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Author Topic:  Kris Kennedy Changing Fan Fair Into Big Flea Market
Dave A. Burley


Franklin, In. USA
Post  Posted 22 May 2010 10:24 pm    
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The steel content in this post is that I used to feature several steel guitar players in my IFCA booth at the Fan Fair, now the Music Festival.
Here is a list of a few of the exhibitors that Kris Kennedy has signed up that have taken up enough space in the Convention Center during the Music Festival which leaves no room for our Classic Country/Bluegrass Booth to exhibit for the 11th consecutive year.
Chevrolet: 14 spaces
Dish Network: 7 spaces
Microsoft: 6 spaces
Roughstock(clothes and etc.) 2 spaces
Sprint/Nextel: 2 spaces
Greased Lightning (cleaning products) 14 spaces
The Air Force: 15 spaces
Barnes & Noble Books: 2 spaces
Carhart Clothes: 2 spaces
We only wanted two spaces this year.
Is Kris doing a good job of destroying and murdering classic country music at the old Fan Fair?
Looks like it to me.
Dave A. Burley
Jimmy Bryant/Buddy Emmons CD Live At Rogers Musicland
It's The First Time CD (nine Hall Of Fame PSG'ers)
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Dave A. Burley


Franklin, In. USA
Post  Posted 23 May 2010 9:54 pm     Kris Kennedy At CMA
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An interesting note to this discussion. One year since Kris Kennedy had taken over the exhibitors at the Convention Center, a dog food company, with that white spotted dog, was right across from us. There were more people lined up to get their picture with the dog than there were to get their picture with some of the pop country stars. They also had the 'Days Of Our Lives' actors and actresses there giving autographs. Do any of you remember when the Fan Fair was out at the Fairgrounds before Kris Kennedy took over? Kitty Wells and Johnny Wright, Charlie Louvin and dozens of other classic country artists. Now some at the CMA don't even remember who Kitty Wells is.
Dave Burley
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Alan Tanner

Near Dayton, Ohio
Post  Posted 24 May 2010 2:17 am    
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It just goes on and on. I think a lot of us were born too late. When I was a really young feller and my dad let me play rhythm guitar with his band, I thought it would never end. All through my growin' up years....same thing. I guess I ALWAYS thought the music I loved would be around. These days when I hear of one of my favorite artists passing, or how old some of them have become, I can't believe how fast the time has slipped away. The crowds I play for are the same way. All older folks too. My wife reminds me to check the mirror and my hairline if I think things have not changed. On the other hand, I never thought that our society would change into what it is now either. Heck, back then, I'm sure the way I was rollin', I never expected to live this long either, but youth makes you think you are bullet proof. I guess ya just gotta roll with it and enjoy what you can. I believe that with the passing of another generation or two, all the country music we love and cherish, will really be dusty history. Change is not always progress, but progress is ALWAYS change.....or sumthin' like that. Good luck.
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Harry Dove


Michigan, USA
Post  Posted 24 May 2010 7:08 pm    
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It seems that no matter how good something starts out, these days it turns into just being all about making fast money. I'm sure they make money a lot faster catering to the cell phone business, etc. than they do in nurturing appreciation of music. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with making money, we all have to. But some things are worth more than just the money. Maybe I'm showing my age now.
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Larry Bressington


Post  Posted 24 May 2010 7:24 pm    
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A.K.A Chappy.
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Clyde Mattocks


Kinston, North Carolina, USA
Post  Posted 24 May 2010 8:49 pm    
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This brings to mind a similar situation. I used to attend a Thanksgiving bluegrass festival in the old convention center in Myrtle Beach. Had some great times jamming upstairs. That was the reason a lot of pickers went and paid their 60.00 or 70.00 to get in. Then they started selling vendor space in the area heretofore reserved for jamming. Then the vendors got irritated and insulting to the pickers they were sharing the upstairs with. I don't go anymore.
LeGrande II, Nash. 112, Fender Twin Tone Master, Session 400, Harlow Dobro, R.Q.Jones Dobro
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