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Author Topic:  Advice sought on knee lever travel
Stefan Roller


Post  Posted 30 May 2010 10:04 am    
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Hi ! Last week I bought my first good PSG; after struggling with a MSA Red Baron for a couple of months I got a used WBS S10 E9. The MSA hadn't had any knee levers, and now I got a question concerning the "travel" of the levers. The LKL has a quite short travel, the tip moves for about 1.2 inches. The LKR has a remarkably longer travel: appr. 3.35 inches.
Is this ok, normal or completely odd ? I understand that it's a matter of personal taste; I would prefer a shorter travel - but I could live with it, if it's much of a hassle altering it to my taste.
Thanks a lot in advance and may you always stay in tune !
Stefan (and sorry for my english Rolling Eyes )
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Rick Barnhart

Arizona, USA
Post  Posted 30 May 2010 10:32 am    
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Stefan, the travel on my Williams LKR is approx. 1.25 inches, the LKL is just a bit shorter at 1 inch. That suits me, because movement to the right seems more natural than to the left (outside) A 3+ inch travel on your LKR seems way in excess. Just my opinion, of course. Congratulations on your WBS, I've read good things about them.

(no need to apologize for your English, it looks like you've got it mastered.)
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Larry Bell

Englewood, Florida
Post  Posted 30 May 2010 12:01 pm    
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The travel of the lever is adjustable on most any brand of pedal steel. There is usually a setscrew, often held by a nut, that becomes a positive, adjustable stop for the lever. The LKL is usually the E to F lever, which requires very little travel. A lever that moves, for example, the 7th string a full tone from F# to G#, will require more pull. To make the adjustment, the setscrew should be backed out, allowing the lever to travel further. You didn't say what your LKR function is, but it should be adjusted to allow more travel if the change requires a longer pull.

The other adjustments for travel include the choice of hole in the bellcrank and in the changer.
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Stefan Roller


Post  Posted 31 May 2010 6:20 am    
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Rick, Larry - thank you very much for your quick replies. The LKR on my guitar moves the E-strings one half step down. After your remarks i will definitely change the travel of it. Wish me luck... Wink
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John Groover McDuffie

LA California, USA
Post  Posted 31 May 2010 9:51 am    
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If it's overseas make sure to apply for a passport for the KL in plenty of time. A set of matching luggage for the KL would make a thoughtful gift! Mr. Green
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Stu Schulman

Ulster Park New Yawk (deceased)
Post  Posted 31 May 2010 10:48 am    
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John Groover McDuffie wrote:
If it's overseas make sure to apply for a passport for the KL in plenty of time. A set of matching luggage for the KL would make a thoughtful gift! Mr. Green
Three point shot John! Laughing Laughing Laughing
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Stefan Roller


Post  Posted 31 May 2010 11:54 am    
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John, you won't believe how much I spent on stuff to make it a pleasant vacation for the LK. But this darn thing's coming back every time because it never makes it past the metal detector at the airport... Mr. Green
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