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Author Topic:  Brad Bechtel and The Faux Hawaiians
Lloyd Elliott

Berkeley, California
Post  Posted 17 May 2010 11:53 am    
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I had the pleasure of hearing Brad Bechtel play his NRP square neck tricone with the Faux Hawaiians yesterday. The cold and foggy outside venue at the Forbidden Island in Alameda did nothing to cool down his warm silky sounds or his hot jazzy riffs.

Brad took the solos on all their numbers including a very tasty Kahala March and a nice (minor key?) intro to Sophie Tucker’s Makin’ Wicky-Wacky in Waikiki. This was one number I didn’t recognize so when I got home I took a listen to Tucker’s version. She does not have a Hawaiian guitar on her recording—I wonder if the solo is Brad’s invention.

Sophie Tucker was not a good Hawaiian vocalist, so after listening to her I needed an antidote. I pulled out my recordings of Annette Hanshaw with Frank Fererra playing Hawaiian guitar. Great recordings. If Brad could find a singer like her, the Faux Hawiians could really put on a great show.

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Brad Bechtel

San Francisco, CA
Post  Posted 18 May 2010 7:06 am    
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Thanks, Lloyd. That gig was a lot of fun, even though it was in the parking lot behind the bar. The Wiggling Wahinis did a very nice set of hula between our sets. I'm not into the whole tiki culture as much as some, but it's always fun to experience a bit of faux Hawaii with the Faux Hawaiians.

Our version of "Making Wicky Wacky" is bastardized from the Moonlighters and Mike Neer's playing. He posted a live version a while back and we used it as a template.

I agree, we need another singer.

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