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Jerry Roller

Van Buren, Arkansas USA
Post  Posted 9 Oct 2004 9:19 am    
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Tonight, our show will be celebrating it's 15th anniversary. Our guests will include Dan Wiethop who is the founder of the show as well as our first flat top cross pickin' lead guitarist Francis Harderson who was the bluegrass flat top champion several times. Also, many of our performers from the early years will be back. Austin Stewart, my little 10 year old steel player buddy will play two songs to start the second half of the show. He is already a very good player and is sure to become a great one. I have played steel guitar and dobro on the show for 13 years and Carlene sings on the show. Some notables from our show before they went on to the bigtime are Jenee Keener and Joe Nichols. The Little O' Opry band was voted the #1 country band in NW Arkansas for the year 2000 and the same players are still there except the keyboard player. The show is in downtown West Fork, Arkansas about 8 miles South of Fayetteville on I-540. It is a non-rehearsed but a very high quality show. It is often a sellout crowd but if you are in the area come on and be with us. We are going to have a huge time.

[This message was edited by Jerry Roller on 09 October 2004 at 10:21 AM.]

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Fred Justice

Mesa, Arizona
Post  Posted 9 Oct 2004 1:37 pm    
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This is a wonderful success story,I love to hear of things like this,it must be truly rewarding for you.
I have been trying to find the right way to get our own little opry started in these parts but I hav'nt figured it out just yet.
Anyway,go getem Jerry.

Fred Justice
Events Dir.

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Broken Arrow, OK
Post  Posted 9 Oct 2004 7:57 pm    
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Congratulations, Jerry. The Little O' Opry is a fun show. The performers are top notch, even more so when you consider nothing is rehearsed prior to the show. Of course, it must be stated that having a player of Jerry's amazing ability does nothing to hurt the success of the show. I have heard Jerry on many occasions and I do not believe there are very many songs that he does not know the kick-off, fills, and turn-around to - regardless of the instrument upon which it was played. Oh, and then he plays his own tasteful licks as well.... It would be fitting to refer to him as Mike Auldridge's band mates refer to Mike, as 'Your Legendship.' Then on top of all of that Jerry is just a great guy to visit with and ask questions. The various performers are always extremely nice as well. A wide variety of entertainment. Good clean fun. What more could one ask?

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Jerry Roller

Van Buren, Arkansas USA
Post  Posted 9 Oct 2004 10:21 pm    
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Fred and Randy, thanks to both of you for your posts. We just got home from our show tonight. We had 31 acts and a record crowd. What a wonderful time we had. We had all the theater seats full and the isles filled with folding chairs, the exit doors open and folks standing even at the doors. One highlight was Austin Stewarts flawless performance. He is an amazing talent and the folks in attendance were blown away with this 10 year old's talent on the steel guitar. We had many performers what have moved away that came for this special occasion. In my opinion there is no more enjoyable playing job than a Opry type show with a jam packed crowd. I don't really intend to be a name dropper but I am very proud of the fact that every Saturday night we have 4 to 6 of Randy Beavers Uncles and Aunts in attendance. They are some of our most fateful supporters. Some of these days we are gonna get Randy to come play some twin steel with me.
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Jerry Lee Newberry


Prim, AR USA
Post  Posted 10 Oct 2004 5:33 am    
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Jerry, The Oprey Show was truly a GREAT SHOW last night. We had not been there for over a year due to Jerry playing elsewhere on Saturdy night's, but the show has only improved. We were so thankful for you letting Austin play even tho I know you had a FULL preformer list. I really thought the song you played last night ( that you wrote ) was very good. Hope to hear it again. One of Randy Beaver's uncle's came up to Austin last night and said how much Austin reminded him of Beaver's. He was suprised to know that we knew Randy. Randy had brought us some pictures at Dallas to show us how much Austin looked like him at that age. He really does. Once again thanks to Roller and all the people in the STEEL world for all the help they have given to Austin. He had a good time last night. Donna
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Duane McKay


Hartsville, Indiana, USA
Post  Posted 14 Oct 2004 6:37 am    
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Hello all!
Indiana has a 'Lil' Opry' also in 'Little Nashville'. (where the world's people seem to gather at this time of year for the anual 'Leaf Looking'.
It would be terrific to have a 'Steel Guitar doin's out there in Brown County at the Little Opry! The McKays'
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