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Ben Godard


Jamesville NC
Post  Posted 21 Dec 2008 8:43 am    
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I have a mb studio pre with the effects loop going through a lexicon mpx 1. Then to a stewart world 1.2 power amp.

Can anyone recommend settings for the mb studio pre. I can't seem to get it dialed to the sound I like. I like Paul Franklin's tone and would love to get as close to his sound as I can. By the way, I am playing a Franklin with BL-710's and I am using the recording outputs on the back. I even had the mosvalve 500 as my power amp before which is suppose to be Paul's power amp. Well I removed it and replaced it with my stewart world amp now because I needed space to add my tuner.

Has anyone been able to get Paul's tone. I've listened to his playing with various artists and much of his playing seems to have a very faint, and subtle pick attack but still has plenty of volume to get the job done. I mean, his playing on Alan's recordings is pretty much predominantly in the mix but yet he's not right in your face and you don't the pick attack. It just sounds so smooth but how does he do it. Is this due to the sound engineers in the studio or is it just simply Paul.
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Bill Terry

Bastrop, TX
Post  Posted 21 Dec 2008 9:40 am    
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or is it just simply Paul.

I think that's it...

I had one of those MB Pres on loan from a buddy for a while. Didn't do a thing for me.. sorta flat and lifeless, but clearly I'm not PF. YMMV...
Lost Pines Studio
"I'm nuts about bolts"
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Tony Dingus


Kingsport, Tennessee, USA
Post  Posted 21 Dec 2008 7:02 pm    
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Ben, I have one and love it and use it in the studio direct coming out of the recording outs. If your running through a power amp, use the other outs. The recording outs are voiced like a speaker so that might be your problem on getting a tone you like.
Let me know if that helps.

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Johan Jansen

Post  Posted 22 Dec 2008 11:16 am    
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start with replacing the first AXtube for an AYtube, then a follow-up with practising.... Smile
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Ben Godard


Jamesville NC
Post  Posted 22 Dec 2008 2:41 pm    
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I started to change the tube. Even went and bought one. I also heard of a so called Franklin mod for the unit which can also drop the gain down a bit. Basically like the #2 input on a Fender amp but it seems that was just a bunch of flack. After reading much on theis forum, I read that Paul stated that he used a stock MB studio pre with no mod. Although it would sure seem to be better with a lower gain tube due to the hot Bl 710's. I may go ahead and try it anyway.

I've got to stop trying to be like other steelers and be myself. Players like Paul,Lloyd, Hughey, Mooney, etc are like stealth bombers with laser guided missiles. And I am just a cropduster shooting a cap gun out the window. Very Happy
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Bari Smith

Spartanburg SC USA
Post  Posted 22 Dec 2008 4:47 pm     Aw...go Ahead!!!
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Change the tube ..You won't be sorry...according to "THE FOXX" down in Ga.,that thing has 7 stages of gain.Change the first AX out and run your masters on 10 and control your volume with the great for me!!!!And besides...Doug Jernigan told me one time.."why do ya wanna sound like them,we already got them!?" Very Happy Laughing
SHO-BUD LDG(Cooperized),MULLEN RP SD-10,Webb 614E,'73 Vibrosonic,Mesa-Boogie Pre,Stewart 1.2,TC Electronic M-300,JBL's,Black Box,Walker Seats'84 Dobro,'69 Martin D-28,and assorted other goodies!
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Michael McGee

Everton, Missouri, USA
Post  Posted 23 Dec 2008 9:05 am    
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Ben, here's a suggestion - feel free to ignore!

Set your volume to a higher than reasonable level, making sure that you are running clean - not running through the distortion stages.

Set the graphic eq sliders FLAT- then turn off the graphic for now.

Go to the tone KNOBS - bass, treble, middle. MAX them out - turn them all the way clockwise. Now play and LISTEN for a bit. What's wrong? Making gradual adjustments... Too much treble? back it off. Too much bass? back it off. Too much mid? back it off.

Keep playing until you get it close to what you like.

Then, to finish and sweeten, engage the graphic eq at the 'flat' settings. I recommend you use this to 'cut' frequencies only - not boost, but feel free to play around and find your sound.

OK, with my guitars using single coil pup's and jbl speakers:


bass - maxed out
mid - maxed out
Treble - 4 to 7 depending on room.


1st slider - boosted 3 to 6 db depending on room
2nd slider - cut 3 to 6 depending on room
3rd - cut 6 to 9
4th and 5th - usually flat, but (you guessed it!) it depends on the room.

Best of luck to you. You can find great sound - just spend some time and enjoy the ride!

I don't dare speak for Paul, but I think he would tell you to watch out in the bass area. His tremendous technique permits him not to have to use much boost in the lower eq ranges. Why? The more confidence I get, the HARDER I pick. The harder I pick, the more 'bass' I produce at the string - I don't have to 'enhance' it at the amp.
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Keith Hilton


248 Laurel Road Ozark, Missouri 65721
Post  Posted 23 Dec 2008 9:21 am    
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Mike, can you help me get set up, in January, before I play the steel show in Branson in February. I have a Mesa Boogie pre-amp, 2000 watt Crown power amp, 2--- 15 inch speaker cabnets. Choice of these effect units: Lexicon,T.C. Electronics, ProFex II. Choice of steels: Single neck Emmons LeGrand II, or Single neck GFI. Mike I need you to be playing my steel while I get out front-- 30 plus feet to listen. It would be nice if we could get Jack Musgrave there to help dial in the sound we want. I will make arrangements to do this at some nice warm building in Springfield, if that is OK? If we use my little GFI,which I love, we will probably need to close our eyes and just listen. The GFI doesn't have the polished name of the Emmons, but it sounds great to me.
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Michael McGee

Everton, Missouri, USA
Post  Posted 23 Dec 2008 9:29 am    
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Keith, absolutely - glad to help with anything.

Jan and Charles talked about a music party next month. Maybe do it then?
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Ben Godard


Jamesville NC
Post  Posted 23 Dec 2008 10:30 am    
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Thanks Michael. I've adjusted the knobs within the ballpark of the sound I want and its funny that my knobs are very close to what yo are telling me to set them too. That's very clever but yet so simple on that techniquie for zeroing in on the sound you want.

thanks again

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Kyle Everson


Nashville, Tennessee
Post  Posted 25 Dec 2008 10:58 am     Re: mesa boogie studio pre settings
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Ben Godard wrote:
is it just simply Paul.

To a degree, yes. His attack and execution are unmistakeable. Note selection is always interesting. However, if you record in the same studio with the same pre's and mics and engineers, that will have an effect on your sound. By the time recordings get to the listener, they have been put through compressors, distressors, plug-ins, etc. until the engineer is happy with how it sits in the mix. I hear a lot of compression when I listen to tones on current records.

Even with all those constants being the same, though, Paul's playing always seems to sit in the mix like no one else's.
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