Nashville Musician Flood Relief

About Steel Guitarists and their Music

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Pete Finney
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Post by Pete Finney »

LJ Eiffert wrote: I'm just trying to help you keep all those other in check to do the right thing... I'm behind all the right things that should be done to help you with your hard work you are doing and all of our Nashville brothers & Sisters Musicians and Families. Many of us Musician out here in Southern California are on the side line waiting to see how it goes before we can pick up the dead end of this story....
It doesn't seem that complicated to me... either you choose to help or you don't (and big thanks to those on the forum that have contributed!). Apparently you prefer to "wait on the sideline." That's fine, that's your choice to make, but if that's your choice why not stay on the sidelines instead of second guessing the real work that Bruce and hundreds of others are trying to do here to help each other out?
Ron Epperson
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Post by Ron Epperson »

hey pete and bruce i think you guys are taking leo wrong on this topic he just wants to make sure that every musican that needshelp on trying to recover from this desaster union or not will be able to get help i knoe the red cross and other orizations need help to but i believe we are a brotherhood and need to help each other we dont mind donating to poloice and fire god knows they need all the finanical help they can get but musicans as you know dont make much when they play so we believe all funds recieved in this crisis should go to musican pro and nonpro they all need help
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Steve French
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Post by Steve French »

Donation sent. Good luck in your fundraising effort.

Pete Finney
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Post by Pete Finney »

An update from Nashville AFM Local 257 President Dave Pomeroy:
We are finalizing the Flood Relief Application and should have it up on the website over the weekend. We have a Flood Relief Committee in place and the process will be confidential, fair and equitable. The law requires that we also offer this help to musicians who are non members as well as members. Thanks to all who have donated so far and please keep spreading the word. This money will go fast and we want to help everyone we can.
LJ Eiffert
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Post by LJ Eiffert »

Mr.Pete Finney.For some reason you have a hard on for me (Leo J.Eiffert,Jr.) in any thing I write about for the good of all.But,I do understand why you take out your feelings on me the way you do.That's because you really don't know me like I know who you. Truly,It's only us outsiders who lived in your neighborhood of Nashville and like me who came from the 9th ward of New Olreans that's been through this mess before and knowing what the so call helping hands parties have done or will really do. Let's see how lone it take the red tape of the Union from the application to forfill it fima game.God bless you and all in your neighborhood of brotherhood families.Sincerely in Music,Murderer/Criminal....Leo J.Eiffert,Jr..... once was Brutal.I'm still sad for all. :cry:
Pete Finney
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Post by Pete Finney »

Leo, once again you seem to want to make this a thread about you... This thread couldn't be more straightforward; Bruce posted information on how people could help fellow musicians out during a crisis, and many people have generously responded...

How making this thread about "my old friend Garth Brooks" and "everybody in this business in Nashville know who I am from what I have done in this Business" is writing for "the good of all" might make sense to you... but that's not what this thread is about.

Either you choose to help or you don't; how complicated is that?
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David Beckner
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Post by David Beckner »

I have no dog in this fight nor do I want one..But I will go on record as saying this..I live in western Ky about an hour and a half from Nashville and during all the storms I lost a very prized amp..When I reached out for help .the only help that was found was from the brotherhood of this forum..I offered to make covers and trade basically everything I owned in order to get my amp replaced..My finances are definately in the red and a little help surely goes a long way..I heard on a local radio station that 3.7 million dollars was raised thru fund raisers .Guess where that went- To Nashville--not the ones here in ky who need a little help..I guess what Bobbe recently said in his newsletter holds true..Those Who Can Afford Things Are The One's Who Always Get Them Free...or as I say..The Rich Get Richer And The Poor Get Poorer.. :(
WILCOX SD10 (love the white mica)
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LJ Eiffert
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Post by LJ Eiffert »

In respect to Garth Brooks my question was to Bruce not you Pete Finney.To you now Pete! In love and respect to your Community how many Musicians that you know was once a union member and will they truly fits in this story. Are you fighting to help them too in your neighborhood or just for your self? As a murdered & Criminal my others towards me on this forum,it fun and life is a joke til God gets here. when it comes to the read deal.Us ones like myself who had been fighting for the litle people from day one.Even Fran Boyd will tell you that about me,never like my saying it.As a world of forum brothers & Sisters we all want to help.And believe me we are my talking about and keeping it on the side line til the water is gone and the dust settles. We are all just expressing our opinion and sometimes the opportunity of true hurts.And when one like myself stands up for the making sure the right things are done,gets singled out like he's the cause. So,Pete with respect to you from me.Take it how you want,but,I'll be there when the chips fall.Sincerely in Music,Leo J.Eiffert,Jr. :cry: :!:
Pete Finney
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Post by Pete Finney »

Bump to keep the fund-raising info that Bruce posted up there...

We're talking ten's of millions in losses for working musicians... this isn't about the Union or helping out big names, it's about hundreds of working musicians who need our help replacing the tools of the trade.
Bruce Bouton
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Post by Bruce Bouton »

There's no red tape. Just an application. Moneys gonna start going out this week until we run out. I think Pete is spending to much energy trying to defend a good thing to folks that will argue about anything. These are not musicians that are getting something for nothing. These are folks that are in need. I'm sorry that some of you feel slighted and angry about this.
Bruce Bouton
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Post by Bruce Bouton »

And David. You are so wrong. Thirteen thousand families lost their homes. Ninety percent didn't have flood insurance. The millions raised so far is but a drop in the bucket. Do the math. It's over a billion in damages just to the homeowners.
The musicians fund is for musicians in need. It wont be much cause we don't have much but it will be distributed fairly, based on need, determined by a commitee of seven.
By the way Seymours wrong too but believe what you want in your heart.
Bruce Bouton
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Post by Bruce Bouton »

I've talked to Bobbe Seymour. like everyone else in Nashville he's trying to help as many folks as possible. We are on the same page and I'm sure he will chime in a some point. Nobody is trying to get over on anyone. I called Brady Seals and told him about our fund. His steel players gear was destroyed. I would imagine he will have cash in his pocket by the end of the week. He'll take it to Bobbe who will give him a deal . That's how it works .
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David Beckner
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Post by David Beckner »

Bruce ,,First and Foremost let me say that I think what is being done is a good thing..I'm not implying that it is not..I was merely saying it seems that surrounding states are putting the emphasis on Nashville when there are other towns spread out over several states that are just as in need of help ....I myself have been a victim on more than one occassion and I know what it is like to see the mayor ,the judge , the mayor's best friend and so forth get their palms greased , cadillacs replaced etc.while common "ole Joe" is being put out to fend for himself..
WILCOX SD10 (love the white mica)
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Bruce Bouton
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Post by Bruce Bouton »

Sory David, not gonna stay long in this debate with you. I'm going to try and explain things one more time .
First of all Mayor dean and his staff are not getting their palms greased in this.
Secondly Nashville has one of the biggest , most concentrated music communities in the US. They were also hit with historic losses, both financially and the bemotionally due to the loss of many vintage amps and guitars.
But guess who were the first people to rise up and do benefits and telethons? It was the music community. None of this money went back to the music community. It went to the food banks and the red cross and the salvation army, etc, etc.
There is an estimate of a two billion plus cost to greater Nashville. To address one percent of that need they would have to raise 200 million. I think GAC benefit raised 2 million.
As I said , do the math. It 's a drop in the bucket.
We set up the releif effort at our local to help the working musician that does not have insurance. So far we've raised 40,000 . We are giving away initial grants of 750.00 to deserving applicants. If thats all we get we'll help 53 people. We are working on getting more money so that we can help more people and allow the more deserving to re apply. Also being a Union member is not a requirement for aid. Also the bylaws I helped draw up prohibit anyone on the board from taking a dime.
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Chris Lang
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Post by Chris Lang »

In respect to Garth Brooks my question was to Bruce not you Pete Finney.To you now Pete! In love and respect to your Community how many Musicians that you know was once a union member and will they truly fits in this story. Are you fighting to help them too in your neighborhood or just for your self? As a murdered & Criminal my others towards me on this forum,it fun and life is a joke til God gets here. when it comes to the read deal.Us ones like myself who had been fighting for the litle people from day one.Even Fran Boyd will tell you that about me,never like my saying it.As a world of forum brothers & Sisters we all want to help.And believe me we are my talking about and keeping it on the side line til the water is gone and the dust settles. We are all just expressing our opinion and sometimes the opportunity of true hurts.And when one like myself stands up for the making sure the right things are done,gets singled out like he's the cause. So,Pete with respect to you from me.Take it how you want,but,I'll be there when the chips fall.Sincerely in Music,Leo J.Eiffert,Jr.

What does all that rambling mean?

Bobbe Seymour
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Steel Losses, Nashville

Post by Bobbe Seymour »

I love to pick on Bruce B. mostly because he is so serious most of the time, but this time I should let up on him as he is and has devoted much time and effort to a cause that most folks couldn't care less about. Just us steel players. Thank you Bruce, my hat is off to you.

As most of you know, to me, a steel player is a steel player, a pro gets treated no better than a part timer by me. People are people and those that need help need help! And get it now.

I just had a "flooded-out Nashville steeler" call me to say that his steel order from a "Professional company" got bumped because he wasn't "big enough" to warrant getting his guitar in front of "Mr. big player". He only played in church on Sunday. I told him to come by the store and get anything he wanted and we'd take care of it later.

I don't like this kind of prejudice in steel guitar life. Everyone should be treated equally. If it's an emergency and two folks need help at the same time, I'll get it done somehow.

To most players, the steel guitar is a family member, look how hard it works to support the rest of the family, and even if Dad does something else for a living, his steel can go a long way to keeping him sane. A steelplayer with no steel is like a fish without water.

As for my comment about the "big players" getting free guitars, I don't feel this is who Bruce is concerned about as far as help goes.
The effort that AFM 247 is going through to help those that NEED IT is astounding, so lets all do what we can to help our fellow players.

Sooooooo, send Bruce a check with a smile, :D
Bruce Bouton
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Post by Bruce Bouton »

Thanks bobbe!
LJ Eiffert
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Post by LJ Eiffert »

Chris Lang,Give me my name Leo back & you'll understand when the earth quake hits in your neighborhood & your living in that lake for awahile.I'm with Bruce Bouton on this matter in Nashville for Musicians.If it's the names in front of my name or behind that's got you. They have been givin' to me by others on this forum. I use them as a joke.In hard times we have to have fun are life is nothing.I myself have fun with everything that comes my way good or bad and take it with respect to who's getting it now.Murderer/Criminal......Leo J.Eiffert,Jr.....once was Brutal but now, waiting! :whoa: I can wait... :\ :arrow:
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Mike Neer
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Post by Mike Neer »

Bruce and everyone involved, thanks for helping out your brothers in need. Comes a time when we all need each other.
Wally Taylor
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Post by Wally Taylor »

This is such a noble and worthwhile event where brother steelers are willing to reach out to help. Also, a great big shout out to Bobbe for going above and beyond in helping the "little guy" out. Truly ompressive all the way around.
Bruce Bouton is in my Hall of Fame already!
Dave Ziebarth
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Post by Dave Ziebarth »

My donation is on the way. I'd like to challenge all the other would-be Nashville Cats from the DC/MD/VA area (and all fans of the Good Humor Band and Danny Gatton) to drop what you can afford in the basket as well - the real Nashville Cats could really use your help right now..
Thanks Bruce, for your inspiration, and for spearheading this effort and helping to make us aware of the extent of this crisis.
Bill Hatcher
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Post by Bill Hatcher »

Bruce. I was able to contact my fellow board members here at the Atlanta Musicians Union and $1500 is on the way to you guys at the Nashville Local for your relief fund. Best to you and all the musicians affected by this.
Bruce Bouton
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Post by Bruce Bouton »

Thanks Bill and thanks everyone else. Every little bit helps.
Pete Finney
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Post by Pete Finney »

Let's keep this alive, it may seem like an old story to some but the problems are not going away for hundreds of working musicians here...
You can donate online through the Local 257 website at
Or, you can send a check or money order to:
Nashville Musicians Flood Relief Fund
AFM Local 257,
11 Music Circle N.
Nashville TN 37203.
Bob Vantine
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Post by Bob Vantine »

Pete Finney wrote:Let's keep this alive, it may seem like an old story to some but the problems are not going away for hundreds of working musicians here...
You can donate online through the Local 257 website at
Or, you can send a check or money order to:
Nashville Musicians Flood Relief Fund
AFM Local 257,
11 Music Circle N.
Nashville TN 37203.
"TEAK" ZUM STAGE-ONE Steel / C6th Lapsteel
Peavey NV112 , CLASSIC and EFX112 amps
Peavey Guitars
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