My First Session on PSG!

About Steel Guitarists and their Music

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Marke Burgstahler
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My First Session on PSG!

Post by Marke Burgstahler »

Well, I got a call from a good friend on Friday saying he had a session for me on steel.

Imagine my excitement, tempered by the fact that I am a real newbie on steel. Playing six string (and a lot of bottleneck) for a pretty long time helps, but as all of you know this instrument is a brave new world when you're first starting.

Well, the producer loved what I did, and I was in and out of there in a little over an hour. He also said I was going to be his first call for steel in the future! Again, old hat for some of y'all, but boy was I flattered.

The session was for a gal who evidently made it as far as Hollywood several years ago on Idol, and she is a darn fine singer. We did a great version of "Take My Breath Away", by Berlin.

Anyway, if it sounds like I'm braggin a little, maybe I am. I'm just so excited. Thanks to everyone around here - you guys and gals continue to be an inspiration to me and help me believe that maybe I CAN play this contraption!

Thanks for lettin me toot my horn.
"It Don't Mean A Thing If It Aint' Got That Swing"
Shane Glover
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Post by Shane Glover »

Hey Marke

That is great !! I ain't confident enough to go in the studio.
But it won't be long !!

Buncha CRAP !! But someday Ima get me some good gear !!
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