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Author Topic:  HSGA Convention in Joliet - Ride needed from East Coast
Don Kona Woods

Hawaiian Kama'aina
Post  Posted 23 Sep 2008 11:35 pm    
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I am trying to help Jack Eaton, who is from the Washington D.C. area, get a ride to the HSGA convention in Joliet. Can you help? This was originally posted on HSGA website. Here's Jack
I'm Jack... new to the forum and new to Hawai'ian guitar and hoping to find a way to get myself to Joliet this year for the first time to see the wonderful live performances I've seen on YouTube and meet you interesting people. I'm a young guy and in between jobs at the moment so the money is tight and I'm trying to be creative to see if I can find a win-win situation that will help me get to Joliet and be worth the while for someone else too.

I can find a place to stay nearby without a problem, but I'm wondering... is there someone who is planning on driving to Joliet from the East Coast who would otherwise have an empty seat in their car and who might consider taking me along round trip?

I'd be willing to do all the driving both ways if that would help sweeten the deal and have a clean driving record and lots of experience driving long distances. I'm located in the Metro Washington, DC area but could travel to relatively nearby places between here and NYC to the north and maybe say Richmond, VA to the south to meet to head out to Joliet.

If this sounds good to anyone please do reply at your earliest convenience!

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Don Kona Woods

Hawaiian Kama'aina
Post  Posted 25 Sep 2008 11:13 pm    
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This is a bump up.

Can anyone come up with some aid, suggestions or leads? Muttering

Here is a young man who wants to get some exposure to Hawaiian steel guitar. Cool

Let's help him out. Smile

Aloha, Smile
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Andy Barlo


Schererville, Indiana, USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 26 Sep 2008 12:48 am    
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I think Frank Della-Penna from the DC area is coming but I don't know if he is driving. I don't have a contact number.


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