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Author Topic:  Cellphones - Saving Battery Power?
Chip Fossa


Monson, MA, USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 13 Nov 2008 2:22 pm    
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I have a Samsung 707A (ATT/Cingular).

The manual says to shut-off the unit when recharging.

When the phone is flipped open it's ON and when closed it's OFF.

But is the phone still "ON", when closed?

Can you lengthen battery re-charge time by actually shutting down the phone, as you would when re-charging?

Seems like a full charge doesn't go too far (3-4 days). And I don't aggressively use the phone. At least I don't think I do.
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Wiz Feinberg

Mid-Michigan, USA
Post  Posted 13 Nov 2008 2:57 pm    
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You surmise correctly that totally shutting off the phone will maximize its battery life. As to whether or not this is worth losing calls is up to you to decide.

I can tell you that you will get the most life out of a rechargeable battery by totally running it down, then totally recharging it. I have published an article about improving the life of rechargeable laptop batteries on my website, but the same guidelines apply to cellphone batteries.
"Wiz" Feinberg, Moderator SGF Computers Forum
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Chip Fossa


Monson, MA, USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 13 Nov 2008 3:34 pm    
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Thanks Wiz.

I was thinking that even if the phone was COMPLETELY off, that your calls would be stored on ATT's master computer, or whatever they call it.

No, losing calls is definitely not in the cards.

And I have the bad habit of re-charging the phone when I see even one missing "charge bar" (out of 3). I guess I will cease with this practice.

But, I am a trailer rat, and I'm surrounded by tons-O'-tin, and so my reception, when the phone is fully gassed, works much better.

But thank you again, Oh Master Wizardo, and I will certainly heed your advice.

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Bo Borland

South Jersey -
Post  Posted 14 Nov 2008 2:48 pm    
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My office is in a former TV studio, loaded with wires, trussed flat roof and worse.
I have found that if the tower coverage is marginal, the phone is always looking for a signal and the battery drains even if it is closed or on standby.
MY phone would be dead in a couple hours unless I turned it off. Now that they built a tower closer and the coverage is better... it lasts for days.
You are correct in assuming that any call data, voice mails, text nessages or emails are stored until you power up.
I am now a confirmed Blackberry user. I can even check the forum from my bberry.
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Chip Fossa


Monson, MA, USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 15 Nov 2008 8:20 am    
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So Bo,

Are you saying that ATT (or any server) will still store all calls whether or not you have the phone truly "OFF" or ON?

I actually don't use the cellphone for incoming calls. I tell my friends if you really want to get me, use my old regular phone, and leave a message.

I basically use it to call out so as to keep Verizon's phone bill Down.

When I'm riding in my truck with the CD player blasting, I don't hear it anyway.

Maybe I will start to turn it completely off. If people really want to get hold of me, they all know about the old Verizon #.

I certainly don't give out the number; just to friends. And if I have to call some unpleasant SOB, I'll use the regular phone.
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