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Steve Norman
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Post by Steve Norman »

One thing about Volume peds,,Tom Brumely makes Together again what it is with his volume pedal. Trying to learn the subtleties of that song will give your brain a work out. So simple,,so pretty, so hard to sound good on.

Ben we can only steal each others technique up here,,we are ships on the high seas,,with only the clouds of confusion and the fish of doubt for company. (hows that for cheesy?), last I heard you had a DVD of some good technique...must borrow....
GFI D10, Fender Steel King, Hilton Vpedal,BoBro, National D dobro, Marrs RGS
Daniel Davis
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Post by Daniel Davis »

In my short time playing the PSG, I've come to the conclusion that it is the ultimate in emotional instruments. That is, it's all about how you play, not what you play. I know this is really true for most instruments (sans the kazoo, and perhaps the slide whistle, although I am sure some kazooists and slide whistlers will disagree), but it seems especially true in this instance.

I find that, often times, the PSG stuff I like to listen to is incredibly simple - a very short, slow, and pleasant phrase - but it is played with much feeling.

I've always thought of the volume pedal as more of an expression pedal. That is, it is used to create mood, atmosphere and emotion. Changing the volume is what it does physically, but what is most important is what it does metaphysically.
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Ben Jones
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Post by Ben Jones »

Daniel what you just said about the volume pedal being an "expression pedal" is what alot of the pros have also said and is a good and accurate way of thinking about it IMHO as a fellow beginner.

Steve , we need to get together sometime for an hour or so and trade some are a bit ahead of me still ;) and we cannot have that >:-)
I dont know the dvd you're refering to...i have a couple made by pros...but nothing thats not readily available and relatively cheap to purchase. MY technique on dvd would be a lesson in what NOT to do. haha

I'm still up for having a couple of you cats over for a bbq and some info/lick swappin one saturday or sunday afternoon before the heavy rains start up again. STeve you cvould say hello to your old space echo again 8) Its already told me it misses you and that I suck....
Daniel Davis
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Post by Daniel Davis »

Ben Jones wrote: I'm still up for having a couple of you cats over for a bbq and some info/lick swappin one saturday or sunday afternoon before the heavy rains start up again. STeve you cvould say hello to your old space echo again 8) Its already told me it misses you and that I suck....
Now this sounds fun.

Well, maybe "sounds fun" is the wrong way to put it, as it really could end up sounding terrible.

Anyhow, I'm totally down.

I'm getting together with a dude in Queen Anne to play some PSG. I told him I'm a total newb, but he said he wants to hear some PSG on some tunes he wrote. I should be good enough to get by with some simple little licks and chord progressions.
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Ben Jones
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Post by Ben Jones »

Daniel thats great that you are already playing with others and you just got your guitar recently. I wish I had done that myself...Im just now getting around to doing it and it has been not only unbeleiveably fun but a tremendous learning experience...

your definetly invited to the steely bbq if I can get it together and get a few others interested too.
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Steve Norman
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Post by Steve Norman »

Queen Anne,I live on Queen Anne,, wonder who it is. A lot of stuff is opening up since Jay is busy with Sarah.
GFI D10, Fender Steel King, Hilton Vpedal,BoBro, National D dobro, Marrs RGS
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Ben Jones
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Post by Ben Jones »

I see ads on Craigs List for pedal steel players once or twice a week.

Im playing at some place called the skylark this saturday (aug 10), If any of you wanna come steal the 3 licks i got.
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Steve Norman
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Post by Steve Norman »

Who you playing with Ben? If I can make it I will. They have deep fried hostess pies there....
GFI D10, Fender Steel King, Hilton Vpedal,BoBro, National D dobro, Marrs RGS
Daniel Davis
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Post by Daniel Davis »

Ben Jones wrote:Daniel thats great that you are already playing with others and you just got your guitar recently. I wish I had done that myself...Im just now getting around to doing it and it has been not only unbeleiveably fun but a tremendous learning experience...

your definetly invited to the steely bbq if I can get it together and get a few others interested too.
I've always found that playing with other musicians is the best way to learn an instrument. It's like learning to speak a new language - it's best to just throw yourself into the deep end and try not to drown.

I figure I know how to locate the chords, so all I need to do is string some licks together, right?

Daniel Davis
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Post by Daniel Davis »

Steve Norman wrote:Queen Anne,I live on Queen Anne,, wonder who it is.
Some dude named Travis Nelson. He plays acoustic guitar and has some written some tunes and he wants to hear them with some PSG.

He doesn't play PSG, but I think my previous post made it sound like he does.
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Ben Jones
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Post by Ben Jones »

Steve Norman wrote:Who you playing with Ben? If I can make it I will. They have deep fried hostess pies there....
wow :whoa: deep fried hostess pies? I cant eat one or my heart will explode, but any place that serves that kind of bar food sounds alright by cover charge I think

Band is called Boxwood Vessel. I didnt choose that name, Im just the steeler :wink:
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Steve Norman
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Post by Steve Norman »

Cool man,,Im gonna try and be there!

BTW dont eat the chili Mine was C>O>D> if you know what I mean.
GFI D10, Fender Steel King, Hilton Vpedal,BoBro, National D dobro, Marrs RGS
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Steve Norman
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Post by Steve Norman »

Daniel Davis wrote:
I figure I know how to locate the chords, so all I need to do is string some licks together, right?

there in lies the rub....

I was talking to Travis as well,,but I have been pretty busy. Do you understand chord substitution?
GFI D10, Fender Steel King, Hilton Vpedal,BoBro, National D dobro, Marrs RGS
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Ben Jones
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Post by Ben Jones »

Steve Norman wrote:Cool man,,Im gonna try and be there!

BTW dont eat the chili Mine was C>O>D> if you know what I mean.
Hey Steve...I sent you an email but maybe you'll see this sooner. The band we were supposed to play with on saturday has cancelled. I think they were just a duo or trio. If you or one of the bands you play with would like the gig, lemme know asap and I'll see if its still available.

sorry for the temporary thread hijack
Daniel Davis
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Post by Daniel Davis »

Steve Norman wrote:Do you understand chord substitution?
I don't know - maybe.

I told him I'm a total newb on the PSG, so he knows what to expect.
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Post by Daniel Davis »

Okay, just looked up chord substitution. I always called it "playing other stuff that sounds good, too," so yes, I understand it.

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Brian McGaughey
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Post by Brian McGaughey »

I'm gonna steer this thread left then right.

Signal left...

RE: volume pedal. My approach: I figure if I can hear it being used, it's wrong, other than a gutting lick I use in one solo where it's obviously in use. Main problem that "gives it away" is RKR.

Signal right...

Re: Seattle gathering. Count me in. I've mentioned hosting before and even have the bosses blessing but it's been a busy summer. If one of you does it before me contact me please. I usually have a 5 gallon keg of hand built beer around!...

Ben, you're getting out and about...great!

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Rick Hulett
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Post by Rick Hulett »

So, would you Seattleites let some of us Oregonians come up to your shindig, assuming you have one?

Derby D10, Hilton, Peavey 112
Twayn Williams
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Post by Twayn Williams »

Rick Hulett wrote:So, would you Seattleites let some of us Oregonians come up to your shindig, assuming you have one?

Primitive Utility Steel
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Ben Jones
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Post by Ben Jones »

Did someone say five gallons of homemade beer??!! :eek: OKay, guys, the party is at Brians place! :mrgreen:

Rick, (and Twayn),the oregonian steel contingent has always been most welcoming to us northerners. I know you'd be more than welcome to join us, should we somehow manage to do this...

Ungh... rough gig last night...a true "beginners" gig. :oops: Comedy/music club. shoulda trusted my instincts and declined. Theres a beginners lesson for ya..if it looks like spinal tap, smells like spinal tap, tastes like spinal probably IS spinal tap.
Carl Morris
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Post by Carl Morris »

Re: Spinal Tap

Did you get to play "Big Bottoms"? Since it's all bass, some twang might sound good :-).
Daniel Davis
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Post by Daniel Davis »

Rick Hulett wrote:So, would you Seattleites let some of us Oregonians come up to your shindig, assuming you have one?

I always thought there was a generations-old blood feud between the Oregon and Seattle steelers?

I saw a documentary once called Northwest Steelers: The Great Divide.
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Steve Norman
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Post by Steve Norman »

Ben I live a block away from that place, and didnt go because that is the definition of S**T HOLE.

Looking forward to fried pies and good music at the skylark.
GFI D10, Fender Steel King, Hilton Vpedal,BoBro, National D dobro, Marrs RGS
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Ben Jones
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Post by Ben Jones »

Steve Norman wrote:Ben I live a block away from that place, and didnt go because that is the definition of S**T HOLE.

Looking forward to fried pies and good music at the skylark.
The place in question is called the Mainstage, just in case any other seattle-lites are foolish enough to consider a gig there..dont do it!. Ive played a few gigs over the years so i can kinda smell a bad one coming from a mile away, but the band i joined is a little less experienced and they are doing the booking, not me. The club is a music/comedy club and there was to be a comic on right before us. I knew right then we shouldnt take the gig and said so. They wanted us to be there for a 6:00 soundcheck for a 10:00 show and sent us an email saying so. I said no way, showed up at 7:30 to find my band in the parking lot. They had showed up at 6. The "sound guy" said load in was at 9 and wouldnt even let them bring their gear in. :evil:

I could go on, but you get the idea...thats how the rest of the evening went as well. Other than 3 songs at a tribute show, it was our first gig so...meh..whatever, not the end of the world, just not an experience I am eager to repeat. It was actually kind of funny, the lame crowd, the comic, the 1 mic PA, I can look back and laugh...someday. :roll:
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Steve Norman
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Post by Steve Norman »

GFI D10, Fender Steel King, Hilton Vpedal,BoBro, National D dobro, Marrs RGS
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