David Hartley for the ISGHOF

About Steel Guitarists and their Music

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Jeff Evans
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Post by Jeff Evans »

The Steel Guitar Hall Of Fame
Induction Procedure

The Steel Guitar Convention Board meets annually at the scene of the International Steel Guitar Convention. Some weeks prior to that meeting, the nominations accumulated during the preceding year are circulated to Board members for their information. This allows each Board member the opportunity to research the background of all nominees under consideration. The Board then convenes, reviews the nominations, evaluates the comparative data presented, and assesses the breadth and depth of each nominee's contributions to the artistic performance, advancement and historical development of the instrument as the nominee's contributions apply. The Board ultimately comes to a decision regarding the appropriateness of the nominee(s) to be inducted at the following year's convention. Also considered are any acts or omissions by a nominee that would negatively reflect on the prestige of past and future inductees, or be contrary to the goals of the corporate charter.

Below is a form to use by any person who desires to nominate someone for induction to the Steel Guitar Hall of Fame. The form permits you to provide information concerning your nominee in a variety of areas related to the instrument's advancement, as well as issues and perspectives that the Board always considers when evaluating nominees. The form is not designed to be a barrier to nomination, but to assure that a nominee receives the fullest and fairest consideration. The nomination form needs to be as complete and thorough as possible. You can provide additional documents to accompany the nomination form, and you may wish to interview your nominee and/or other persons who have factual information about the nominee. Answers provided will greatly assist the Board in crediting the nominee with his/her body of work and arrive at a decision concerning induction. The Board always conducts their own investigation and inquiry of each person nominated.

Nominations must reach Chairman DeWitt Scott 30 days prior to the opening of the International Steel Guitar Convention in order to provide time for circulation and consideration of materials by the Board. August 1st of each year is the cut-off date for considering a nominee for the following year's induction. However, all nominations are welcomed at any time throughout the year.

The questions on the nomination form may be copied and answered by word-processing programs and then mailed to the address listed below. Electronic transmissions are not accepted because e-mails often arrive with garbled formatting requiring retyping or editing, and attachments commonly have conflicted formatting between sender and receiver.

Provide a statement in each area if possible. If there is uncertainty about any area of requested information, simply indicate "Unknown." Providing thoughtful and comprehensive information in the 7 listed areas, will greatly assist the Steel Guitar Convention Board in assessing your nominee's body of work, permitting the Board to reach an informed decision. Mail the completed form to:

The Steel Guitar Hall Of Fame, Inc.
9535 Midland Blvd
St. Louis, MO 63114-3314

The Steel Guitar Hall of Fame
Nominating Form

1. Name and list the notable artists and bands with whom the nominee has performed and recorded, as well as the duration.

2. Describe any touring history of the nominee, the length of that touring, and the names of touring bands or artists that he/she has performed with. If the nominee was primarily a club musician, list the names and locations of those clubs and the years spent in club performing.

3. Describe the influences the nominee may have had on other players, such as projecting an identifiable style of playing and innovative musical executions. Provide examples of his/her professional expertise, playing prowess, dramatic delivery, etc. and explain how these qualities influenced others to take up the instrument.

4. List the nominee's recordings as a side musician with vocal artists and his/her instrumental recordings. Assess those musical productions for their quality, innovation, and what influence such may have had on other steel guitar players. List any compositions that may have become classic recordings (tunes that other players feel compelled to learn and likewise perform).

5. Describe the nominee's efforts as an instructor, innovations in teaching methods and notable students who learned from the nominee and also pursued a professional music career. List all other instructional materials published by the nominee and any other writings that advanced the musical performance and/or contributed to the public knowledge of the steel guitar.

6. If the nominee has been involved in the manufacture of steel guitars, explain any mechanical innovations and craftsmanship examples that he/she brought to the guitar building industry and/or enhanced the performing capabilities of the instrument. How long was the nominee engaged in this activity?

7. List other activities the nominee has engaged in that advanced the instrument, expanded public knowledge and acceptance of the instrument, or aided in its proliferation. Examples of such activities might include promoting and/or conducting concerts, forming steel guitar clubs, organizing promotional events, producing, writing and publishing, etc. List the continuous years the nominee devoted to these various activities.

The Steel Guitar Convention Board

Al Brisco - Colborne, Canada
Bob Maickel - Floral Park, NY.
Bobby Caldwell - St. Louis, MO.
DeWitt Scott - St. Louis, MO.
Fred Layman - Springfield, MO.
Herb Steiner - Austin, TX.
Dr. Wayne Yakes - Denver, CO.

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Archie Nicol
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Post by Archie Nicol »

Well put, Barry.

I'm well behaved, so there!
Billy Murdoch
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Post by Billy Murdoch »

The wording of Your post was excellent.
I had been trying to compose along the same lines and it always ended up like I was having a go at David and as everyone knows the written word can so easily be misconstrued.
Having read the above post on "Nominations" I wonder if any British,or European steeler would ever qualify.
There are very few Uk Full time players,the ones who come to mind are Your goodself of course along with Gerry Hogan and Sarah and You should all qualify if it were on ability only.
The scene in UK is difficult which is why We amateurs play in British Legions and small clubs with the occasional job backing a (dare I say)older U.S. star for a couple of dates.I guess none of our numbers will ever be enrolled on the H.O.F.
I think the heading of this post has misguided us into thinking that David will actually be nominated when in fact it is meant as a compliment to his many excellent U tube clips.
I hope I have not stood on anyone's fingers and that all the U.K. players will continue to post their playing clips for us to enjoy.
Mark Dunn and Richard Burton have posted some inspirational stuff.
Best regards
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Ray Montee
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With all of David's talk..........................

Post by Ray Montee »

I surely hope David Hartley will remember to drive on 'our' WRONG SIDE of the ROAD if he's serious about driving from Chicago to St.Louis.
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Paul Frank Bloomfield
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Post by Paul Frank Bloomfield »

A few years ago Matt Dawson tried unsuccessfully to get Gordon Huntley inducted into the SGHOF as just
about all British pedal steelies were heavily
influenced by him so what chance has Dave got ?, it
will be interesting to see the outcome .
All the best and good luck to you Dave.
Frank. Corfu
" The problem with doing nothing is not knowing when you've finished "
ZBSD-10,ZB D-11/10, Franlin Tele,Epiphone customised Les Paul, 'Fender pro 185 amp.
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Nic du Toit
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Post by Nic du Toit »

Maybe YouTube should start their own 'Hal of fame'...... :|
Bill Baker
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Post by Bill Baker »

Dave-You are something else/something else is "GREAT". How about cherry pink & apple blossom time.
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James Martin (U.K.)
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Post by James Martin (U.K.) »

Lots of criteria to be considered here. Having the ability to bring hours of exquisite pleasure via Utube to the ears of so many isn't quite enough to cut it with the board and of course that is how it should be. If it was just a question of being the most popular, inventive, helpful, and creative steel player then David would surely be the winner..
Bill Moran
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Post by Bill Moran »

Ray, David will be right at home in Chicago. All those people in Chicago are on the wrong side of the road ! :? :oops:
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