So If There Were Regional Lap Workshops...

Lap steels, resonators, multi-neck consoles and acoustic steel guitars

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Judson Bertoch
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So If There Were Regional Lap Workshops...

Post by Judson Bertoch »

Would you go?

For example(s): SE Region could be held outside Atlanta or Midwest outside Chicago (even Bloomington or Champaign) or Texas Region oustide Dallas, NE maybe an hour outside NYC, etc.

Would you go if something were within "x" driving hours, or probably not. What would be your "x" distance?

Would 2 days or 3 be better for you if you were to attend and which days - mid week or weekend or F/S?

Would you be willing to spend for this (tutition + lodging)?

Would it be of interest to you for workshops to be arranged around:

1)style of music: rock+blues // country+swing // sacred steel // other and adapt to whatever tuning is taught?


2) tuning based: everything you can do in Open E/D/variations, ditto C6, ditto Leavitt, etc. for other other popular tunings?

Would someone be interested in being an instructor(s) and what would you need to realize $$-wise to make it worth doing?

I'm curious but would also be willing to coordinate a SE workshop, say in the spring, depending on interest and responses.

Maybe things are too tight in the economy right now but maybe not if it was closer and at a certain price point.
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Rich Hlaves
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Post by Rich Hlaves »

Great idea and I would travel and hour or two to such an event. An overnight stay would not be out of the question. The interaction between members would be great.

I would also be interested in puting together a workshop in the Southern California/Inland Empire area. This actually could be kept quite informal to keeps costs to a minimum. I have hosted jams at home in the past and wouldn't mind getting involved with one of these workshop/clinics.

Being fairly new to steel, a couple of more experienced local players would have to present but what the heck, nobody has a monopoly on ideas. I think choosing a tuning or two for the day would be best. Most everyone has a couple of boards to play with.

If there is local So. Cal. interest, lets do it here too.

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Keith Cordell
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Post by Keith Cordell »

You betcha. I'd be bringin' the dancin' girlies and hooch.
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Rich Hlaves
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Post by Rich Hlaves »

S-can the So. Cal. clinic, I'm goin' to Hot'lanta with Keith! (hehe)
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Bob Hoffnar
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Post by Bob Hoffnar »

In December I will be doing a workshop on C6 lap steel

I play there pretty often and they asked me to try out a teaching thing.
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