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Al Vescovo


Van Nuys, CA, USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 22 Jul 2003 3:40 pm    
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Hi fellow Forum members, Just a note to say hello and I'm back in California. I was in Japan with the Billy Vaughn Orchestra on a concert tour for a month. What a great tour. The theaters were beautiful and the concert halls are acoustically perfect. In the concert halls the only microphones used are for the singers. I used an amp for the Electric and Steel guitar solos.
Mr. Mitsuo Fujii, president of Fuzzy Pedal Steel Guitar Products, which includes "Excel" Steel Guitars, came to our concert and afterward took me out to dinner and then to meet and hear members of the Japan Steel Guitar Association, of which he is also president. They were playing at a c&w night club, which was really a kick. The singers there sang country songs in perfect English, including Marty Robbins songs although they don't speak English. It was really wild. I got to set in. They broke up when I said let's play C Jam Blues--in Eb.
I got to hear the foremost Steel player in Japan, "Takashi Ozaki". He has a lot of chops and a CD out titled " PedalsBar&Beyond"
You can probably get through the Forum catalog. It was a real fun night and I didn't realize there are so many steel players in Japan. I was so impressed with the Excel steel guitar I ordered a 14string with 10 pedals and 6 knee levers. Hopefully I'll have it sometime in the first part of September. Mr. Fujii will be at Scotty's convention in St. Louis. Whoever is at the convention, please go up and give Mr. Fujii a big American welcome. I'm sorry I can't be there. Maybe next year. So long for now and thanks for reading. Al
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Earnest Bovine

Los Angeles CA USA
Post  Posted 22 Jul 2003 3:51 pm    
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Cool, Al. When you get the Excel, if not before, I will come to your gig at Casey's to pester you and check out the 14 strings. How will you tune a 14 string C6?
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Dr. Hugh Jeffreys


Southaven, MS, USA
Post  Posted 23 Jul 2003 6:23 pm    
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Glad you had a blast Albert. I'll be talking to you on down the line. We are going to Mobile this weekend for the steel jamboree. I'll tell our old friend, John Hughey, what you've been up to. Best, Hugh
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