collins


Claremont , CA USA
Post  Posted 5 Jan 2011 4:21 pm    
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Thanks Paul.

I suppose I'll just use the settings that sound good to me.
The pickups are OK. Jerry Wallace rewound them to 13K ohms __ Aiello regaussed the magnets.
For Hawaiian, I don't want the sound too thin.
The Mids setting is still perplexing to me.

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Paul Arntson

Washington, USA
Post  Posted 7 Jan 2011 10:43 am    
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I agree about the mids setting. When I first got my Nash 1000 I had a band member play with the EQ until the amp sounded right to me while I played. The 300 Hz dip is where it wound up. Every now and then I check it and I keep going back to 300.
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