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John Lang

Las Vegas, Nevada
Post  Posted 21 Feb 2009 11:12 am    
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Does anyone know how to determine the date of manufacture on a Session 400 based on its serial number? Is the number stamped on the name plate, or somewhere else on the cabinet?

I have heard that these came with either the Black Widow or a JBL speaker installed. Were any other types of speakers used on the early Sessions? This would be the 15' rather than two 12's.

Any other info on dating the early 400s is appreciated.

John Lang
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Roger Kelly


Post  Posted 21 Feb 2009 12:10 pm    
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John, I believe the year of manufacture can be determined by the first number of the Serial Number, such as 8A-xxxxx, or 4A-xxxx for the ones made in the 70's. 8A would be a 1978 and 5A would be a 1975 and so on. But after 1980 this method may have changed... I'm not sure. Hope this helps you at least some.
Check this picture.... it would be a 1978.
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Bo Borland

South Jersey -
Post  Posted 21 Feb 2009 4:57 pm    
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This is an early S-400 with 4 ohm JBL 15" I think I bought it in 74.
I remember seeing E using a pair, one with a 15 and one with only 1-12 in it and an empty space.
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David Higginbotham


Lake Charles, Louisiana, USA
Post  Posted 21 Feb 2009 7:01 pm    
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Mike Brown stated:
Most all of our serial numbers run in consecutive order. Prior to approximately 1990 or so, the manufacture year and quarter could be found by the serial number prefix designation. For example, "3A" meant 1983 if it was a model that we manufactured in the decade. However, the Nashville 400 was manufactured during two decades, so it would be hard to determine the exact decade for a model/serial number such as this.

He also stated:
Starting in the early to mid '70's, we used concecutive serial numbers with the last digit of the year for reference. For example, "7A" meant that the product was either a 1997 or 1987 amplifier. A person would have to be familiar enough with a product to know what decade that that product was manufactured in. In the case of a long running product such as the Nashville 400, the serial number could range from 7A0123.... etc. to 7A0211...., the first number would probably date back to the '80's and the second would probably date back to the late '80's. It's hard to determine this without calling us and obtaining a date of manufacture.

If you really want to be certain, take the chassis out of the cabinet. The month and year should be written on the inside.
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John Lang

Las Vegas, Nevada
Post  Posted 23 Feb 2009 3:28 pm    
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Thanks folks. All good information. The S/N on this particular Session starts with 6A, so obviously a 1976 model. It has the silver knobs with the paper inserts, and is equipped with a 15' JBL rather than a Widow. So the date jives with all the fixin's.

Speaking of those knobs, does anyone know how to go about replacing them? The black paper stick ons are coming off of a couple of the ones on mine. I would be amazed if Peavey still has these available. Think Mike Brown would know?

Thanks again.
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Roger Kelly


Post  Posted 23 Feb 2009 4:17 pm    
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The black paper stick ons are coming off of a couple of the ones on mine.

John, If you can't find the paper stick-ons for the Session 400 knobs try Black Finger Nail Polish.
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Mike Brown


Meridian, Mississippi USA
Post  Posted 23 Feb 2009 7:37 pm     Early knobs
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Some of the knobs had set screws that could be tightened and I believe that the latter knobs were the press-on type.
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