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Sam White R.I.P.


Coventry, RI 02816
Post  Posted 13 May 2003 3:35 am    
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How many of the Steel guitar Shows carry Liability Insurance???I say if you have people that want to sue for something stupid. Maybe we should all drop the Steel Shows and then people won't be able to hear all the great steel players.I have not heard of anyone suing any country music Show as of yet. Has anyone heard of anyone suing any country orgaization???I know the Rhode Island Steel Guitar Association is a NON Profit Organization and most of the money is Donated to Charity. That is the way I chartered it with the State of R.I. when I formed it.
Sam White

[This message was edited by Samuel E. White on 13 May 2003 at 04:37 AM.]

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Gino Iorfida


Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Post  Posted 13 May 2003 5:56 am    
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The problem wouldnt be as much with those attending, as those related to the attendees.
Fro example, if my wife and I went, and something happened, we would chalk it up to 'that's life', now my inlaws on the other hand, who are NOT part of the steel guitar community, would have no hesistation in filing a suit, and so on (assuming whatever happened was so bad my wife and I wer incapable of taking care of ourselves etc). That is the unknown you have to cover for.

Although, I have to wonder, since most are held in convention centers/hotels etc, don't most of them have some sort of liability insurance?
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