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Author Topic:  Bugs Henderson
Jack Francis


Queen Creek, Arizona, USA
Post  Posted 15 Jun 2005 11:04 pm    
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Tonite I saw a "HERO" of mine Bugs Henderson at a small venue here in Phoenix, (The Rhthym Room)

What a treat! He had a guy named Kelly Kirby on lap steel and slide guitar that "Blew" me away.

He is rebuilding an old Sierra and says that he is gonna try and pick Maurice Anderson's brain when he gets back to Dallas.

I would love to hear him on steel after he's played for a year or so...What a talent the man has.

Sure was a shame that there were only a few people there...

"The BEST show that I have ever seen!"
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Reece Anderson


Keller Texas USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 16 Jun 2005 6:57 am    
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Jack....Kirby Kelly is a very dear friend who is VERY unassuming and humble. Please take my word for it, that guy is a barn burner who makes me drop my jaw every time I hear him play a non-pedal steel, his guitar, or sing. He's the king of Delta Blues in my opinion.

He is getting his new SuperSlide this coming week, and he told me his intentions were to olso get a few pedals on his old Sierra and have a go at pedals as well.

I'm sure what you just saw was great, but as far a Krby is concerned, you only saw the tip of the iceberg.
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Jack Francis


Queen Creek, Arizona, USA
Post  Posted 16 Jun 2005 9:40 am    
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I did notice the man posses great humility
as evidenced that when he mentioned your name and that he wanted to get with you he never mentioned that he knew you.

It is one thing to know the is quite another to play with the passion that he has.

I hope to hear him someday after he masters the pedal steel, and I have no doubt that he will.

Can't wait to see and hear the rest of the iceberg...Now I wish Bugs would have asked him to sing....Thanx

[This message was edited by Jack Francis on 16 June 2005 at 10:42 AM.]

[This message was edited by Jack Francis on 16 June 2005 at 10:44 AM.]

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