Super Great SSSGA Steel Convention

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Jeremiah Hanley
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Super Great SSSGA Steel Convention

Post by Jeremiah Hanley »

We just got home from the Siloam Springs Steel Guitar Convention and it was a Siloam Springs special! Everyone was so friendly and nice. It was a real heart warming time! Dana and the gals put on a delicious spread of food for all of us. I'm not sure who drove the furthest, probably Buck Grantham or Roy Rosetta, Buck doubled on lead guitar and steel and Roy played ALL day both days and never complained. Another guest that drove quite a distance was Ronnie Neighbors, who not long ago was very ill, but he played with such speed and precision. We heard lots and lots of extra special steel playing!! Thank you, Norma Jean, and all the great folk at SSSGA for being such wonderful hosts. It was a super great weekend!
Phil Coontz
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Post by Phil Coontz »

I had a BIG OLE BLAST thanks again Norma Jean. Phil
Louie Hallford
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Post by Louie Hallford »

Great to have been back in Siloam after 3 or 4 year absense due to job.
Great to see old friends and opportunity to play there again. There is no place so player friendly as The Siloam people.

The old Church building with the high dome has some of the same aura as the Old Ryman though on a smaller scale. Acoustics allow the band and player to just plug and play with out miking any of the amps.

Although there are mikes for singers and the emcee you could almost do the same for them.

Nowhere else that I know where a player can go and gain ten pounds in two days. Players, the band,and their spouses had food available from the first act Saturday until the doors closed Sunday. Cheese and crackers? Well yes, but how about chicken and dressing,home made chili, fried chicken home made pecan pies ,cookies, chocolate fudge etc. all day long.

I even thought the balogna and cheese sandwich I got as I was leaving was the best I ever had. I had to finish with that to get down off the high I was on from all the other things I ate.

Norma Jean, you are doing a great job as president. Your support group was outstanding.
I cannot say enough in praise of all of you. I want so badly to call names but will not because of space and I would surely not remember all the names of those who worked so hard.
Louie Hallford
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Post by Louie Hallford »

Sorry but I can't let this get by.

How many of you have a friend that would surprise you and make a one day 500 mile round trip to play bass and sing a couple songs on your 30 minute set.

I don't know how many I have,( more ,I think) but I know I have one. Jackie Harmon, who has had such an impact on my music life, did that for me and showed up in Siloam about 45 minutes before I played.

I then kinda messed up. I stuck gas money in his pocket and he almost got mad at me and wouldn't take it.
I was wrong, offering to pay a friend for that kind of gift It is not at all about money. It's about love and respect for a fellow human being.

Thanks again Jackie You made my day even more special.
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Terry Wood
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Post by Terry Wood »

This was a great steel guitar show!

I really enjoyed all of the fine players and as mentioned the backup band was superb!

It was good to see and hear old friends and make new friends! Thanks for letting me be a part of it.

Don't forget to attend our 4th Annual Steel Show at Marshfield, MO on Saturdy June 6th.

Thanks and GOD bless!

Terry Wood
Dana Stewart
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Post by Dana Stewart »

We would like to say how thankful we are to have been asked to be a part of the show again this year. We have so much fun visiting with friends and listening to great music. Norma and the gang did a wonderful job!!

The Stewarts
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Michael McGee
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Post by Michael McGee »

I want to thank the SSSGA for inviting me to play. They provide a wonderful atmosphere, and as Louie says, I only gain 10 more lbs when I go because of the GREAT food.
C.D. Richards
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Post by C.D. Richards »

Just want to add my thanks to Norma Jean, her staff and everyone that had a part in making this a great show. As already stated the food was outstanding. I really appreciate being invited to play on the show.
Thanks! Clovis Richards
Jerry Lee Newberry
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Post by Jerry Lee Newberry »

Well I missed Saturday cause I already had a date for that day with a BASS!!!!!!!!!!! I did enjoyed Sunday though. It was good to see all of our friends and Family again. Thanks for letting Jerry play. We will look forward to being there next year.

We enjoyed the Hanley's church service Sunday also.

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Norma Jean Lucas
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Post by Norma Jean Lucas »

I appreciate all the thanks but it is us who is thanking you all for all the help. We couldn't have done it with out our loyal friends and players. This was the first time I could get my sister to come to it and she was really awe struck. She especially loved the Hanley's. Yes Jerry and Venda she really liked my songs you do for me.Dana and Clara did a great job in the kitchen. I owe you one Dana.It was really good to see Louie and Carolyn, Ronnie and Faye. I especially want to thank the KSGA club for all their support. By the way someone left a lavendar audio cd player and headsets. I brought them home with me so just let me know. Donna, is it Jerry's or Austin's? I'm with Louie about trying to name everyone but we couldn't have done it without everybody's help. Hope everyone got back home safe and beat the weather.
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ray qualls
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Post by ray qualls »

Thanks to the SSSGC for a great weekend. Good to see old friends and making new ones. Thanks to the back-up band for the great support and to the gals for all the good food. I really appreciate the award that I received and its hard to believe that 15 years has passed since it was started. Buck Grantham, Roy Rosetta and Virgil Pittman also received awards and they were well deserved. All the players were great and the one that I really enjoyed was Phil Coontz and his bass player Bill Jordan. He played one song where I know that he went up past the 32nd fret! :lol: Thanks to Donley Harrington and Virgil Pittman and the other guys who helped carry all the equipment in. Its a hard job and they worked their tails off. Thanks to Norma Jean for doing a good job as President. Looking forward to next year. Thanks, Ray
Ray Qualls
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Roy Rosetta
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Post by Roy Rosetta »

What a great week-end in Siloam Springs. I'd like to thank the SSSGA for the super award and recognition that was given to me. The show was great and all the players were on "top of their game". I like, those of you before, hesitate to mention names for fear of leaving a great player off the list, they were all great. Thanks to all of my fellow members in the band for putting up with my piano playing all week-end. And for my "Cuz" Buck Grantham, what a pleasure it is to work all weekend with you, doesn't get any better than that. Mitzi, why she's my "cuz" also, you are an "angel". You keep me alive every show that we are together with all the "goodies" and fresh fruit you bring to me.

I will mention that my favorite part of the week-end was the Sunday church service that Jerry and Venda Hanley brought to us. They are so inspirational to Barbara and me. "Thank" you Jerry and Venda, we love you.

Thanks Norma Jean and all of the wonderful people in the SSSGA for leting me be a small part of this event every year. We really look forward to coming back every year.

Barbara had a great time, going shoping (what else) with many of the ladies, listening to the good music and the fellowship with all of her friends in Siloam Springs. The food was super and the atmosphere at this show was great.

Just thinking of the all the great food that was available all week-end, I'd be remis if I didn't mention my favorite dish, DANA STEWART'S chicken dressing. WOW, I almost ate my way back to Texas....hey Dana...we'll be going to Baxter Springs, Ks. in October....watcha think ???

Once again "thanks" SSSGA for a great time and the wonderful award. With God's Grace we're looking forward to next year.
....Roy and Barbara
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Bill Myrick
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Post by Bill Myrick »

Miss Eva and I sat there sunday during the Hanley's service with tears in our eyes knowing them as dear friends and fellow OzSGA brother and sister. How very proud we are of them and how fortunate to have them with us and see them often.- :)
Dana Stewart
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Post by Dana Stewart »

Hey guys and gals. Thanks for all the nice compliments on the dressing (Dad helped me out with the seasoning part). I had fun in the kitchen and had lots of help from all the other ladies. I especially want to mention Clara, who is always by my side helping me out in the kitchen if she is at a show with me. Thanks Clara.

Norma, you don't owe me a thing, I was paying back my debt to you. I was very thankful to have you take my place at the door in Kansas, so I could be in the kitchen.

I asked Austin and he said the CD player was not his.

Roy, I so enjoyed getting to visit with you and Barbara again, that is always a pleasure. You guys are so special to us.

The dressing: We have lots of ideas we are talking about with the other members of the KSGA and I promise this year's food will be just as good if not better than the years past. That dressing might just show up in the mix also. :) We are already making plans and getting excited about the show.

I too wanted to say we enjoyed the Hanleys and their playing and singing. You can't help but feel blessed after being in service with them. As some of you know, that also applies to being in their home with them. They make you feel so welcome and you leave there knowing you are loved and prayed for. They have the same kind spirit everywhere they are, it never changes. These folks are for real and we love them so much.

Thanks again to everyone. We had a wonderful time.

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Buck Grantham
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The Siloams Springs show

Post by Buck Grantham »

As usual we had a great time with Norma Jean and all the people that helped to make up a great show. We,re still tired but we had a wonderful time . Our thanks to everyone for such a great happening. Love,, Buck & Mitzi Grantham
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Tim McCutchen
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Post by Tim McCutchen »

Thank you to the SSSGC for having me back this year. As has been said many times, the club always makes me feel welcome. Great food and fellowship. Great band. Thanks for allowing me to be a part.
Gene Crain
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Post by Gene Crain »

Hey Norma Jean, Thanks so much for the opportunity to come and have a party with y'all. Gene and I really enjoy the steel shows as everybody is so nice and the shows are all family oriented. We sure heard some different styles in Siloam and I can say I sincerely appreciate them all. CYA again, Gayla Earlene ;-)
Rob Parker
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Post by Rob Parker »

Miss Norma Jean,
I want to thank you, your staff, and all the volunteers that helped to make the show a great production. They all worked very hard and you all produced a great program for the fans.
I thank you for adding me to the mix..I had a super time, and enjoyed it immensly, and I hope to have an invitation for next year..
Thanks also to all the artists who performed,and the artists who played behind all of the players, and singers.It was a great show, and was enjoyed by everyone.
And kudos to the kitchen ladies who had fantastic food for all to was delicious.
And it was so good to visit with old friends, and make new ones to look forward to see next year..
And a huge thanks to the fans who came out to give support to everyone..
Peace and love to all of you...
RP...'come on in'...
P.S. Norma Jean, the CD player,and head phones may belong to Ronnie Neighbors....
Jerry Lee Newberry
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Post by Jerry Lee Newberry »

I saw the CD player and headphones, but they are not Jerry's. I don't really think they are Ronnie's either. I'm pretty sure I saw them before Ronnie got there. Hope someone claims them. Thanks again for the invite.

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