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Author Topic:  LR Baggs Acoustic preamp settings?
Terry Sneed


Post  Posted 19 Aug 2008 8:40 am    
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Dobro players using the LR Baggs acoustic preamp, from preamp into PA system. Could you share your settings (for best Dobro tone) on your Baggs preamp please? I know it depends on Dobro brand, PA, a lot of variables here, just want to get ballpark settings, Especially the notch and presence settings. BTW- I'm playing a Beard Goldtone Mahagony standard with a Lace pickup, just in case somebody is playing the same setup. Smile

Also, what is the A-D-G-B and the .8-.1.2-.4- 1.6 knobs far? This is my friends Baggs preamp, and I don't have any instructions on this thing. If I like it, I'll probly buy it from him.


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Orville Johnson

Seattle, Washington, USA
Post  Posted 19 Aug 2008 8:59 am    
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Also, what is the A-D-G-B and the .8-.1.2-.4- 1.6 knobs far?

The numbers indicate the frequency range that your midrange knob will boost or cut. you can move it around to find the spot that most needs attenuation. It's called a sweepable midrange adjustment because you can boost the mid knob, sweep the frequency knob til you find the most horrible sounding spot, (warning: this will sound like h*ll so try to do it before the crowd shows up)and then cut the bad area.

The letter names are attached to the notch filter. This is a very narrow band EQ that allows you to find a more specific frequency that needs cutting. The letters correspond to guitar strings. It's really operating on a numerical frequency but I think they name it that way to make it easier for the guitarist who thinks "My A string is feeding back" and moves the dial there and cuts the frequency back. You don't have to know the number that way.
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Tom Wolverton

Carpinteria, CA
Post  Posted 19 Aug 2008 11:37 am    
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I use this preamp and really like it. I use it with a Gibson Roy Smeck Hawaiian guitar with a Baggs Piezo bridge in it. It works well to even out the wolf tones in that large body.

I also recently started using it with my dobro and a Fishman Aura/spider bridge pick-up. I like it - as it provides more EQ control than the Aura box does.

Orville is correct on what the knobs do. You can get the user's manual on-line from Fishman and they will describe the knobs as well. One thing is you have to set the trim (gain) correctly. This will take some trial-and-error.
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Terry Sneed


Post  Posted 20 Aug 2008 8:37 am     Baggs
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Appreciate the info guys.

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