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Author Topic:  Pickup Question on a Sho-Bud
Todd Brown

W. Columbia , South Carolina
Post  Posted 20 Feb 2010 10:33 am    
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I've got a ProII with the original single coils

My question is , when I switch from E9 to the C6 neck ,there is a very big change in volume .
The pickup on the C6 neck is much louder than on the E9 . The E9 pickup seems like its not putting out like it should. Both pickups are adjusted at about the same height from the strings. Could it be that that E9 pickup needs to be rewound?
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Eric West

Portland, Oregon, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 20 Feb 2010 5:17 pm    
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Well one or the other...

Just because the C6 is louder doesn't mean it's better.

I know, and you should too that ohms don't tell the whole story.

I'm not sure if you're the only owner when you say "original".

Of course if it's happened slowly and all on you watch, its probably broken down somehow.. Far as I know JW Pickups is the best place I've found. He did mine, and took one back at his expense when I didn't like one. I had to insist to pay shipping!

I've found that there was a period from the 60s through the 80s where pickups were wound really fat. On SBs they measured with the wire used etc upwards of 23k. Too "fat". I guess to try and make up for amps they wished were louder. I dunno.

I had both my Marrs Retrofitted SB Professional pickups rewound to 16k. I couldn't be happier. My Podxt doesn;t show "clipping" in the dialog box like it does with other heavier wound guitars I've played through it.

This is, now, considering that your E9 pickup doesn't have some internal length shortening shorts in it or some other problem.

By all means try a couple different pickups. Some like heavily wound pickups for the "fat sound". Some like bar magnets and humbuckers. Some like the bigger "Emmons type" magnets.

I like the thinner ones with stick SB size magnets for the clarity. I can always boost the lows.

You can also check for "microlitics".

Try tapping on the guitar body or the pickup with the volume way up. Is the same pickup louder? Can you hear the tapping really loud? On ones I've had that were "microlitic", you could actually pick up your voice loud and close to the pickup when they went that way. Also, though it usually taks 50 years I think, magnets can fade.

Lots of variables, for sure.


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Jason Hull


Post  Posted 21 Feb 2010 3:07 am    
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Microlitic? I think you mean microphonic.
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John Billings

Ohio, USA
Post  Posted 21 Feb 2010 7:03 am    
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From online dictionary;
"mi·cro·lit·ic   [mahy-kruh-lit-ik] Show IPA
of or pertaining to the texture of a porphyry whose groundmass consists of microlites in a glassy matrix."

I know! I know! But when I see a new word, I just have to look it up. And my spellcheck didn't underline it in red, so I knew it had to be a real word. Just curiosity. Now,,,, to just figure out a way to work it in to my everyday vocabulary!
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Eric West

Portland, Oregon, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 21 Feb 2010 9:38 am    
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I'd always thout it was "litic" I dunno. The do become "microphonic" like I said you can shout into them and have it come out your amp..

Learn something new..

Anyhow, something else to check on that old Bud is if somebody taped a lead off on an old coil tap.

Still not knowing if it's a one owner thing..


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John Billings

Ohio, USA
Post  Posted 21 Feb 2010 9:56 am    
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When I got my '74 S-10, it was the most basic model. 3 pedals, 1 knee, no coil tap switches. Before I sent it out to Ricky, I expressed my disappointment that they weren't tapped pups. He told me to look and see how many wires there were. Sure enough! There was a taped off lead.
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