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Norman Markowitz


Santa Cruz, California
Post  Posted 26 Jul 2010 1:14 pm    
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I Just recieved a message from The Abrigo 'Ohana, letting me know of their following intentions.


This week we will be nominating the Rogers family for induction into the Steel Guitar Hall of Fame. Please support their nomination by sending emails to the president of the Steel Guitar Hall of fame, DeWitt Scott. His email is Tell your friends that love the Rogers style too, post it to websites and networks, send it out to steel guitar groups if you can. The nomination is due this week, and the board for the Steel Guitar Hall of Fame will be making their decision at the the 2010 International Steel Guitar Convention on September 2nd, 3rd and 4th.

Here is our letter of intent to nominate:

Aloha Mr. Scott,

This week I will be sending you a nomination for a famous family of Hawaiian steel guitarists, the Rogers family. This family has produced 4 unforgettable steel guitarists, Benjamin "Benny" Rogers, David "Feet" Rogers, George "Pops" Rogers, and "Uncle Ronald" Kanahele. Each one, playing the distinctive Rogers style has reached great heights in popularity here in Hawaii, and traveled the globe with some of Hawaii's most famed musicians such at Genoa Keawe, and Eddie Kamae. Through several decades, they have played the most hauntingly beautiful steel guitar, and have inspired many to play the instrument.

Rather than submit these steel players one at a time, I have chosen to submit them as one because the Rogers family steel was carried in their bloodline. The style was created and nourished by all four of these great players of the steel guitar. My hope is for the family to be inducted into the Steel Guitar Hall of Fame while the last of these legends is still in good health and can accept the induction in person.

Mahalo for your support!

As a personal note the Rogers Style of Steel Guitar has always been one of my favorites especially David "Feet" Rogers. I hope this will generate some support from members of this forum.
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Don Kona Woods

Hawaiian Kama'aina
Post  Posted 26 Jul 2010 11:35 pm    
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We just had Uncle Ron Kanahele at the Aloha International Steel Guitar Convention in Winchester.

He was great.
Great Steel Guitar Playing.
Great Singing of Beloved Hawaiian songs.
Great Aloha Spirit
He is truly one of Hawaii's treasures.

I fully support the Rogers family nomination and will inform Scotty of my support.

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Norman Markowitz


Santa Cruz, California
Post  Posted 27 Jul 2010 7:07 am    
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Any film of Uncle Ronald playing. I'd love to see some video focused on his steel guitar playing.
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Don Kona Woods

Hawaiian Kama'aina
Post  Posted 27 Jul 2010 7:20 am    
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Yes, I have video of Uncle Ron performing.

I have video of him on a Hi-8 camcorder. I will need to input it into the computer and edit it. This I have never done,
so it will take some time, but it will be done. So be patient.

If anyone out there has some guidance for doing this simply, I am fully open to receive it.

Aloha, Smile
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Ron Whitfield


Kaaawa, Hawaii, USA
Post  Posted 27 Jul 2010 10:23 am    
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Norman Markowitz wrote:
Any film of Uncle Ronald playing. I'd love to see some video focused on his steel guitar playing.
In case you missed it, Andy Barlo's post down in this thread has recent video of Ron.
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Derrick Mau


Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Post  Posted 27 Jul 2010 10:26 am    
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Norman Markowitz


Santa Cruz, California
Post  Posted 27 Jul 2010 12:22 pm    
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Eh Derrick, Thanks for the link. Howzit?? Hope your doing well.
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Derrick Mau


Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Post  Posted 27 Jul 2010 1:24 pm    
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Aloha Norm,

Was great to meet the both of you here in Hawaii.
Hope to see you both again soon!

Doing well, and keeping busy.

Aloha Very Happy
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United Kingdom
Post  Posted 28 Jul 2010 4:30 pm     Re: Rogers Family to be nominated
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Norman Markowitz wrote:
I Just recieved a message from The Abrigo 'Ohana, letting me know of their following intentions.


This week we will be nominating the Rogers family for induction into the Steel Guitar Hall of Fame. Please support their nomination by sending emails to the president of the Steel Guitar Hall of fame, DeWitt Scott. His email is Tell your friends that love the Rogers style too, post it to websites and networks, send it out to steel guitar groups if you can. The nomination is due this week, and the board for the Steel Guitar Hall of Fame will be making their decision at the the 2010 International Steel Guitar Convention on September 2nd, 3rd and 4th.

Great that someone is considering such deserving Hawaiian Guitarists, BUT be aware of the nominating procedure as described on Scotty's web site, and a plethora of separate E-Mails to Scotty would be to no avail whatsoever, in fact may detract from the process.
For further enlightenment see this thread on the SGF :-

The actual format of the nomination has to follow pretty strict guidelines and meet various criteria along with LOTS of documented proof of the achievements.
The nomination documentation is then circulated to the committee and considered. Although the committee members ARE known, further approaches individually CAN be interpreted as badgering and are frowned upon. The NOMINATION STAYS ON FILE AND IS REVIEWED YEARLY.

How do I know all this, well, there have been several nominations made from Europe and the USA for some of the European Ohana, Like Felix Mendelhsohn, Harry Brooker, Roland Peachey, George De Fretes, The Kilima Hawaiians, Bill Buysman, Coy Pereira, iederich Gijsbrecht Christo 'Rudi' Wairata, Marcel Bianchi, et al

Some of the nominations were returned as not comprehensive enough, others were described as voluminous and overboard.. So what the exact amount documentation required is somewhat of a puzzle, what one committee member considers comprehensive, MAY be considered by another to be reams too many.

My advice is follow the guidelines laid out clearly on Scotty's site. And hope that someone on the committee has a working knowledge of Hawaiian Players and history.

I am behind you all the way with your efforts, contact me via E-Mail or PM if you wish to know more.
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United Kingdom
Post  Posted 28 Jul 2010 4:38 pm    
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Also, an extract from a similar nomination thread regarding Tommy White :-
Joe Alterio wrote:

So, October 2010 a nomination is submitted. Then, the SGHOF committee meets in September 2011 to review those nominations and select the honoree(s). Then you wait until September 2012 to see if your nominee was selected.

That is just ludicrous. And it discourages people from making nominations. If I think that YOU nominated him back in October 2010, then there is no point in me re-doing all of your work to resubmit in October 2011 when the committee may have selected him in September 2011 (but we have to wait until September 2012 to find out).

There should not be as much as a 23-month lag between a nomination and an announcement.

Not only do they review the current nominees from this year, but I am led to believe that all the prior nominations are also included.

My hope is for the family to be inducted into the Steel Guitar Hall of Fame while the last of these legends is still in good health and can accept the induction in person.

Is NOT the sort of wording that I would use, It smacks of pressurising, and in the Case of Sneakey Pete's nomination the certainty of imminent demise didn't tug at the committee's heart strings sufficiently to ensure that he was still around to accept the award.

I think a study of the modus operandi and quirks of the committee and procedural vagaries could be beneficial to any erstwhile proposer.
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