Swsga, Mesa, az

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Billy Easton
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Swsga, Mesa, az

Post by Billy Easton »

Well, It is my turn to express my thanks for such a great weekend. I am nearly hoarse from talking so much for the past 2 days, but I am so thankful for the support and turnout from all the pickers, behind the scenes helpers, vendors, and most of all for our members and visitors who paid their admission and made this possible.
We are truly humbled by the kind words and thoughts expressed on this forum and in person at the show. It was very tiring, but truly the proverbial "Labor of Love". Such great music, and our part of the country is so starved for such an event!! It was obvious that the folks loved it so much, the super pickers could have played Yankee Doodle in 6 diffrent keys and gotten a standing ovation!! So many people to thank, and I think Fred got most of them covered in his post. I will not repeat all that here, but please be aware that none of this great show was possible without help and support from so many people and our wives!! I also felt that there was such great love and admiration among all the folks, that it was like a big family reunion!! I sometimes think that if we got all the same people together with NO Steel Guitars, NO music, Just GREAT friendship and LOVE, it would be just as enjoyable!! And the Steel music that we all love is icing on the cake!! Thanks to all of you that helped, came to watch, patronized the vendors, enjoyed the music and it is a definite GO for next year, probably the same weekend. Keep a watch on our website: www.swsteelguitar.com

I was so taken by the presence of Jonathon Candler, the 12 year old blind boy from Yuma who was given a steel a few weeks ago and is playing and soaking this music up like a sponge. What a neat guy he is!! He stole my heart, and his father was so encouraging to him! Thanks to Randy, Jonathon's father for coming to our show, and please keep encouraging Jonathon! We need to continue to get the youngsters involved. In addition to Jonathon, Derek Duplessie, and Austin Stewart were there to carry on in the name of youth. Good job, guys!
Thanks be to God, our Creator and Creator of the Universe for watching over all of us, and letting His Light shine through the love of music and His people. God Bless Each of You.

Billy Easton
Casa Grande, AZ
Southwestern Steel Guitar Association

<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Billy Easton on 19 January 2004 at 09:38 AM.]</p></FONT>
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Darvin Willhoite
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Post by Darvin Willhoite »

Thanks Billy and the rest of the guys for a great show. There were three major highlights for me. Al Vescovo; something different. I only heard Joaquin Murphey play one time but I have never forgotten it, and Al's playing reminded me a lot of Joaquin's. Austin Stewart; at 9 years old he's playing stuff I've been trying to learn for 20 years, and he didn't seem nervous at all. Johnny Davis; this guy blew me away on the Chalker video and I had wondered what had become of him. It was a crime that he only got to play on 3 songs. You definitely need to have him back for the next show.

Great job guys, I'll sure plan to come back next year.

BTW Billy, you may remember me as the guy in the back corner of the very crowded shuttle bus from the airport at ISGC last year. Of course the driver stopped at the Marriott first, and we had to almost unload for me to get off.

Darvin Willhoite
Riva Ridge Recording

Billy Easton
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Post by Billy Easton »

Yes, I remember that shuttle trip, and I remember you, but I missed getting to chat with you this past weekend. Thanks for coming, and next time let's make a point to renew our friendship. I agree that Johnny Davis needs to get more exposure, and if I talk to him just right, I am going to try and persuade him to play his steel on next year's show. You are aware that he plays steel as well as he does play lead. He can share my bandstand anytime. In fact we are working together at the Rye Bar and Steakhouse in Rye, Arizona on February 6 and 7. What a great time, and it is good to hear from you, Darvin.

Billy Easton
Casa Grande, AZ
Southwestern Steel Guitar Association

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Ron Turner
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Post by Ron Turner »

It was an awesome show. We were very glad to have been a part of it as a vendor. I think this show will grow with more people each year as the word gets around. My plan is to hang with it and support it by being there each year.
Billy Easton
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Post by Billy Easton »

Thanks, Ron. I enjoyed our chat, short as it was, at Schlottski's at lunch. Thanks for your participation and continued support of SWSGA, we are looking forward to a long successful run.

Billy Easton
Casa Grande, AZ
Southwestern Steel Guitar Association

Jerry Lee Newberry
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Post by Jerry Lee Newberry »

Billy, Thanks for the great show and for having us. Hope to come back again. Austin doesn't like to travel a lot, but he likes to play. When he got thru saturday night he said " Well it was worth the trip ". I told him I would ask him again if it was worth the trip after the 21 hr. drive back home. I asked him when we were about home and he kind of shrugged his shoulders and grinned. He had a great time. He and his little brother also loved the heated pool. It was good to see Jonathon also. He came up to our room and visited some and he picked for us. Great little guy. Thanks again for the invite. The Newberry's and Austin Stewart
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Post by Jerry Lee Newberry »

Darvin, Glad you enjoyed Austin's playing. He may not like to talk a lot, but he does love playing. We were talking on the way home about how fast their time flew when they were playing and he said " yeah, I could have played 10 more hours. " Hope to be able to go again next year. The Newberry's and Austin Stewart
Paul Polish
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Post by Paul Polish »

Billy, and all others involved.
I kind of wrote a novel in Freds thread, so I'll keep this one short.[ I hope I can.]
Thank you soooooo much for having Dee and myself be a small part of your show. It was truly one to remember. In short [it was GREAT] I think the SW STEELGUITAR Organization has only just begun having GREAT shows. I'm sure there are many more to come.
What more can a guy or gal ask for. Great music, Great fellowship and Great weather to boot. WOW!! Such a deal. See ya in Dallas!!! Love y'all Paul and Dee
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Joe Naylor
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Post by Joe Naylor »

Thanks Billy - to you and all your hard work. Glad to get to know you and I can hardly wait till next year. May have to rent to BOB or the new Glendale Arena the way everyone is telling me they are going to tell everyone they know.


Only one problem - I have no quilt.

See ya Joe Naylor

Gary Walker
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Post by Gary Walker »

Well Billy, I drove all the way for that quilt and it never made it into our van but the consolation prize was the fantastic time my darling wife and I had. She thought she was going to listen to nothing but steel but she fell in love with the finest convention piano player. Roy was so great and his wife Barbara is such a beautiful and gracious lady.
Needless to say, I could go on for hours about the finest time we've enjoyed for a long time. I got closer to some of my friends and heros and saw a different side to some of them. What a thrill. Getting to see Hal, Doug, Bud Issacs, Mike Smith, Randy Beavers, Jay Dee and so many true wizards of this mysterious instrument was a blessing far surpassing any celeb sightings you could imagine. Getting to meet some of their wives was also wonderful. These ladies tolerate their men and their toys and make it possible for them to entertain us like this.
While waiting for the start of the evening show Saturday, I met the most delightful 80 year old lady from Apache Junction by the name of Lois Pierson, who used to be entertainers with her late husband and she loved the music. I found out she loved Curly Chalker and that sealed our bond of friendship with her and I'm in the process of making some tapes for her to enjoy of Curly.
Thanks again for all your efforts and vision and we pray you never grow tired of doing these things in the vein of music, you and I share.<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Gary Walker on 21 January 2004 at 09:04 PM.]</p></FONT>
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Jerry Brightman
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Post by Jerry Brightman »

To Billy, Fred, and everyone else who made this show possible...What a great event..FIRST CLASS all the way...I don't think I met anyone who wasn't smiling throughout the show...Of course I'm back in the "snow belt"...yuk...

I know this is now just the beginning of many great shows to come to this area and that's been a needed thing for a long time...

Thanks to all of you...for allowing me to be at the 1st one...

Best regards,


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Tommy Dodd
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Post by Tommy Dodd »

Billy, Just wanted to say here again how much I enjoyed my weekend with you and the folks of SWSGA there in Mesa. What a fanatastic ride we had!

I posted these up in Fred's post but I thought it was good enough to bear repeating. Great players at the show and the level of the music never got too loud for the room. (A great job done by the sound crew.)

Here is a picture of the grand finale where the founders of the show introduced the Super Jam players:


And here's a few more pictures of some of my favorite players at this show:
(just click on their name}
Albert Talley
Mike Smith
Doug Jernigan
JayDee Manness

And of course, one of our hosts playing a brand new Zum Troy Porter

If you missed this show you missed a great one!! And I bet next year they'll do it again.

My sincere thanks for letting me be a part,

TommyD.....<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Tommy Dodd on 19 January 2004 at 07:59 PM.]</p></FONT>
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Chuck S. Lettes
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Post by Chuck S. Lettes »

Hello Billy,
I enjoyed meeting you last weekend. I especially enjoyed talking with you about Speedy West. Thank you for all of the work and time that you and your crew put into the SWSGA Convention. I had a great time, and I hope to see you in Dallas.
Bob Allen
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Post by Bob Allen »

Hi Billy, Bob allen here. Just wanted to say how sorry I was that I couldn"t make the convention this year. From all that I,ve read,a great time was had by all.Hopefully I,llbe home for the next event.Miss all you guys see you soon.
Steven Welborn
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Post by Steven Welborn »

Billy, thanks so much to you and the others for bringin a great event within driving range for us aspiring west coast pickers. Terrific MC job. I ejoyed your humour and playing as well.Steven
Troy Porter
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Post by Troy Porter »

I have been reading the forum with Troy and now I would like to add my Thanks!!There were so many people who contributed to the success of this show. I had excellant help from Brenda Justice and Arlene Seydel at the registration desk. Couldn't have done it without them. Gloria Brown & King helped at the door and sold programs. Thanks so much. Our sound system was donated by Milano's Music but it took Wayne Paden to run it. He did an excellant job. Troy, Fred & Billy for organizing & keeping the show running smoothly. Joe Naylor & John Hanusch for help getting instruments & amps set up for the players. All the help we had to tear down the stage & PA system after the show. The bands - 3 Wheel-Drive Band(Dennis Sarver & Barry Wilkie) The Texas Band (Roy Rosetta, Leon Chambers, Paul Polish & Ben Brogdon) for all the great back-up music. All the venders and the Holiday Inn staff. And most of all, all of you that came to enjoy this fanastic show. Our common love of the steel guitar seems to make us all a large family. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting everyone that came. Thanks to Brenda Justice and Meriul Easton for the unique quilt. The quilt raffle went well and was won by Annabel Fulk, from Mason IL.

Thanks!! Thanks!! Everyone

Peggy Porter
SWSGA Secretary
Gary Walker
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Post by Gary Walker »

Bob A, you were the first one I asked Billy about and was disappointed you were not there. He told me of your family emergency and why you had to leave. These things never happen at a convenient time but we make time for them. Hopefully, we have the opportunity to visit with you the next time.
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Terry Wendt
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Post by Terry Wendt »

Sure sounds like everyone had fun! I wish I could have been there to hear everyone (Al, Doug, Mike, Hal, Chuck, and all of the rest of you)!

Maybe next year the magazine can afford to send me out to cover it Image

PedalSteel.us Magazine


and appearing regularly...aLotOfSpace.com
Jimmy Crawford/Russ Hicks... and Buddy Emmons on Bass!

Jim Loessberg
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Post by Jim Loessberg »

Let me jump in here to second everything that has been said. This show was a huge success and very enjoyable.

Thanks to Billy, Fred and Troy and all the wives, staff, band and others who made this such a great show. Everyone involved with the show and all the other folks I met and dealt with in the Phoenix area couldn't have been any nicer. I'm already looking forward to next year!

All the players were great, the vendors were terrific and Bruce Zumsteg was even kind enough to work on an old Sho~Bud I brought along.

If you didn't attend this year make your plans now to attend in 2005 -- before the show is sold out!

[I am going to post the above in Fred Justice's post as well. Please forgive the duplicate post.]<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Jim Loessberg on 20 January 2004 at 10:58 PM.]</p></FONT>
Wayne Franco
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Post by Wayne Franco »

Hi Billy

I know you and Murial but I don't really know the others nearly as well. I want to personally thank you and Murial (I'm not sure about the spelling there)for being such great folks. I consider you both good friends of mine. That said, everyone was so friendly and nice it certainly was like a big family who had the steel guitar as a common thread,and then went well past that as great human beings. I really had a great time!

See ya all next year in Mesa!

P.S. I'll wear my SW Steel Guitar Association polo shirt proudly.
Bud Isaacs
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Post by Bud Isaacs »

Hi, Thanks Billy, Fred, Troy,Brenda, and Meriul and everyone for inviting us to the show. Thank you so much for a great time. We were so glad to just be a part of a great show. All the talented steel players played so fine. We met so many new friends and had a chance to visit with so many old friends that we would have never had a chance to see if we hadn't been invited to the show. It took a great crew and a lot of hard work, to put on a fine event. As we said on Fred's post, Troy did a great job playing "Bud Bounce". Thanks again Troy. Thanks to the band, Roy, Paul, Ben, Leon for backing us up. Of course they were great. Thank you Billy so much again. Love ya'll, Bless you, Bud and Geri
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Roger Edgington
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Post by Roger Edgington »

Hi Billy,

Judy and I want to thank you and Muriel for your gracious hospitallty. Even though both of us were sick. Next time maybe we can be a little more social. But it was great fun.

Billy, I didn't know you could talk on a mike like that. Great job!!

Thanks again,

P.S. We're still eating oranges we picked off the tree in your back yard, Yum Yum!
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Roger Edgington
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Post by Roger Edgington »

Peggy and Troy

Thanks so much for all the fun. I realy enjoyed the jam session at your house and thanks for a place to stay that night. I don't know if my wife would have let me drive back through those hills at night. The sure were beautiful.

And Peggy thank you for all your hard work. It really was a happening event. Everyone did just great.

Roger & Judy
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Roy Rosetta
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Post by Roy Rosetta »

WOW !!! what a show. Please let me add mine and Barbara's "thanks" to Fred, Billy and Troy for inviting us to be a small part of what had to be one of the finest shows that we have had the pleasure of being associated with. I know I'm a bit late on the list of posters on this thread, but Barbara and I stayed in the Mesa area an extra couple of days to just enjoy some "fun in the sun". We just arrived home a couple of hours ago, a bit tired, but very please to have been part of this great show. Thanks, again for all of the "southwestern" hospitality and most of all your friendships. We are both looking forward to next year with great anticipation.
....Roy and Barbara

Music is a "gift" with many wrappings....

<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Roy Rosetta on 21 January 2004 at 07:03 PM.]</p></FONT>
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Bob Case
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Post by Bob Case »

THANK YOU ALL for putting on such a great show and for letting me be a part of it. Great players, great band, exceptional production, and what a great MC. I can't wait for next year!
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