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Author Topic:  Dallas: Telonics Pedal Service/Updates–and TSGA Amp Seminar
Dave Beaty

Mesa, Arizona, USA
Post  Posted 7 Mar 2010 7:38 pm    
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Telonics will provide a factory service technician for all FP and MVP series pedals at the TSGA Dallas convention and show. The technician will be on hand to relocate axle positions, recalibrate pedals, update firmware and provide any required service. There is no charge for this service and it will NOT change any custom minimum on settings or custom tapers. Contact us at either the Telonics/LeMay table in the vendor hall, or at our amplifier demonstration display room - upstairs at the end of the mezzanine hall.
We regret that John LeMay will not be able to be with us this year due to health issues; however we are looking forward to having Jim Evans and Ken Fox with us as we host a special seminar on amplifier considerations and tone setup. This will be but one of the special TSGA seminars lined up specifically to address issues unique to the pedal steel guitar.
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Bob Lawrence

Beaver Bank, Nova Scotia, Canada
Post  Posted 9 Mar 2010 6:21 pm    
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Hi Dave,

My pedal is working great!. As a matter of fact Perfect!! No service required. Except for upgrades your factory tech must be really bored. Laughing

I've been using it for some recording at home the past few months and to sum it up all I can say is Wow!!


PS: I wish John LeMay a speedy recovery.
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Dave Beaty

Mesa, Arizona, USA
Post  Posted 10 Mar 2010 6:49 am     Pedal Service
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Hi Bob,
You're actually right, service on these pedals is a boring concept so we've been working hard on software to let everyone do the upgrades and such at home.
We have "completed" it several times, but haven't released it because our engineers keep making it easier to use and adding capabilites. Tim (our lead software engineer on the FP-100/MVP pedal project) just told me that he should be ready to give it a solid thumbs up in 3-4 weeks, at which time we'll post it on the Forum and provide a link to our website.

Wish you were going to Dallas, we'll try to soak it all in and steal some hot licks to share. Stacy is due to pick me up to leave for the airport (to Dallas) in 15 minutes, so "gotta run".
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