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Dwight Lewis

Huntsville, Alabama
Post  Posted 4 Oct 2008 3:01 am    
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I have an MSA SD12 classic and the pedal throw is amazing, short and precise like I like it. Question: in reference to the beel crank position and changer position( this is a double raisedouble lower set up) does this effect the leverage or ratio of the note change. If this make any sense.

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Andy Hinton


Louisiana, USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 4 Oct 2008 4:27 am     Pedal throw
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Yes Dwight; Both have an efect on pedal travel & stifness or ease of pedals & knee levers. There have been several posts on this but the best sorce for this info. is the Carter web site; aka ask Bud.
Andy H.
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Dwight Lewis

Huntsville, Alabama
Post  Posted 4 Oct 2008 7:32 am    
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Thanks very much you are right about the pedal stiffness increase. But its not too intrucive.

Thanks and GOD BLESS.
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Andy Hinton


Louisiana, USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 4 Oct 2008 5:37 pm     Pedal throw
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Dwight: Don't know that big word, but if You like the feel of everything, my advice-- if it ain't broke don't fix it. Cheers Andy H.
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Doug Seymour

Jamestown NY USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 4 Oct 2008 6:24 pm     pedal or knee
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The easiest pull (on an all pull steel) is obtained with the rod in the farthest (nearest the floor in playing position) hole from the changer axle and the rod hooked closest to the cross shaft on the bell crank. I was told this by Reese as I tried to work on my own first MSA. In the 70's the MSAs had a 4 hole bell crank, so for each hole in the changer fingers you had 4 different choices and I believe at that time they were double raise, double lower. These were the plywood, mica covered models. When the next model came out, as I recall they were triple raise, double lower and they were laquer finished. I had an SS D10 & a S12.
The S12 is still owned by the buddy I sold it to, who is a fine lead player and singer, but never saw the need to take the time to learn to play the steel! Sad! it sits in the case! Are there as many owners with steels in the case as there are active players? How about the answer to that one, guys & gals??
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Stu Schulman

Ulster Park New Yawk (deceased)
Post  Posted 4 Oct 2008 7:29 pm    
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I just figured something out a few minutes ago,Most of you probably are aware of this.My guitar has GFI bellcranks and after getting both of my A pedal rods in the hole closest to the body of the guitar my A pedal still didn't have a long enough throw for me to do 1/2 moves.What I did was turn the pedal stop screw in the body a bit more so the pedal would have to travel longer to hit the stop,I backed off both tuning nuts after that because both strings were now sharp do to more travel and it worked great.Stu Whoa! Whoa!
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Dwight Lewis

Huntsville, Alabama
Post  Posted 4 Oct 2008 9:30 pm     Throw
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Mr. Seymour you are touching a well known subject. I guarantee there are so many of these steel guitars sitting wasting away. Sad. And I appreciate all the input, you guys are talking my language.Thanks guys.


GOD BLESS you all, David said to praise him with the Ten stringed instruments.... I think the pedal steel guitar was made for great things ,THANK GOD for it.
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