St. Louis Club Scene?

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Chris Allen Burke
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St. Louis Club Scene?

Post by Chris Allen Burke »

I was wondereing why the local clubs don't get on the "band wagon", and feature the hot players coming into the ISGA at their nightclubs for the weekend. Austin TX. has been doing this for years for the SXSW music conference and it's a huge sucsess. This would of course take away some $ from the Millenium, but at the same time it would feed the SL club scene and employ the steel guitar player for more than just a featured spot at the ISGA. There are so many people (players), that have spent a huge part of their careeres and life in the club and concert scene where the lighting is cool and mood appropriate. The super busy, flouresent lite, sterile enviorment of the main hall and side rooms are not always condusive to relaxing and letting the ceative music juices flow. I for one, would explore both.

How about this?
It would enable some of the players to bring in their own bands that know all their cool material.
Pump up the overall music scene in SL.
Get these special talented pickers paid for a longer stay.
Let fans see their favorites in several types of enviornments.
The players don't get paid much at all to do this, many donate their time. As well as it is very costly for Scotty to put his production on. In other words, this might help with costs to bring in performers (I'm talking here about the one's that have to travel long distances ie international), for the weekend.

For me, the list goes on.

What do you think?

Chris Allen Burke
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Nic du Toit
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Post by Nic du Toit »

Chris, I second you on this one. Maybe there are already places where established country bands perform. Does anybody know of such places???
I reckon it would be too late for your idea; clubs, or other venues normally prepare their schedules months ahead....


Nic du Toit

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Dyke Corson
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Post by Dyke Corson »

Our band plays a place down the street a couple times a year (usually for Card vs Cub games) called the Broadway Oyster Bar, just down from the stadium. GREAT Gumbo there too...
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Nic du Toit
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Post by Nic du Toit »

Thanks Dyke,
I'll make some enquiries once I'm in St Louis.