Thanks to all of you that have helped, Donna D. this is for you to. Next time hope the schedule works for you and Tommy.
I have 1 more player to set the schedule will post after the Fla. Steel Guitar Show tomorrow.
To those in the club that have asked , yes Wayne and I will arrive about 4:30. We are like the Bobsie twins. Togetherness.
Show starts at 10:00 till 6:15, unless some one else signs up.
If you would like to come I have room for 1 more picker.
Turkey and dressing, and ham at 2:00, plus side dishes.
Directions to the show as follows.
I-75 to exit Highway 84, west 18 miles to Quitman Ga.. Cullpepper St. south 1 block on corner. This is due west of Valdosta Ga.
Signs in window. We will be there at
8:00 as some want to come early.
We plan to have a great time see you there.
Thanks to all, Clyde Bloodworth filled in the last slot
ernie[This message was edited by Ernest Cawby on 12 November 2003 at 01:59 AM.]