No, and neither is it a redundant component. The volume/tone circuit used in six-strings (whether the four-control Les Paul, three-control Strat or two-control Tele type system, each of which is kind of the standard that other makers use except for active electronic designs) operates and sounds different than a floor volume pedal. Volume/tone controls are somewhat interactive. I can roll off the volume control on my Fender 400 or 1000 (and used to on my MSA that had controls) and it's a different tonal effect than backing off the volume pedal.Having a volume pot on the steel seems silly if you play with a volume pedal.
Brint really nails it - "anti controls" posts seem to either go into the "use your hands" or " it's redundant" direction, neither of which is correct or pertinent to guitar-mounted tone circuits (the volume control being a part of a tone circuit).
I don't doubt most steel players do not want them or think they would be useful. However, manyof us who either used to ar still do play 6-string feel like modern steels are "crippled" by the lack of controls, and adding a Steeldriver or other outboard unit DOES NOT do the same thing! some on probably could take the exact circuit and outboard it like a Matchbox/Steeldriver et al, but I haven't seen one.
But telling a player to go watch someone else change *styles* and assume that it's the same thing as having electronic controls is way off the point and irrelevant.
While it's apparent most players don't want controls, whether they think they are redundant or just don't know what they actually do, it WOULD be nice if makers had them as options and/or add-ons...because some players DO want them and DO understand the difference.
There's also no issue as far as pot durability. If there was, I guess Gibson would have to discontinue the Les Paul...and the ES175...gee, and I guess every other guitar they make! ow, and all amps would need to come with permanently-fused controls.
Well, that would be fine - after all, you can change the whole sound with your hands, so why bother with amp controls either?