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Eldon Cangas

Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 12 Sep 2008 2:28 pm    
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Hardly a kid I was borne in 1950. I've played commercially locally since I was 15 and I'm still at it. Now this.......... I built a 6 string lap steel from odds and ends about a month ago and it appears I'm hooked! A lot of it has to do with our groups' pedal steel player - thanks loads Erol. Your guidance and support is amazing.

I've got Scott's C6 book on order but in the meantime I'm working on coming to grips with picking bar slants, blocking etc etc you guys know the drill.

I'm working on techniques I've picked off this awesome message board. Then I use midi files with the free Van Basco midi player (lets you loop songs, change key, change speed and mute instruments)to see if I've learned anything. It's slow but I'm making progress. I teach guitar, keyboard, accordion and bass so it also gives me a perspective on my student's struggles. Ultimately uphill battles lead to plateaus where you have learned something and then... the next plateau...... blocking...hmmm.

I've got a new 10 string lap on the go. The body is cutout and I'm working on the headstock right now. After lurking on this site for about 1 1/2 months here are the specs I've come up with.

White birch body
24 1/2 inch scale
3/8 inch string spacing to match my pickup - thanks again Erol
Nut and Bridge tooled from 1 inch aluminum angle
Strings through the body
C6 tempere3d tuning.

I'll be posting photos when I'm done. Any thoughts or questions are most welcome, I never seem to be able to think of it all the time.

Warmest Regards! Eldon
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Edward Meisse


Santa Rosa, California, USA
Post  Posted 12 Sep 2008 3:32 pm    
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There was a great thread on blocking some time ago. You might try to search it out. I found it fascinating and helpful.
Amor vincit omnia
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