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Author Topic:  More powerful wireless router ?
Bill Myrick


Pea Ridge, Ar. (deceased)
Post  Posted 5 Mar 2010 5:57 am    
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We have a situation where my back yard lot office is maybe 100' from out home in the front lot and my office/display building has metal siding.
I have a network system in my office with a 4 year old Wireless-G Broadband router.
We have tried the signal with a laptop and it will reach the outside of our house but not inside where the computer is.
Some have suggested I place my router in my office window and others have said a more powerful new router might be the answer.
Any comments appreciated . Thanks. Bill.
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Roger Kelly


Post  Posted 5 Mar 2010 7:06 am    
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Here is one way to extend the range of your wireless router.....
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Greg Cutshaw

Corry, PA, USA
Post  Posted 5 Mar 2010 7:16 am    
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I have installed a bunch of these (see link below) Belkin routers over the past year with great results. My local Wal-Mart sells them for about $80 and I've bought them there and at Amazon with good results. Cnet rated the range of this router at 400', about 100' farther than other top models.

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Wiz Feinberg

Mid-Michigan, USA
Post  Posted 5 Mar 2010 7:29 am    
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You can add a wireless access point at the remote building, placing it in a window, or under the roof, over the door, etc, and aim it at your router in the office. Try to get one with replaceable antennas and buy a pair of extended range antennas with the access point. Send an Ethernet cable down to the computer in the out-building, or connect wirelessly inside the building, via the access point.

You should see about buying a pair of range extender antennas for the wireless router also, and place it in a window that sees the access point. Align the antennas vertically and tilt the router so both antennas face the target.

I added a pair to my Linksys WRT54G router and can connect up to about 100 feet away from the router, right through the aluminum siding and windows on my 1980 house trailer. Without the long antennas I wouldn't get a signal outside at all.

You can get everything you need from Tiger Direct.

Note: if you have setup security on the router you must configure the access point to logon to the router. You'll need to match the IP range, SSID, connection password, channel number and type of encryption used.
"Wiz" Feinberg, Moderator SGF Computers Forum
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