Good point., I don't want to save the whole world, just want to save enough to go to 5 Guys and get a burger .James Morehead wrote:This is a classic time to go into "I can't save the whole darned world" mode.
Moderator: Shoshanah Marohn
Good point., I don't want to save the whole world, just want to save enough to go to 5 Guys and get a burger .James Morehead wrote:This is a classic time to go into "I can't save the whole darned world" mode.
Jack Francis wrote:Jerry...quit lookin' for steel players...most of 'em I know are pretty ugly anyway...LOOK AT THE PRETTY GIRLS!! That's why they're there!!!
If those guys wanna talk to you they will...Your wife is right!!
I'm Joe I've been playing steel for over 50 yesrs,What was that you where going to say about my playing? Ok,You should have heard my playing 40 years ago.Gordon Hartin wrote:Hi Mike,
I think it's best to introduce yourself like..."Hey I'm Mike, I'm a steel player also, I started playing 28 years ago. It's a great instrument to learn."
And then see if he asks for any feedback.
That's an easy one. It was Pete Grant, but it was a totally different situation. I was taking lessons from him. Pete was a great teacher, and I was, and still am, grateful for all his sage advise. I am a better player today because of it.Joe Miraglia wrote:Mike When was the last time someone gave you some constructive critcism?Was it done in a proper way,what did you think of the person pointing it out to you? Joe
Kool Rick...Rick Campbell wrote:I've had people walk up to me on break and ask: "Are you the one that was playing the fiddle up there?" I smiled and said "yes" expecting a compliment. Then they said: "Do you know where the drummer went to?"