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Judson Bertoch


Virginia, USA
Post  Posted 19 Sep 2008 3:33 pm    
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I'm working to improve my theory knowledge and was revisiting Brad's Page and ended up reading through the tunings section again. This applied to several tunings but the context is in Open D for example.

"the tonic (the note representing the base to which all other notes relate) is represented three times, and the third (which indicated whether the chord is major or minor) is only present once. By leaving this note in or out of your playing, you can "fake" playing minor chords"

I get that the root is D, the 3rd is F# and the 5th is A. Is it not a Power Chord then, if the 3rd is left out - being neither major nor minor? What am I missing?

Also, when I hear the term "implied" chord. Is that just leaving the root out because you can safely assume it's being played by another band member (bass or guitar or keys)? Or is that not the gist of it?

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George Piburn

The Land of Enchantment New Mexico
Post  Posted 19 Sep 2008 4:37 pm     edit
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Last edited by George Piburn on 20 Jun 2012 5:34 am; edited 1 time in total
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Edward Meisse


Santa Rosa, California, USA
Post  Posted 19 Sep 2008 7:29 pm    
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Implied chords-depending on the chord, you may leave out something other than the root. You might leave out more than one note. For instance to play a G9 chord you might play the 1st and second strings at the fifth fret and the fourth string on the fourth fret. The notes would be A, F and B. The G9 is implied even though you are omitting both the root and the fifth. You are only playing what are sometimes called the color notes. Not only that. But more than one chord is implied. A Bm7b5 is implied. An F7b5 is implied. A Db13#5 is depends on what the other instruments are playing.
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