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Dave A. Burley


Franklin, In. USA
Post  Posted 23 Nov 2010 7:42 pm    
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We still have three cd's recorded in the seventies that are still available for a short time. They all are on Ebay. Following are the correct addresses.




The above is what you will type in on Ebay to get to the site. The second one is the .. It's The First Time Album .. which we did in 76 and includes the nine steel players, Jimmy Brant and Louis Bellson. The players all in the studio at one time for a jam: Lloyd Green, Doug Jernigan, Julian Tharpe, Jimmy Day, Speedy West, Buddy Emmons, Hal Rugg, Maurice Anderson and Curly Chalker.

Dave A. Burley
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Roger Shackelton


MINNESOTA (deceased)
Post  Posted 29 Nov 2010 2:05 pm    
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Dave A. Burley


Franklin, In. USA
Post  Posted 29 Nov 2010 8:33 pm     Steel Cd's
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Thanks Roger....I think that I've had the last run on these cd's. I don't really know how to market them and I do appreciate the support of some of you steel players. I know the cd's are not the typical pedal steel that most want to hear but they are cd's of the masters of the steel. Those that have bought them will have a piece of steel guitar history.
I have a couple more that I want to release and that will be it. Actually I could release about six or seven more but that's a lot of time and effort and there definitely isn't any money. I have wanted for 34 years to have some of my projects released and I am really thankful that this year we have had three of them released. I am still looking forward to the release of the big jam in Dallas, Tex when I had all the steel players and the jazz guitar players on the stage at the same time. You know.......There are only three of the musicians left from that session out of the original 13, all of them legends. That release will be from the original mixed down master.
As most of you know, Les Paul kept me from releasing those recordings. Wishful thinking......... I think many times if they were only released shortly after they were recorded. What a great boost that would have been to the steel guitar world in 1976. We did prove my goal and that was to prove to the world that some of the pedal steel guitar players could keep up with the absolutely best jazz guitar players in the world.
It was a tough couple years producing these recordings. No money, just me and a lot of guts. I do have the great memory of producing something that was history making in our steel guitar world. Ask Buddy, Doug and Maurice who were there and are still living.
I have written a book about those few years. Almost unbelievable when I read it. Unbelievable that a man with no money could take a dream such as I had and have that dream come true.
Anyway, once more the names on that Dallas session soon to be released. As you look across the stage from left to right: Curly Chalker, Tal Farlow, Maurice Anderson, Les Paul, Howard Roberts, Buddy Emmons, Doug Jernigan, Slam Stewart and Julian Tharpe. Second tier: Herb Ellis and Johnny Gore...then Bucky Pizzarelli and Louie Bellson.
That cd should be out the first of the year. There are also individual sessions from that night that I might release at a later time if there are enough funds there.
Thanks again for all of your support. This will be the last time I will post anything about the cd's until the new ones are out. I would imagine that you all might be getting a little tired of having to read about them.
Dave A. Burley
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John Macy


Rockport TX/Denver CO
Post  Posted 29 Nov 2010 9:42 pm    
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Do you sell direct? How about a package deal for all three?
John Macy
Rockport, TX
Engineer/Producer/Steel Guitar
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Dave A. Burley


Franklin, In. USA
Post  Posted 29 Nov 2010 10:28 pm     steel guitar cd's
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John...While they last, $45.00 for all three and that would include shipping. If interested, my address is: Dave A. Burley, P.O. Box 211, Franklin, Ind. 46131.
I probably have less than 20 of the Chalker/Tharpe left and I have no plans to have any more of any of them pressed at the moment.
(2)Jimmy Bryant/Buddy Emmons
(3)It's The First Time

Dave A. Burley
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David Mason

Cambridge, MD, USA
Post  Posted 30 Nov 2010 9:02 am    
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I think what you are doing is admirable, but I can see how it's discouraging. Have you thought about getting in with iTunes, CD Baby, CD Universe and an online "radio" station like Pandora? CD Universe/Ebay is my normal choice for buying CD's, but iTunes and CD Baby have systematic "DNA" methods of recommending similar music to what listeners like, and you can scroll very far afield, listening to soundclips of stuff you never knew existed. That can take a LOT of the burden of distribution off of you, though getting s few reviews to post with them is helpfully influential.

Contrary to what you read when a lazy reporter interviews the usual record company executive dinosaur, CD sales are actually quite healthy - they're just not going through the dinosaur's hands (claws?) anymore. If you can run them off by the tens, CD Baby can alert you to a coming shortage - it's all simplified for the seller.

The younger kids today are evolving whole new models of music distribution, it's always changing but the stuff does get out, and does "catch" if the gods of chance so decree. In fact if you can waylay a familial or neighborly teenager for a few minutes, he would probably know more about it than I do. For sure, you would want to link them to YouTube shots, Facebook & MySpace. If you have any contact with younger musicians who can appreciate what you're sitting on... If you know any high school teachers or have a community college with business classes, you may be able to find a kid who can arrange stuff for you for school credit, in the context of a business class credit for him/her/it. (Hint: You can identify them by the earbuds....) PM me if you want.
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Dave A. Burley


Franklin, In. USA
Post  Posted 30 Nov 2010 5:22 pm     Steel Guitar Cd's From The Seventies
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Thanks for the info, David. The Jimmy Bryant/Buddy Emmons is on CDBaby and it has done quite well. The only problem I have with CDBaby is that they want to be able to download just one tune if the customer wants. With the CD's such as 'It's The First Time,' there are only three tunes on the whole CD and I believe, if I'm not mistaken, that a customer can buy just one tune and can actually buy all three tunes, one at a time, for a fraction of what the CD cost's. Same way with the Chalker/Tharpe CD. I believe that there are only five tunes on that CD and the customer could also buy that CD by the tune and therefore buy the whole CD at much less than retail. I am not too bright on on these things so I could be totally wrong.
Dave Burley
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