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Author Topic:  The History of Rickenbacker Guitars on Google Books
Steve Ahola

Concord, California
Post  Posted 21 May 2010 10:55 pm    
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I just ran across this trying to find the exact years of David Lindley's two favorite Ricky B6's (you can see them on Page 35 and 36).

The one of the right looks like a 1935-37 single control steel with a tone control added in line with the pickup. The one on the left has the unusual pickup adjustment knobs that were apparently used on post war models; it also looks like the thinner 1 1/4" horseshoe pickup. I welcome any correction if my guesses are wrong!

FWIW I tried stuffing my 1937 Ricky Silver Hawaiian with the red rags you find in an auto shop. I was going to use white terry cloth rags but I decided that they were not dense enough. My game plan was to increase the density and weight of the hollow Silver Hawaiian to make it more like the bakelite models. I think it worked out really well but I keep smelling gasoline whenever I play it. Whoa!

Steve Ahola

P.S. You can order the full 256 page book from Amazon for about $25.25 (plus s/h). The listing on Amazon allows you to look at some of the pages not included on Google Books (like 2 pages of notes in the appendix and the drawings from the 1937 patent). BTW what is great about the Google Book "edition" is that it includes all of the pages they figured that no one in their right mind would be interested in, featuring the lap steels made before 1950. Damn that is right up our alley! Evil Twisted

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