Emmons guitar co.

About Steel Guitarists and their Music

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Buddy Castleberry
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Post by Buddy Castleberry »

thanks for the replys i only meant well
and just wanted to put a little postive side
for the emmons co. i guess i just didnt do it right
so i apologise for that
and agin wish to close this
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Erv Niehaus
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Post by Erv Niehaus »

You have nothing to apologize for. :D
Brian Henry
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Post by Brian Henry »


I think can locate a used pedal board in a one of my storerooms. It will need to be polished but if I can locate it I will send it free to you by fedex - I am totally embarrassed over the shameful way you have been treated.
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Erv Niehaus
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Post by Erv Niehaus »

Why should you be embarrassed?
What is your association with Emmons?
Jim Phelps
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Post by Jim Phelps »

Erv Niehaus wrote:Why should you be embarrassed?
What is your association with Emmons?
Why should he have to answer to you?

What is YOUR association with Emmons? :roll:
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Paolo Ercoli
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Post by Paolo Ercoli »

Henry, thanks,
I answer you with the same post I put on the other side :

we really appreciate it, but don't worry, Ivano doesn't want you all to collect money for the pedalboard, he still have 200 dollars left for it, after spending more than 5000 .
He is only angry by the way this matter has been managed. He will buy a new one, maybe the only thing he can ask you all is to suggest where to buy it, but maybe Kevin Hatton has already the answer. Anyway THANKS A LOT for your offer, but Ivano cannot accept it. He will buy a new one with his money.

We are no begging for money or to be sanctified.
take it easy now.
we will work it out.
Don McClellan
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Post by Don McClellan »

Buddy, I agree. You have nothing to apologize for. Nobody wants to see the Emmons Guitar Co. go down. What we want to see is Mr. Lashley make an honest effort to save it. I'm sure all the other steel guitar manufacturers are watching closely with their jaws hanging open in disbelief at how poorly the Emmons Co. is handling this mess. They've had opportunity after opportunity to resolve this and hang on to their business but time and again their stubbornness and arrogance has shot them in the foot. Yes, it would be nice to hear their side of the story so why don't they tell it?
It was suggessted earlier that maybe they feel that just because they own the name "Emmons", the nearly sacred name of our most beloved hero, that they can afford to be this arogant and get away with it. I think that must be part of it at least. I'm sure if Bill Rudolf of the Williams Guitar Co. had a problem of any nature with a customer he would instantly bend over backwards to do whatever it took to resolve it with only the customer's satisfaction in mind.
It looks to me like Mr. Lashley has dug a hole big enough for himself and Erv too.
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Erv Niehaus
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Post by Erv Niehaus »

Might I ask you the same question??? :whoa:

What's this "Erv too" business.
I love my Emmons and have nothing but kind regards for the Lashleys.
I guess tolerance is ok as long as you agree with me, is that your attitude?
Jim Phelps
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Post by Jim Phelps »

Erv Niehaus wrote:Jim,
Might I ask you the same question??? :whoa:
Yes you might because that's the kind of person you are.

Erv Niehaus wrote:I love my Emmons and have nothing but kind regards for the Lashleys.
After everything that's come out and you can still say that, it must be nice on whatever planet you live on. :roll:
Don McClellan
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Post by Don McClellan »

The "Erv too" business was just a subtle reference to your very mean spirited comment about sainthood for the Italians. If there was such a thing as sainthood I believe our Italian friends would be on that list if politeness was the prerequesite. Don
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Erv Niehaus
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Post by Erv Niehaus »

It is very apparent that you really don't know what kind of person I am.
I am the kind of person who is not into character assassination.
I hate to see good people maligned, especially on a public forum such as this.

Are you suggesting that I put them back on the list for sainthood? I'm confused. :whoa:
Last edited by Erv Niehaus on 20 May 2010 9:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
Jim Phelps
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Post by Jim Phelps »

Erv Niehaus wrote:Jim,
It is very apparent that you really don't know what kind of person I am.
I am the kind of person who is not into character assassination.
I hate to see good people maligned, especially on a public forum such as this.
Yes, sure, your snarky comments particularly regarding the Italians is enough proof of that. :roll:
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Erv Niehaus
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Post by Erv Niehaus »

Please define "snarky".
I couldn't find it in my dictionary. :D
Jim Phelps
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Post by Jim Phelps »

You just keep giving more great examples, Erv.


merriam webster thesaurus

Main Entry: snarky
Pronunciation: \ˈsnär-kē\
Function: adjective
Etymology: dial. snark to annoy, perhaps alteration of nark to irritate
Date: 1906

1 : crotchety, snappish
2 : sarcastic, impertinent, or irreverent in tone or manner <snarky>

— snark·i·ly \-kə-lē\ adverb

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Erv Niehaus
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Post by Erv Niehaus »

Thanks so very much for increasing my vocabulary.
I will have to remember that word when I want to insult somebody. :roll:
Jim Phelps
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Post by Jim Phelps »

Erv Niehaus wrote:Jim,
Please define "snarky".
I couldn't find it in my dictionary. :D
You asked. And you know you asked only because you thought it would not be in the dictionary.

...and you already seem to have no problem insulting people.
Last edited by Jim Phelps on 20 May 2010 9:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Erv Niehaus
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Post by Erv Niehaus »

I love you too. :D
Jim Phelps
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Post by Jim Phelps »

Well at least you made me laugh with that one. :lol:
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Erv Niehaus
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Post by Erv Niehaus »

Laughter is good medicine! :D
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chris ivey
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Post by chris ivey »

:mrgreen: :!: :!: :?: :?: :!: :mrgreen:

boys, boys...can't we please get back to bashing the company??

:whoa: :lol: :P :whoa: :lol: :roll: :whoa: :lol: :roll: :!: :!: :!: :arrow: :idea:
Jim Phelps
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Post by Jim Phelps »

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Erv Niehaus
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Post by Erv Niehaus »

You're a hoot!!! :lol:
Nothing snarky about you.
Right, Jim? :D
Jim Phelps
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Post by Jim Phelps »

Snarky definition number 2, it's not necessarily bad. :)
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Ward Skinner
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Post by Ward Skinner »

Erv Niehaus wrote: I am the kind of person who is not into character assassination.
I hate to see good people maligned, especially on a public forum such as this.
Guitars aside, I would rather deal with Bill Rudolph than Ann Fabian.
I like to do business with people I like.

I only dealt with Carter one time and because of Ann Fabian, I won't be doing any more business with them again.
Take it for what it's worth!

I bought an Emmons p/p from Carter a couple of years ago. It was not a good experience. I was treated very rudely. I paid for some changes to the copedent that they said they would do and when I got the guitar, nothing had been done to it. It seemed like their main concern was GETTING THE $$$$$! I sent them an e-mail and never did get an answer.
Ransom Beers
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Post by Ransom Beers »

Seems I've heard the same remarks from "The Master" about "The Fabians".