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Author Topic:  New HSGA Tune - Moana Chimes II - Kay Das
Gerald Ross

Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Post  Posted 2 Jul 2009 5:42 am    
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Kay revisits this tune - he already has a recording of it on his website. This time with the help of a few friends.

A few weeks ago four HSGA members got together on an afternoon to record this most quintessential of Hawaiian steel guitar tunes, . so here are the " West Coast Hawaiians", Bernie Endaya ( bass), Roy Durand (ukulele), Joz Smith (rhythm guitar) and Kay Das (steel guitar). i attach the mixdown of the recording that afternoon, warts and all. by the way, all four are steel guitarists.

This has been my very favourite Hawaiian steel guitar tune. i had recorded the Tau Moe/Garney Nyss inspired version a few years ago. i would like to dedicate this new interpretation, played a little more up-tempo than usual, to Ron Kanahele who taught me many techniques for this version of the tune, and for which i am grateful. i hope i can do him some little justice.

Played on West Coast B11 and Steelocaster A6 tuning, Key of A.


Moana Chimes II - Kay Das
Gerald Ross
'Northwest Ann Arbor, Michigan's King Of The Hawaiian Steel Guitar'

A UkeTone Recording Artist

CEO, CIO, CFO - UkeTone Records
Gerald's Hawaiian Steel Guitar/Ukulele Website
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Scott Thomas


Post  Posted 2 Jul 2009 10:48 am    
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Kay, I compared your two versions of Moana Chimes back to back, and the difference is really remarkable! Even though Moana II sounds tentative in places (given that you are learning to incorporate new techniques) it sounds 100% more Hawaiian to me. Whatever Mr. Kanahele is giving out, I'll take some, please! Smile

In places, your chiming has that far away, ethereal quality that I associate with David Kelii's "Whispering Lullaby". Just beautiful. I hope you will keep exploring this new direction.
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Kay Das

Los Angeles CA
Post  Posted 3 Jul 2009 11:26 pm    
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Thank you, Scott. Your mention of David Kelii brought poignant memories.

Uncle Ronald packs a punch on steel guitar, and is a stylish left handed player; being left-handed also makes it easier to follow his instructions, its like looking into a mirror.

The two versions of Moana Chimes are quite different. One of my favorite versions is that by the great Herb Hanawahine. Greg Leisz plays another lovely version, in the Tau Moe/ Garney Nyss style, featured in the film "Punch Drunk Love".

The beauty of "Moana Chimes" is that it gives so much room for improvisation on steel and, for me, scope for improvement. There is a lot to do on this tune, reason why we extended the length to over 3 minutes. I did have a lot of fun with the chimes. I wish to acknowledge my accompanists: the frequency separation between the walking bass, the ukulele, the quiet rhythm guitar, and the chimes was intriguing. This was a live recording. I will post some details of the recording another time.

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