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Author Topic:  Links in lower right - Keeps resetting
Jim Eller

Kodak, TN (Michigan transplant)
Post  Posted 4 Apr 2009 5:02 pm    
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Any idea why my "Links" on the tool bar in the lower right hand corner of the screen keep resetting themselves?

I am using Explorer 7.

I drag the ones I use the most to the top of the list and then, every so often they decide to reset themselves alphabetically.

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Wiz Feinberg

Mid-Michigan, USA
Post  Posted 7 Apr 2009 8:36 pm    
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Sorry for the delayed response.

I don't know which links you are referring to. Can you describe them by wording and position on a particular web page? Provide a link to the page if possible.

If you are referring to the so called browser "Links Bar" in Internet Explorer, where you drag Favicons from the Address Bar to the Links Bar, I suppose that you might have some setting that when the browser is closed it re-sorts all links alphabetically. Check all of the Internet Options, especially in the Advanced tab section.
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Jim Eller

Kodak, TN (Michigan transplant)
Post  Posted 8 Apr 2009 3:59 pm    
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That's the one. The one in the blue bar at the bottom of Explorer. Lower right hand corner that says "Links >>".

I don't think it is settings because it doesn't do it all of the time. I would guess about twice a week or a little less.

See ya next week???

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John Cipriano

San Francisco
Post  Posted 9 Apr 2009 7:30 pm    
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Jim, I'm also confused as to what this is. Is it a quick launch folder? By that I mean, does it go away once you close Internet Explorer? Is it next to the clock and system tray or is it above that? Usually Internet Explorer's links toolbar item is at the top.

I don't know about IE but for things like the start menu in windows, the order is stored the registry and sometimes cleaner programs (like CCleaner) can erase those settings if you tell it to. Also if the computer gets turned off without Windows shutting down you might see that behavior.

After googling around I am seeing some people talking about having the same problem but unfortunately no real solution. If you have a large number of links you could put them into subfolders, then at least there's be less to rearrange and maybe what's within the subfolders would stay organized.

You could also give Firefox a shot (it will import your IE favorites automatically for you) Very Happy
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