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Ben Godard


Jamesville NC
Post  Posted 10 Aug 2008 5:33 pm    
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I have a D10 Franklin that was built in 1993 and I was told that it was set-up to Paul's "then" current copedant. I have compared this 1993 copedant with what he has on his website today and its a bit different especially on the C6th neck. Of coarse I know we steelers try different changes all the time. However I was wandering if anyone could verify that this is accurate or not. Below is a chart of the copedant on this guitar compared to Paul's current set-up.

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Austin Tripp


Westminster SC
Post  Posted 11 Aug 2008 7:04 pm    
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Hey Ben, e-mail the Franklin guitar company and they "should" have his copedant, if not, e-mail Bobby Boggs,, he is a member of the forum. Send me a PM and I will send you his address.

_Austin Tripp
Steel guitarist for Cody Jinks
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Bobby Boggs


Upstate SC.
Post  Posted 12 Aug 2008 8:02 am    
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Ben, I would take that guitar back to the guy you bought it from and demand a full refund. Very Happy

The E note on your pedal 9 should be an Eb if you're looking for Pauls early 90's set-up.

On E9.Lose the B's to A's lower if you're looking for Pauls current set-up? And change it to middle G# to B raise. Or, a middle G# to E lower. Even Paul Sr. does not encourge the G# to E lower. Because, The Franklin has a double lower changer. You will need a lower return compensator for that change. You are already lowering that string with pedal 4. A lower return comp must be connected to the lower side of the changer. So you need a triple lower changer. or a Father that builds steel guitars. Very Happy
Unless you're and advanced C6th player? I would not go with Pauls C6th set-up. Unless,you already hear the need for it in your head. There is no instruction written for it that I know of.And only a hand full of guys use that set-up. And they ain't talking. Smile
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Ben Godard


Jamesville NC
Post  Posted 12 Aug 2008 6:27 pm    
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Thanks for the info Bobby. I am still greatful to that guy that sold me this guitar. It plays and sounds like a charm. I bet he has Zum's for sale now. Smile If I had the money, I'd go buy one of those also.

I really like Pauls's E9 set-up. I like the E to Eb change on RKL. Many people avoid this like the plague and stick with the basic Emmons setup but i like it better for my playing.

His C6 is another story. I still see a lot of the basic changes but there are so many other things I haven't figured out. The only way to figure it out though is to start playing it. I do understand a bit of music theory and I think over time I can figure it out (or maybe half of it Smile ) In no way could I ever understand it like Paul himself. But I am willing to make a good attempt.....Call me copycat but I don't think that I am the only one in the world to adapt to one of their favorite steeler's setup. Besides Paul is very intelligent with theory and music, probrably one of the best. So I defintaley trust his setup to be a "make sense" copedant for the most part, and the rest is personal flavor and ease of favored licks.

I would love to get Paul Sr to work on this but I think he has been backed with orders for quite some time. Anyway I'll eventually get it done sometime.
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Earnest Bovine

Los Angeles CA USA
Post  Posted 12 Aug 2008 7:42 pm    
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Bobby Boggs wrote:

On E9.Lose the B's to A's lower if you're looking for Pauls current set-up

...or just retune it to a half step lower (A#) which is probably what Paul had on there first. This is a nice useful change for the LKV, especially if you add another raise rod on each string so you can tune C natural (A pedal and LKV together) independently of A# and C#.
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Earnest Bovine

Los Angeles CA USA
Post  Posted 12 Aug 2008 7:44 pm    
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It's interesting that Paul has changed it so little since 1993.
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Bobby Boggs


Upstate SC.
Post  Posted 12 Aug 2008 8:49 pm    
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I'm sure at some time. Paul had the B's to A# change. However he had lost it by 1989. And I've never known him to use it since.

I'm not saying the change is not useful. Ben asked what Pauls using today..
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Dean Parks


Sherman Oaks, California, USA
Post  Posted 12 Aug 2008 10:45 pm    
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Paul also has a feel-stop at G on the F# to G# raises (RKR).
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C Dixon


Duluth, GA USA
Post  Posted 13 Aug 2008 9:06 am    
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When Bobby speaks, listen up folks. He KNOWS from whence he speaks.

I know of only a handful of players who are as aquainted with the bottom of a PSG as they are the top of it.

And Bobby is one of them. He is also an awesome player as well. I saw him first when he was just a kid in powderville, SC. It blew me away with his exact cloneship of Buddy Emmons. He handled "At E's" with ease as few could do; particularly that unprecedented ending. Right down to every nuance of timbre that Buddy played on that black album.

Imagine what he can play today.

I love this kid. May Jesus richly bless him and his family, and may He richly bless all of you,


A broken heart + †  = a new heart.
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