Emmons Guitar Co.

About Steel Guitarists and their Music

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Chris Schlotzhauer
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Post by Chris Schlotzhauer »

It shouldn't be this difficult to purchase a new pedal steel guitar.
It's not...

Kevin Hatton
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Post by Kevin Hatton »

Chris, that is really shameless promotion. We are trying to help Ivano here not exploit this situation. Ivano, I called Bobbe Seymour and he does not have a pedal rack. If anyone else would like to call an Emmons dealer go right ahead. I will not. Ivano, I perfectly understand. Its okay.
Last edited by Kevin Hatton on 28 May 2010 10:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
Brian Henry
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Post by Brian Henry »


Erv!! The emmons horse is not dead yet. I see one leg still kicking!
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Erv Niehaus
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Post by Erv Niehaus »

No matter how hard they try, it's hard to kill Emmons! :D
Kevin Hatton
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Post by Kevin Hatton »

Erv, maybe you could call Emmons and resolve this.
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Erv Niehaus
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Post by Erv Niehaus »

Too many people have stuck there nose in already. :whoa:
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Andy Sandoval
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Post by Andy Sandoval »

C'mon Erv, you seem to be on very good terms with Emmon's. I'd love nothin better than for someone to change my mind about Emmon's Guitar Company by ordering a pedal bar rack and helpin out here.
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Erv Niehaus
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Post by Erv Niehaus »

I don't have a dog in this fight and I'm just staying out.

When you start stirring a pot of poop, all you get is stink! :whoa:
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Andy Sandoval
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Post by Andy Sandoval »

Well, at least we agree that Emmon's customer service stinks! :P
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Erv Niehaus
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Post by Erv Niehaus »

We're not talking about the same pot.

This current posting is the stink I'm referring to.

BTW: Andy, what kind of guitar do you play?
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Post by b0b »

Erv Niehaus wrote:Andy,
I don't have a dog in this fight and I'm just staying out.
By posting, you do have a dog in this fight. You just haven't placed a bet on the outcome.
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Erv Niehaus
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Post by Erv Niehaus »

I know one thing for sure, I'm not about to contact the Lashleys and tell them how to run their company. Good or bad, it's their's to do as they wish. After this issue is taken care of and forgotten, there will still be a market for Emmons Guitars, I still own 8. :D
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Ben Jones
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Post by Ben Jones »

Erv Niehaus wrote:Bob,
I know one thing for sure, I'm not about to contact the Lashleys and tell them how to run their company. Good or bad, it's their's to do as they wish. After this issue is taken care of and forgotten, there will still be a market for Emmons Guitars, I still own 8. :D
people never forget this kind of thing. Not on this forum especially. the people here (and you since you want to take a side) will be talking about this every time Emmons Guitar Co is mentioned. I wouldnt tell em how to do business but their public relations strategy is puzzling i must say :lol:

I find it ironic that one would bump a thread to the top by posting in it , to complain that the thread is beating a dead horse. Obviously you have an interest in this, its okay to admit that. You love a product and it hurts you to see thier reputation destroyed. Thats understandable. There will always be a market for existing emmons guitars...you are correct. If thats all you or the Emmons Guitar company cares about..then yeah I guess you're all set.
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Andy Sandoval
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Post by Andy Sandoval »

Well Erv since you asked, I own a Sho-Bud, so fortunately I won't ever have to do business with the Lashley's.
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Erv Niehaus
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Post by Erv Niehaus »

Yes, I have taken a side. Mainly because I hate to see somebody's reputation and company maligned.
I don't know all the details between Emmons and the Italians, but speaking for myself, I have always been treated very fairly by the Lashleys and, in no way, could I bring myself to bad mouth them on this Forum.
I would not hesitate to do business with them and look forward to doing so in the future.
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Ben Jones
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Post by Ben Jones »

Erv Niehaus wrote:Yes, I have taken a side. Mainly because I hate to see somebody's reputation and company maligned.
I don't know all the details between Emmons and the Italians, but speaking for myself, I have always been treated very fairly by the Lashleys and, in no way, could I bring myself to bad mouth them on this Forum.
I would not hesitate to do business with them and look forward to doing so in the future.
thats fine Erv, no shame in that.
no need to say you dont have a dog in this fight or are gonna stay out of it or dont want to stir the pot, especially since THIS thread was started by an emmons supporter as a place for positive comments.
Last edited by Ben Jones on 28 May 2010 2:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Ivano Malavasi
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Post by Ivano Malavasi »

it seems to me that you still didn't catch the heart of the matter.
This thing was not built, began, to slander someone, but for explain a situation, a real situation, happened to me.
You say to not know exactly the facts. Strange. In all these posts and in the ones before of this the facts has been well explained.
But, just to use a "well known-sentences" , motto or adages, like the ones you are used to say, "there is no worst deaf than the one who don't want to listen".
I have paid to receive an Emmons guitar.
I have received it, but it was really a factory refuse.
My fault was to not accepting it and to have sending it back to them.
Because of this I've paid a lot, more that I should, and I'm still paying, having also receive back an instrument without one of its part, and at my reminder of that they lied on the fact to not having received it, when in one of their mail of june 2009 they confirmed me that was received and polished. The logic, that I think I have, tells me that if they have polished it, they have received it !!!
Before of their absolute silence of about 7 months, they have invented a lot of excuses about the delay, and their last lie is a thing for which I'm not surprised at all. (what I say is all well documented, I'm smart enough to have kept all their e-mails).
These people treated me like I didn't paid them, and, if you like it or not, I've been robbed of what is mine.
the "mottos" , "adages", works fine, but must be placed in the right place.
Brian Henry
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Post by Brian Henry »

Erv, You seem to like to use animal imagery, such as beating a dead "horse," and "dogs" in a fight. Your literary skills are to be commended. Perhaps you should write a novel involving 8 emmons guitars, one dead horse and a dog fight. It sounds like a recipe for an intriguing plot!!
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Erv Niehaus
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Post by Erv Niehaus »

Once upon a time there were 8 Emmons guitars.
One of the guitars liked horses but the other 7 didn't. One day the horse loving Emmons went out in his front yard and the other 7 Emmons were beating his horse. However, the horse had died the night before and they were just "beating a dead horse". The horse loving Emmons was still very upset so he turned his dog loose. But the dog had no interest in gettting involved so, needless to say, "he had no dog in the fight".
And the beat goes on and on and on. :D
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Peer Desmense
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Post by Peer Desmense »

And - having beautiful pedalboards - they lived happily ever after..... :wink:
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Erv Niehaus
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Post by Erv Niehaus »

Second Chapter:
The 7 Emmons who were beating the dead horse really got to feeling bad about the horse beating so they volunteered to bury the poor horse.
In the process of digging the hole for the horse, they discovered a box. They opened the box and, lo and behold, inside the box was a pedal board for an Emmons LeGrande. Upon further investigation they discovered that it had been placed there by a couple of Italian custom officials. The mystery continues! :whoa:
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Peer Desmense
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Post by Peer Desmense »


I don't think your book s gonna be a best seller.
People see through it too fast.
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Erv Niehaus
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Post by Erv Niehaus »

Chapter three:
The 8 Emmons took the pedal board and found the two Italian custom agents.
They worked them over with the pedal board.
After laying a woopin' on them, they discovered some damage to the pedal board.
They returned it to the factory for repair and everybody lived happily ever after.
To be continued, no doubt. :roll:
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Post by Peer Desmense »


Including IVANO??????????????????
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Erv Niehaus
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Post by Erv Niehaus »

Chapter four:
One of the Italian cusom agents had a friend named Ivano. Ivano was looking for a job and since the custom agents had received such a woopin' from the Emmons, they weren't able to return to work. SO, they gave the job to Ivano.