Biab 09

Q&A about PGMusic's popular accompaniment software

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Erv Niehaus
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Post by Erv Niehaus »

No, my tab is all done by hand.
I have the TablEdit program but, as of yet, have never made much use of it.
I take a song and rough in the tab, then I sit down at my steel and try it out. Since there are several differnt places that you can get the different chords, I pick the one that sounds the best and plays the smoothest. It also depends on the song's lyrics.
It is important that your playing fits in with the lyrics and phrasing. :D
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Bob Martin
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Post by Bob Martin »

Well after a few weeks with BIAB 09 I have come to the conclusion that for me it is a real hit! I am really enjoying all of the new real audio styles and with the right tweaking they are very usable for having fun, rehearsing and even a good start scratch pad for building a good demo.

Now even with the real instruments I would have to replace almost all instruments with possibly the exception of the standup bass and the brush drums and that's mostly because it's hard to find a bass player that doubles on upright and will drag it around to small studios like mine :-) and I really like all of the brush style drums they sound very good to me.

The steel guitar has came along way but still has quite a way to go to be completely useful. The main thing I have learned is that you have to really dig pretty deep to put together good sounding tracks. If you think you can just throw a song together in 5 minutes then you will most likely be disappointed.

The learning curve is getting steeper with every new feature but I think if you take your time and spend some time getting to know what is where and how to integrate it with you creations you will most likely end up with some real nice tracks.

This version of BIAB has advanced so far from the 1st version I had that it's hardly even the same software. The biggest thing that has improved is the advancement of the choices for building country tracks. In the beginning the country stuff really sucked to coin a phrase :-) but now you can make some pretty believable country tracks! Enjoy

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gary pierce
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Post by gary pierce »

I finally recieved my 09 BIAB, and I agree that it is nice to have real tracks now. My computer would not hold all of it, so I bought the preloaded external hard drive. The only problem so far is I have to run it from the external drive, and every time I change a real track instrument it takes about a minute to process. I guess its time for the new computer or a larger hard drive.
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Erv Niehaus
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Post by Erv Niehaus »

I had the same problem.
I bought an external hard drive to install some of the disks onto. I don't know if BIAB will be able to access the info I put on the auxiliary hard drive, though.
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Ken Metcalf
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Post by Ken Metcalf »

I have the 2008.5 on External hard drive also, do to it not fitting on my lap top hard drive.
It seems like it taxs my CPU up a lot... 40,50,60, it is too much,
As far as the real tracks slow load... they told me the 2009 will load once then freeze it for quick start up is this true???
I am having prob.s with some songs vol. not saving and being to high or low in a set list.
I know how to save patches and harmonies etc.
P.S. in trying to input a bass line in the edit notation window (Bass or Melody tracks) I get stuck and can't save.
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gary pierce
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Post by gary pierce »

Ken, I'm still learning myself. Maybe someone else can help with our problems. I need to learn how to freeze the track or either convert it to a wave file, so it won't take so long to load.
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Tony Prior
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Post by Tony Prior »

just a thought, and perhaps many know this, but if you do not...

Using any recent version of BIAB along with an inexpensive version of perhaps, for example, Sonar, ($150) are you not aware that you can take any BIAB midi file which can have perhaps 5 or 6 Instruments,or as few as 1 and dump it into Sonar( etc.) it will arrive as 5 or 6 separate midi tracks. Now you can take each separate track and apply the best VST plug-ins know to mankind for tones and shapes, Piano's, drums, Guitars, etc. Many of these VST plug-ins are bundled into the software packages. Not only that, a plethora of effects available for each track. You want legitimate drums based on samples ? Run that BIAB midi drum track thru Session Drummer or EZ drummer VST's. Your stock sound card GM drums will sound like a Fisher Price toy in comparison.

So maybe an upgrade of BIAB is not the answer.

just my take

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Rick Campbell
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Post by Rick Campbell »

If you make a MIDI file from BIAB, it also creates a WAV file of the Real Drums. This can be played in any midi sequencing software. I use Powertracks. I then record one part at a time on my Roland VS-2480. As Tony says, you can them adjusts the instruments individually.
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Ken Metcalf
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Post by Ken Metcalf »

Hey! Thanks you I don't have to load this one bullet and shoot my self in the foot anymore HA!
Ok I used to have a Roland sequencer and it seemed to be not too user friendly.. altho I understand the midi process and own a midi guitar.
I have been messing with BIAB since 2005 and have gotten comfortable with it.
My lap top is maxed out so I am looking at dedicated hard ware or maybe a new laptop.. not sure but don't want to get nickled and dimmed to death with add on gadgets that are necessary to function.
All I am really after is some live tracks bass, drums, and a touch of piano, or strings.
I am Looking for the simplest solution in the long run with good sound for backup or rhythm tracks.
It would be nice to use what most others are using to get easy access to experience, but it seems like the pro-tools thing is a bit much for me.
I used to have power Tracks on my 2005 version but can't seem to bring it up anymore.
It would be nice to have separate midi tracks for each instrument and add parts on the staff lines like in notation editor in BIAB.
What do you guys use for this stuff.
Thanks Again!!
MSA 12 String E9th/B6th Universal
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Robert Tripp
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Post by Robert Tripp »

I use the new Real Band a lot. either by building a BIAB song and loading it into RB, or by taking an existing midi file and opening it in RB. Either way will give you seperate tracks. At which point the midi data can be converted into audio date with effects. couple this along with realtracks for accoustic guitar, and the fact that RB will run many samples. You can build some faily decent files. Check my site in my signature for some examples.

I don't even use sonar any longer. although I may start looking at Multitrack Studio, as a backup program to Power Tracks and Real Band.

BTW, with RB, you can also load in mp3 or wav thru the aucio chord wizard and get chord charts for songs off of those formats. Once you have the chord chart in place in RB, you can change set up instruments and styles both midi and realtracks to do a completely different version of the original file if you so desire.

I always encourage BIAB users to join the forum on the PG music site. Lots of info there, and many BIAB experts there that will help with questions.


I might be a beginner now, but someday I'm gonna steel the show.
Mack Quinney
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Post by Mack Quinney »

Has anyone used the program on the 80GB USB hard drive as it comes from PG Music in lieu of the DVDs?

I am considering making a purchase, but like many, I am limited on my hard disk space. I am wondering if the program can be run directly from the 80GB USB hard drive as supplied by PG Music. If I don't have to copy the program to my computer's hard drive then problem solved.


76 Emmons Push Pull, Williams 600, ShoBud Pro I, MSA Classic, Remington SteelMaster dbl 8, MSA Super Slide dbl 8, Gold Tone 6, And other instruments and equipment I can't afford.
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Papa Joe Pollick
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Post by Papa Joe Pollick »

I don't have the answer Mack,but you can get all your questions answered on the PG music forum..Works for me...
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Erv Niehaus
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Post by Erv Niehaus »

I ordered the disks.
I found out that my hard drive couldn't handle the download. This undate version of BIAB is MASSIVE!
I believe it's 12 DVD disks and the disks are fully loaded. I had to buy an auxiliary hard drive to get everything downloaded. I still haven't found out if the program can find the auxiliary hard frive or not. :whoa:
Mack Quinney
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Running BIAB off the 80GB HD

Post by Mack Quinney »

Folks, I think I answered my own question
If you are wondering how to use the programs on the hard drive, there are a few different options you have.

Use the hard drive "as is" and run the programs from it. The easiest way is simply to run the "pre-installed" programs directly from the hard drive. You should first double-click on the small Setup.exe on the root level of the hard drive. You would only need to do this once, and it will install a few things that need to be registered on your computer. Then you can run any program directly from the hard drive by double-clicking on the program launchers in the PGMusic folder. For example, to run Band-in-a-Box, open the PGMusic folder and double click on the Band-in-a-Box.exe launcher.

Or, copy the PGMusic folder from the USB hard drive to your computer and run the programs from there. You may wish to copy everything to a different hard drive, for example your computer's C: drive. Then you could either use the USB drive for another purpose, or just use it as a backup (recommended). The best way to do this, is to first run the small Setup.exe program on the root of the USB hard drive, then copy and paste the entire PGMusic folder to where you want it on your other hard drive. Note that this could require over 100 GB of free hard disk space (depending on which HD you got and when you got it). Right-click-properties on the PGMusic folder to find out the size, or check the ReadMe file on the root level of the hard drive. It will probably take a couple of hours to copy. To run the programs, you can use the launchers within the PGMusic folder. You could also create desktop shortcuts to the programs etc.

Note that if you have an "Audiophile" version of the hard drive (with all of the uncompressed wave files), this will take up a very large amount of space on your hard drive; you may want to consider the third option discussed below.

Or, install the programs on your computer, but leave the RealTracks and RealDrums on the USB hard drive. We include some installers on the hard drives, in case you want to install the program(s) to your hard drive like you've done in the past. Note that the RealDrums and RealTracks audio files aren't included in the installers. One advantage in doing this, is that if you have a previous version of Band-in-a-Box you are upgrading, you can install the new version of Band-in-a-Box to the same folder. You don't need to copy the RealTracks and RealDrums folders - you could instead set custom RealDrums and RealTracks folder locations in the Preferences dialogs in Band-in-a-Box. Then you can use Band-in-a-Box as you normally would, running it on your computer hard drive, while keeping the large audio files on the USB hard drive. Note that it's possible that the drive letter for your USB hard drive will change - for example if you unplug the drive, then add or remove other USB devices, then plug it back in. In this case, you would need to re-set the correct custom folder.

Another way you could copy Band-in-a-Box to your computer's hard drive and leave the RealDrums/RealDrums on the USB drive, is to copy the entire contents of the bb folder except for the RealDrums and RealTracks folder. To do this you could open the bb folder, Edit-Select All, hold down the ctrl key while clicking on the two folders, then copy and paste.

If your computer does not recognize the hard drive, it is most likely a power supply issue. Different computers and laptops deliver more/less power to the USB ports.

On one end of the USB cable, there is a second USB connector you can use for extra power (usually a little smaller than the main one). If your cable looks like that, first make sure you have the larger connector plugged into your computer. It is *normally* only necessary to use the one plug.

If that doesn't work, try connecting the main plug directly to a USB port on the back of your computer, rather than a USB hub or ports on the monitor/keyboard/front of the computer case. Unless you have a self-powered USB hub (i.e. one that plugs into the wall, or battery-powered) it doesn't have any more current drive than is available on its usb connection to the mother-computer. So each single port on a hub often doesn't have enough power to drive some devices. USB ports on the front of your computer etc. can be similar to this.

You could try connecting the extra power USB plug to another port (so you have both cables plugged in). Note that there is often a maximum current available per pair of vertically stacked USB ports, so you may have better luck bridging between two pairs. Also, if you have other USB powered devices that require alot of power, such as audio interfaces or a MIDI keyboard, it would be best if each of those had its own pair.

The default power management for many laptops, is set to power-off the external power to USB ports when they go to sleep. On some computers it can even be set up to deliver less power or no power if you are running off the battery. It is a good idea to look at the options in the control panel 'power' settings and/or My Computer-Hardware control panel.

If you have Windows Vista and you are getting errors when running programs from the hard drive, it may be because User Account Control is enabled on your computer. The simplest solution is to disable User Account Control. This is done in the Windows control panel | User Accounts. If you do not want to disable User Account Control for some reason, then the best solution is to install the program to your computer's hard drive, and run it from there. You can still leave the RealTracks and RealDrums files on the USB hard drive, and that will work fine as long as you have Band-in-a-Box 2009 Build 280 or higher. If you don't want User Account control enabled for your account, but you want it enabled for other users on the computer, there are online tutorials that describe how you can do this.

Some other general points.

When you first plug the HD in, Windows may ask you what action you want to take. You can either close that window, or choose 'Open folder to browse files'. Either way, you can access the HD through My Computer. On most of the hard drive enclosures there is a small LED which is green if the unit is receiving any power, and red (or flashing red) if it is transferring data.

You should use the Safely Remove Hardware icon in your taskbar (bottom right side of your computer screen) before physically disconnecting the drive from your computer. If that doesn't work (you get a message saying that it can't be stopped), make sure the drive isn't in use, by closing programs and windows on the disk. (If it still doesn't work, you should reboot before disconnecting).

You can install updates and patches to the programs in the same way that you would normally, except that the update patch installers will not necessarily be able to locate the destination folder automatically. Make sure to select the correct destination location. For example, if the drive shows as the G: drive, you would install a Band-in-a-Box update to G:\PGMusic\Programs\bb. For PowerTracks, you would install to G:\PGMusic\Programs\pt.
This is off the BIAB FAQ page on their website. For what it's worth.

76 Emmons Push Pull, Williams 600, ShoBud Pro I, MSA Classic, Remington SteelMaster dbl 8, MSA Super Slide dbl 8, Gold Tone 6, And other instruments and equipment I can't afford.
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Bo Legg
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Post by Bo Legg »

Get this and upload it with your complete BIAB and then just load the Basic BIAB into however many PCs you wish to use. This doesn’t take up much memory and leave all the realtracks to operate from the USB drive which you can move from PC to PC and save all your songs on memory stick.
I carry the USB drive and a memory stick in my shirt pocket and I don’t ever have to deal with that crappy laptop sound.
Memory sticks are cheap and the USB drive runs from $35 to $50 bucks.
It's smaller than pictured. You can put it in your shirt pocket.
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