I don't know who he is either, but have often been tempted to ask on this forum. His playing really knocks me out. Somebody's gotta know. Is he a forumite? I went to his home page on YouTube once, but there were no clues there.
Hi Parr, here is my C6th set up Dejour. The accuracy of this posting will have a variance of plus or minus 15%, cause at the tone, the time will be 4:06AM
5) 4++, 8++
6) 5-, 9+, 10++
7) 2+, 6-
8> 3++, 4++
9) 10---, 9-, 7+ 1+
And I'll throw in my2centavos, too. No doubt about it, Gary Lee and Curry are the "big dogs" in this area! There's a lot of "road players", as well as steelers that have their own CD's out, that can't do what these guys do.