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Author Topic:  Brad Sarno - Help!! with Lexicon PCM 80 into Rev
Jeff Ferrasci


California, USA
Post  Posted 3 Mar 2010 1:28 pm    
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This is probably a question for Brad Sarno; however, just purchased a PCM 80 and when I hook up unit to the Rev, I used a y-cord into the input of the PCM hoping that would magically split the signal inside and come out the outputs into stereo as my old effects. Not great results. My old effects unit had an input for mono (or right and left, whichever was the application) then went out left and right with no problems in the stereo effect or with any of the patches. Something is telling me I am not patched into the Rev and PCM 80 properly. Also, trying to program this unit is WAY over my head and I am considering going to something more user friendly ala T.C. 300 or such. I know Lexicon reverb is to die for and the PCM series is top-notch, but it needs to be friendly. If anyone has experience with this combo or has worked with the PCM as far as programming, your advice is desparately needed. Thanks Jeff
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Brad Sarno

St. Louis, MO USA
Post  Posted 3 Mar 2010 4:50 pm    
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most likely you just need one mono cord to the input of the Lexicon. It should automatically split it to both channels. The trick is to make absolutely sure that your wet/dry mix is 100% reverb and NO dry signal. Then the L and R outputs of the Lexicon should return to the Rev's FX return jacks. You should have nice stereo reverb.

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