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Author Topic:  Got a JERRY BYRD question......................
Ray Montee

Portland, Oregon (deceased)
Post  Posted 29 Nov 2010 4:47 pm    
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Over the years, I've met countless admirers of JERRY BYRD, the steel guitar player that has wooed many of us to this delightfully beautiful instrument.

Like many of you, I scratched around everywhere, trying to find any/all records on which JERRY BYRD did play. NOT just his own albums but on hundreds of singles put out by everyone from top names to brand new start-ups. This was no easy task, I assure you!

When I started the JERRY BYRD FAN CLUB, I did so to keep Jerry's fabulous music "ALIVE" and also, to make it available to as many of his music fans around the world, that might otherwise never get to hear it. Frankly, the fan club is not reaching as many folks as I wish it could. I've barely begun to scratch the surface and I was recently informed I wouldn't likely live forever.

I'm a fanatic about Jerry Byrd and his music. I don't know how many of you are and therein lies my dilema.

How far would YOU go to acquire 'another' previously unheard of record featuring JERRY BYRD on the steel guitar? Would you be willing to pay for his music, both recorded and 'live'? If so, how much would be reasonable for YOU? Forget all of the legal stuff, unless your a licensed and practicing attorney.

I have an idea that could make my entire library available to everyone here on this forum but, I can't do it for NOTHING!

I'd be interested in your thoughts and ideas........
How many of you would be interested in acquiring his music; and how many of you would not?

THANKS for your time...........
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Edward Meisse


Santa Rosa, California, USA
Post  Posted 29 Nov 2010 11:30 pm    
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I'd like to have a Jerry Byrd boxed set. How much Id pay depends on how much is in it of course. Look around and see what other comparable sets go for and you'll get an idea what folks might be willing to pay. You'd have to know how many discs would be involved first, though.
Amor vincit omnia
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United Kingdom
Post  Posted 30 Nov 2010 2:27 am    
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Whatever the cost, count me in..

Steelies do it without fretting

CLICK THIS to view my tone bars and buy——>
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Steve Benson


Massachusetts, USA
Post  Posted 30 Nov 2010 6:26 am     The Late Great JB
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Mr Montee. I should be so lucky to have such a collection. Greatness is rare. Greatness at the steel guitar even more so. Your efforts mean a great deal to us younger players.
Carter-Magnum S10. Georgeboards S-8 Stealth. Chandler Lap. Peavey Powerslide. Bunch of mandolins. Sitar. Oud. All that and a bag of chips.
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Alan Brookes

Brummy living in Southern California
Post  Posted 30 Nov 2010 7:10 am    
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I would love to have a boxed set of Jerry Byrd. If you need any help in the project let me know how I can help. I'm pretty good at designing artwork for covers. Copying the old records is a simple project. I would think the main problem would be copyright. There are plenty of companies who can produce a thousand copies of an album relatively cheaply, but to cover Jerry's work you would need about ten CDs, at an investment of about $10,000 for a thousand copies.
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Ron Whitfield


Kaaawa, Hawaii, USA
Post  Posted 30 Nov 2010 9:54 am    
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I'd say the days of a physically held product are about over. Most everything today is available thru the magic of net ether which takes the cost/hassle factors way down. Having a well known web site already running is perfect.

If anyone is deserving of a truly comprehensive overview, it's certainly Jerry. A movie wouldn't be a bad idea either.
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Edward Meisse


Santa Rosa, California, USA
Post  Posted 30 Nov 2010 10:07 am    
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Ron Whitfield wrote:
I'd say the days of a physically held product are about over. Most everything today is available thru the magic of net ether which takes the cost/hassle factors way down. Having a well known web site already running is perfect.

If anyone is deserving of a truly comprehensive overview, it's certainly Jerry. A movie wouldn't be a bad idea either.

Good idea. Jerry has already written the book for it. It's quite good.
Amor vincit omnia
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Ray Montee

Portland, Oregon (deceased)
Post  Posted 30 Nov 2010 10:10 am     JERRY BYRD and my thot's.....................
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I was sort of tinkering with the idea that the JBFC could become a membership organization with bennies.

Still "FREE" to non-joiners or believers.......

but for the serious minded, fully addicted JB Fan...
more serious tho't is given.

Let's say, perhaps an annual, one-time fee of, let's say, $25.00. For this, each dues paying member would receive a bare-bones, internet news letter, monthly, somewhat like Bobbe Seymours' newsletter.

The JBFC letter would be "for educational purposes only" be used in conjuction with an instructional piece. The instructional item would run at, let's say $5.00/$10.00 per month and could include perhaps five or six songs of truly historical significance.

The instructional piece would detail items on each recording that would need to be studied and thereby learning would occur that could enhance recipients'
playing ability.

This would not, by design, be any kind of a "just to listen to, box set" but an educational program.

It would, by necessity, be an internet project rather than an expensive mailing piece or production effort. It would mostly consist of out of date items that are no longer available, complete with hisses and pops. This would include some live shows and other memorbilia that has come my way over the years. Stuff, most of you would thoroughly enjoy.

So far, what do you think? Your ideas and suggestions will all be considered. Thanx Allan for your willingness to help.

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Alan Brookes

Brummy living in Southern California
Post  Posted 30 Nov 2010 4:58 pm     Re: JERRY BYRD and my thot's.....................
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Ray Montee wrote:
...complete with hisses and pops...

Hisses and pops can be completly removed with Magix Audio Cleaning software. That CD that I sent you a few months ago was recorded from an LP with all sorts of pops and scratches. Using the Magix software they became almost completely inaudible. Very Happy
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J D Sauser

Wellington, Florida
Post  Posted 3 Dec 2010 7:31 am    
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Ray, I appreciate your dedication.
I have felt the same way about several things in my life too. But over the years, I have found out that when things turn into a frenzy or even obsessive collecting (hoarding) it's not "healthy" anymore.
I've had this with Sun-Records, Speedy West, Jerry Byrd, CARS (now THAT almost bankrupted me), Rickenbacher steels etc.
I have also found, that "collections" can never be concluded... there always is "something", a special edition of something you already DO have in possibly various versions is "MISSING".
At the end of the day, collections costs a lot but seldom reach a merchantable real "value" to surpass the value of a few exceptional items.
Example Richenbacher: At the end of the day, the real value items are EARLY Frypans, PRE WWII B's (preferably 7 stringers) in PRIME conditions.

Today it is my opinion that it's the same with music. There was a time, I'd buy an LP record because it was SAID to have ONE track with MAYBE Speedy West doing "swobosh, boowhah" sounds in the back ground. Have I listened to these records recently? NOPE... probably never will again.

QUALITY is what survives. This is not to say that not everything JB plaid wasn't of quality, but he DID play on a incredibly large number of recordings, some with up coming artists which did not really withstand the test of time. Certainly, even SOME of these less desirable tunes MAY be embellished with some of JB's most superior playing... but there are soooo many of'em!

As to leaving a collection to come back to for future generations: It has to sound GOOD, if it sounds OLD (scratchy, bad recording, like the original tape had been found in an old oil barrel), well, that's how the listeners will perceive it.

I am not saying just "Best-of" or "Top-20's" but in my opinion, GOOD is better than just ALL.

... J-D.

Was it JFK who said: Ask Not What TAB Can Do For You - Rather Ask Yourself "What Would B.B. King Do?"

A Little Mental Health Warning:

The uses of Tablature is addictive and has been linked to reduced musical fertility.
Those who produce Tablature did never use it.

I say it humorously, but I mean it.
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Ray Montee

Portland, Oregon (deceased)
Post  Posted 3 Dec 2010 10:30 am     SPECIAL THANKS to all that have responded............
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A believe this post got a fairly representative response to my question. For this, I thank each of you.

Like it has been said here, "MY COLLECTION", with few exceptions, has little true value to the majority of musicians. It was indeed an intense, lifelong effort but again, it was clearly my project.

Many a player would consider a copy of "STEEL GUITAR RAG" their personal capture, while for me, it was those never recognized solo's and back-up on the records of so many 'unknowns' that grabbed my musical imagination.

So I guess, the logical approach to my desire to SHARE, will be to merely continue with the JBFC site. When I fall over dead the wife can toss them in the fireplace along with my old plastic and maple guitars.

It's the way of many fine collections before my time and mine likely won't be the last to meet such fate. THANKS again and HAPPY HOLIDAYS to you and your families.
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Ray Montee

Portland, Oregon (deceased)
Post  Posted 3 Dec 2010 10:30 am     SPECIAL THANKS to all that have responded............
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A believe this post got a fairly representative response to my question. For this, I thank each of you.

Like it has been said here, "MY COLLECTION", with few exceptions, has little true value to the majority of musicians. It was indeed an intense, lifelong effort but again, it was clearly my project.

Many a player would consider a copy of "STEEL GUITAR RAG" their personal capture, while for me, it was those never recognized solo's and back-up on the records of so many 'unknowns' that grabbed my musical imagination.

So I guess, the logical approach to my desire to SHARE, will be to merely continue with the JBFC site. When I fall over dead the wife can toss them in the fireplace along with my old plastic and maple guitars.

It's the way of many fine collections before my time and mine likely won't be the last to meet such fate. THANKS again and HAPPY HOLIDAYS to you and your families.
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Pete Burak


Portland, OR USA
Post  Posted 3 Dec 2010 12:11 pm    
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Hi Ray,
You might consider modeling your idea like the Rebel and Ricky site.
Here is the link:
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Walter Stettner

Vienna, Austria
Post  Posted 3 Dec 2010 11:46 pm    
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JB Collection?....Count me in, anytime, anywhere. Smile

Kind Regards, Walter
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