My Last Steel Shows

Upcoming steel guitar shows, concerts, jam sessions, club dates, etc.

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Tiny Olson
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Post by Tiny Olson »


Although I haven't seen you in quite a few years I can honestly say that listening to you back in the Longhorn Ballroom days when I was through there was always an extreme pleasure. And visiting with you was equally fun.

I echo what Jeff Agnew said; you're a man of great talent and integrity sir. However, I surely understand that you must follow your heart.

God bless you my friend.

Chris "Tiny" Olson
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Junior, I have admired you and your playing for more years than you probably want me to talk about. I understand how some of the spark can die. I have lost some close friends I grew up playing with and for a while, music was not the same. I heard your announcement in March that you were gonna allow other newer players to play. I hope you will still visit the shows even if you do not play. You have always been one of the players I tried not to miss. God Bless my friend.

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Howard Tate
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Post by Howard Tate »

Like everyone else, I'm a fan. If you feel this is the way you must go, I'm just fortunate that I was at the show in Dallas and got to see and hear you live. Your steel playing was great as expected, I did not realize what a great guitar player you are. Jazz, country, you played it all beautifully. I'm thankful that I was there for it. And I'm thankful that we can still hear you on Steel Radio.

Howard, 'Les Paul Recording, Zum S12U, Vegas 400, Boss ME-5, Boss DM-3

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Ron Turner
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Post by Ron Turner »

I hate to hear this as I just got to know you at the Mesa show when I bought your MSA guitar from you. You are my hero and one of the finest players around. Thanks for autographing my steel and please stop by our booth in St. Louis.
Buddie Hrabal
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Post by Buddie Hrabal »

H.D....You know the road has been long and hard since the days of "Twin Oaks" out on 114, I have always admired your playing but most of all I'm glad we are friends. Gonna miss you at the shows but I'm sure our paths will cross. Good luck and May God bless you in whatever you decide to do.
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Earl Hensley
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Post by Earl Hensley »


ACTS 16:31
Reece Anderson
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Post by Reece Anderson »

Junior....If you're happy, I'm happy for you. You and Saran deserve the best, and I cheerish the friendship of both of you.
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David Wright
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Post by David Wright »

JR, Sorry to hear this...You'll be missed.....(((
Larry Self
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Post by Larry Self »

Hello Jr. it saddens me also.I think Buck said it best.sometimes you need to get off the train, and just smell the flowers. I wish you the very best, and like all the rest look forward to your return. your friend
Larry Self
Wayne Morgan
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Post by Wayne Morgan »

Hi Junior, It was always nice to see and hear your very fine steeling, I will not make it to the next two shows you are attending. Its very sad to think you are not gonna be down the road sometime at another steel show, I will not only miss the great playing,, but a nice smile and warm personality.
Good luck in your journey through life, we all love you
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Mike Hoover
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Post by Mike Hoover »

Although I have only heard you in person once (Ronnie's) I enjoyed and was impressed with your talent, style and humor both on steel and guitar. Listen to what Buck had to say.

Best regards

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Curt Shoemaker
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Post by Curt Shoemaker »

NONSENSE JUNIOR, You are going to play some more shows if I have to come all the way to Texas to get you!! It's players like you that set the goal for players like me and hundreds of others who try to reach your level. Hang in there ol' Boy!!! Still your Friend, Curt
Chuck Cusimano
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Post by Chuck Cusimano »

Junior, I Just want to say that in 1973, You were working at the Long Horn Ballroom, in Dallas, and you were nice to a Kid fresh off the Ranch. At that time, it was hard to get a REAL musician to speak to an unknown singer, guitar player, songwriter, and I was brand new. You were shooting pool with some of the other bandmembers, or friends, and I introduced my self to you. It was like meeting an old friend. You took time to visit with me, and even arranged to have me sit in, and sing a couple songs. I don't know if you remember it, but I will never forget it! I would run into you ever once in a while after that, and you always seemed to remember me. Then in 1980, You played steel on a session at Pantigo that I recorded some origional songs. The kick off to "When She Does Me Right" should go down as the ultimate kickoff to a shuffle song! Your playing is a perfect match for your personality....Simply Impecable! Your Guitar playing is superb, your Steel playing un surpassed, and you are a truely great human being. I think of our first meeting often, and feel very fortunate to have met you. I wish you the best in all that you desire. If you feel you need a break, by golly, you are the only one that can make it happen. Unfortunatly, I don't get to attend many Steel shows, but I know if I could sit and listen to you play one song or a hunderd in a row, I would be right there. Best wishes to you my friend. Keep in touch.
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Robby Springfield
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Post by Robby Springfield »

You are such a great player and one of my favorites for sure. May God bless you with happiness at every turn.

Rob Parker
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Post by Rob Parker »

It is with much sadness that I receive this news..You are truly one of the 'elite'..Both as a player, and a person..You have a great gift, and I thank you for many ,many hours of musical pleasure...and good old fashioned 'visiting'.
I know you have to 'scratch' your own itch, as others don't know the spot to scratch, but I hope you find your peace, and serenity, and are able to return to entertaining your many friends and fans with your musical expertise...
In Dallas, a few years ago, you gave to me one of my biggest compliments..And I shall never forget it...(I'll talk to you in Tulsa about it...)
You are one of my heros my dear friend..
Peace and love to you and Saran, and your family..

RP..'come on in'<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by ROB PARKER on 22 May 2005 at 05:28 PM.]</p></FONT>
Jeff Coffell
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Post by Jeff Coffell »

Ya gotta do what Ya gotta do.

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Billy McCoy
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Post by Billy McCoy »


Brother, you will be missed greatly. I love and appreciate you and what you have accomplished in your Great career. I must tell you that you have been a great influence on me and my decision to play Pedal Steel. You and Reece (J. Cox & Carp) have helped me tremendously.

Please re-think your stance on not playing the shows again. You help so many NEW players and influence them in a way you just cannot understand at the moment.

My prayers are with you my brother.


MSA Millennium D10, Walker Stereo Steel, Stone Tree Custom Tele, LINE 6 Vetta II and POD XT PRO

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I just think how lucky we was to have you for the last 25 yrs,' Thanks JR for a real good time' an if you change your mind that will be good, but we will always have you an Gary in our hearts for nothing can remove the feeling we had when you an Gary played your steels. Jerry
Chris Brooks
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Post by Chris Brooks »

Junior, perhaps you just need to take a break from it for a while. I know how that is.

Like Chuck, I'll take this opportunity to thank you for something you did for me.

In 1984 I was at a low point in my life, and going from gig to gig . . . started out in Tucson, went to Sante Fe, then Dallas, then Hartford, and finally to Nashville. But that's another story.

I stayed a few weeks in Dallas with friends. While I was trying to get something going in Dallas, I met 2 great steelers: Gary Hogue and you.

Gary was playing an afternoon dance hall set. He graciously allowed me to sit in on my MSA. I recall that I played "Got No Reason" for the first time that afternoon. I think Gary fed me the changes to get me started.

A week later--I forget how I had met you--but I went out to the Longhorn in the afternoon. (Perhaps you remember my black '52 Imperial parked outside the club on that cold day). I set my steel up on your riser and you played lead guitar. It was fun and slightly scary for me, with such an accomplished steel man looking over my shoulder! But I persevered, you were enjoying playing lead, we played some tunes, and I had a great time.

A week later, I went on my way. But thanks 20 years later for being the kind of person your were, and are.


now living in the Ocean State ....

Mike Richardson
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Post by Mike Richardson »

I shows just want be the same without you Jr.I have a special place in my heart for you and the song you played for my wife at the Chattanooga Show in 2003.It was the last show she got to attend and you made it a very special one.

God bless you and my the days ahead be your brightest.

Mike Richardson
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David L. Donald
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Post by David L. Donald »

Junior I met you at ISGC, and enjoyed you playing.

You got a big hat... but LOTS a cattle

I suspecy your ship has hit the doldrums,
and the wind is temporarily not filling the ole sails.

But I ain't gonna bet against you catching
another breeze in the forseeable future,
getting back in the saddle and Riding On.

( MixMastered Metaphors Inc. Image )

You're too good not to get the ole itch big time again.
Good luck! Image
Ray Uhl
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Post by Ray Uhl »

Junior, God blessed you with a tremendous talent. Pray about it and let Him guide you. I realize that when it's been your livelyhood, it's different than us weekend warriors. It does make a difference when you've been close to someone...I know. Think what Gary would have wanted you to do....I'm sure he would say, "Keep going". Either way, that Carter of yours I bought will always carry a special sentiment. See you in Tulsa.
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