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Topic: Di Mazio Pickups?????????? |
C Dixon
From: Duluth, GA USA
Posted 28 Jul 2008 7:23 am
Has anyone heard of these Pickups?
carl _________________ A broken heart + † = a new heart. |
Bill Hatcher
From: Atlanta Ga. USA
Posted 28 Jul 2008 7:28 am
Carl. I have never heard of Di Mazio.
Could you be referring to DiMarzio? |
Stu Schulman
From: Ulster Park New Yawk (deceased)
Posted 28 Jul 2008 7:31 am
Steve Bluecher is V.P. of DiMarzio and he used to play steel?He taught me how to play harmonics when we were kids. _________________ Steeltronics Z-pickup,Desert Rose S-10 4+5,Desert Rose Keyless S-10 3+5... Mullen G2 S-10 3+5,Telonics 206 pickups,Telonics volume pedal.,Blanton SD -10,Emmons GS_10...Zirctone bar,Bill Groner Bar...any amp that isn't broken.Steel Seat.Com seats...Licking paint chips off of Chinese Toys since 1952. |
Gary Cosden
From: Florida, USA
Posted 28 Jul 2008 7:37 am
I have a Sierra that I bought from a forum member that came to me with what he described as a Dimarzio pickup. It looks a little like a Tonealigner in that it has two rows of adjustable set screws. When I talked with Joe Wright at a seminar last year he told me that was what he used as well. The pickup in his guitar appeared identical to mine. I have never seen one advertised anywhere however. |
C Dixon
From: Duluth, GA USA
Posted 28 Jul 2008 7:57 am
It certainly could be a "Di Marzio". Mitsuo Fujii of Excel guitars speaks very little english. I saw his new Excel sometime back, and I asked him in an email what PU he was using and he responded "DiMazio".
I particularly would like to hear from anyone who has used them. And I especially would like to hear some candid comments about them, pro or con.
Thanks to those who have responded so far.
I installed a TT PU in my old Excel last week, because the buyer (I sold it on the forum a month ago) bought one and had it shipped to me so I could install it (along with making a new copedent for him) before he picks it up, after I return from St. Louis.
And the TT made a remarkable change for the better. But the one caveat is: It is a single coil, and it picks up 60hz hum which all SC's do.
So, I want the best PU I can get in my new Excel without the hum. This is because I play only at home in a very quiet surrounding with no accompanyment. Thus any hum drives me nuts.
I don't like BL's because they are too sensitive for the way I play. And that causes a harshness to the "attack" of my picks. I know, I know, I should play softer and let the amp do it all. But I formed this "bad" habit 60yrs ago, and there is no way I can now stop it, unless I order a new head! Mine that is!
Oh well.
c. _________________ A broken heart + † = a new heart. |
Gary Cosden
From: Florida, USA
Posted 28 Jul 2008 8:22 am
I have a TT in my Sierra right now and I like it better that the DiMarzio but I have to say that for a humbucker the DiMarzio sounds really good and mine has three tone options using the switch on the Sierra - all of which are usable. I've been carrying it with me in case I run into the dreaded 60 hz hum but so far the TT has worked just fine. |
Michael Stover
From: Kansas City
Posted 28 Jul 2008 9:25 am
DiMarzio dot com
These pickups are very popular among rock guitar players. If they make a steel pickup, it isn't marketed on their site.
I put their Pro Track II guitar pickup in my Eastwood Mandocaster. The results were stunning. |
Roy Thomson
From: Wolfville, Nova Scotia,Canada
Posted 28 Jul 2008 10:08 am
It has been stated above that this pickup is
popular with Rock Guitarists and I beleive
that to be so.
I put one on a six string lap steel and it
was "HOT". Much too bright and sharp for me.
Of course you can no doubt get it wound to
your liking?
Roy _________________ Custom Tabs Various Tunings
Courses Lap Steel, Pedal Steel |
Stu Schulman
From: Ulster Park New Yawk (deceased)
Posted 28 Jul 2008 10:16 am
Larry DiMarzio built a pickup for my MSA Semi-Classic in the early 70's it still couldn't help that guitar,But it was a good pickup.Larry,and Steve Bluecher "Who knows steel guitars" can build anything,They've been doing it a long time plus Steve was or still is a steel guitar player. _________________ Steeltronics Z-pickup,Desert Rose S-10 4+5,Desert Rose Keyless S-10 3+5... Mullen G2 S-10 3+5,Telonics 206 pickups,Telonics volume pedal.,Blanton SD -10,Emmons GS_10...Zirctone bar,Bill Groner Bar...any amp that isn't broken.Steel Seat.Com seats...Licking paint chips off of Chinese Toys since 1952. |
Bill Hatcher
From: Atlanta Ga. USA
Posted 28 Jul 2008 10:30 am
I would really be surprised if DiMarzio offered a pickup for steel anymore. Maybe they tried it a while back. They are all about rock and roll and kids and that kind of stuff that makes money. |
Stu Schulman
From: Ulster Park New Yawk (deceased)
Posted 28 Jul 2008 10:51 am
Bill,What I meant was Larry DiMarzio custom wound one for me,They never went into production.  _________________ Steeltronics Z-pickup,Desert Rose S-10 4+5,Desert Rose Keyless S-10 3+5... Mullen G2 S-10 3+5,Telonics 206 pickups,Telonics volume pedal.,Blanton SD -10,Emmons GS_10...Zirctone bar,Bill Groner Bar...any amp that isn't broken.Steel Seat.Com seats...Licking paint chips off of Chinese Toys since 1952. |
C Dixon
From: Duluth, GA USA
Posted 28 Jul 2008 11:01 am
Thank you sooo much genttleman.
Some how I felt what Roy said would be the case, once I realized that they are made for "Rock Guitarists".
The last thing I want is a too "hot" PU or one that is too bright. I do not care for that sound at all on a PSG. Yes I love the highs and I want them as loud as the other strings, but I do not want them bright. This is why I never cared for the "brightness" control on Amps.
Having spent most of my career in electonics, I KNEW how they got that brightness, and I did not feel it was in keeping with true fidelity reproduction of music. Thus, I would not use it.
So thanks for telling me this. I am saddened of course, because the one in Mitsuo's guitar is humbucking and I love the ability to adjust the individual "Pole pieces" for level. See the following picture:
I had this feature on a "crap trap" PU on the Sierra I used to have. And I really like this feature.
Oh well.
c. _________________ A broken heart + † = a new heart. |
Charlie McDonald
From: out of the blue
Posted 29 Jul 2008 4:06 am
Stu 'Bender' Schulman: do you still have that pickup? Just curious....
Carl, that guitar is stunning.
But what's a 'crap trap' pickup? |
Mike Perlowin
From: Los Angeles CA
Posted 29 Jul 2008 4:57 am
I installed DiMarzio pickups in a couple of 6 string guitars and I'm extremely happy with them. They make a number of different ones, and not all are designed for rock and roll. I have their jazz pickups in my hollow body, and their stacked humbuckers (one coil on top of the other instead of side by side) in my strat.
The stacked humbuckers are actually not very hot, and the guitar that they are installed in has great tone and doesn't hum, but isn't excessively loud.
The single best sounding guitar I own is a Japanese LP copy, carved from a single piece of Mahogany, that came with what looks like DiMarzios. I can't say for sure what the pickups are, but they have the 2 rows of adjustable pole pieces. _________________ Please visit my web site and Soundcloud page and listen to the music posted there. |
ed packard
From: Show Low AZ
Posted 29 Jul 2008 5:58 am Di Marzio and Crap Trap
Steve built a tapped unit for my 14 string BEAST. It has four leads so it can be either serial or parallel, in phase or out of phase. The winding ratios are 3:1 so the "belly ups" are at different places for every switching combination. Tele/Strat sounds on the low strings if wanted. Mello Hawiian if wanted, and everything in between. Expensive but good.
FSA profiles for the pickup are on my PHOTOBUCKET Site.
"Crap Trap" pickups were made by the late Danny Shields. The second pickup on the BEAST is a "Crap trap". |
Marco Schouten
From: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Posted 29 Jul 2008 7:01 am
I heard nice things about the Tone Aligner pickups.
Maybe they will give you what you're looking for.
Marco _________________ ----------------------------------
JCH SD-10 with BL XR-16 pickup, Sho-Bud Volume Pedal, Evidence Audio Lyric HG cables, Quilter Steelaire combo |
C Dixon
From: Duluth, GA USA
Posted 29 Jul 2008 7:07 am
Thanks to all who have responded so far.
I am especially pleased to learn what Mike said. Based on that I am going to have Mitsuo install one of the subject PU's in my new guitar he is building. Since He will be at the show, I can try it out, and I am sure he will give me credit if I don't like it. then I will check out some of the other humbucking PU's WITH adjustable pole pieces.
If I do, then "All is well, that ends well".
Thanks gentlemen.
c. _________________ A broken heart + † = a new heart. |
Stu Schulman
From: Ulster Park New Yawk (deceased)
Posted 29 Jul 2008 9:26 am
Charlie,I sold the guitar years ago and the pickup was on it,MSA also made a new pickup for it in about 1973 when I moved from New Yawk to Dallas,I finally realized that my MSA would never sound like a ZB or Sho-Bud.I think that Dan Tyack told me that Steve Bluecher was building him a pickup at DiMarzio last year,I was just trying to say don't judge them by their R+R minded guitar pickups they have a man who's be playing steel guitar for over 30 years at DiMarzio as their vice president...In fact when I first learned how to drive my Dad let me borrow the car for the first time,Me and Steve Bluecher drive to Kutztown P.A. for a steel guitar show that featured Curly Chalker,Reece Anderson,Phil Baugh on guitar,Larrie London on drums,and Henry Strysleki [SP]on Bass,quite a show for free.Charlie,Do they still skii in Lubbock?Stu  _________________ Steeltronics Z-pickup,Desert Rose S-10 4+5,Desert Rose Keyless S-10 3+5... Mullen G2 S-10 3+5,Telonics 206 pickups,Telonics volume pedal.,Blanton SD -10,Emmons GS_10...Zirctone bar,Bill Groner Bar...any amp that isn't broken.Steel Seat.Com seats...Licking paint chips off of Chinese Toys since 1952. |
Charlie McDonald
From: out of the blue
Posted 29 Jul 2008 9:55 am
I haven't seen a Ski Lubbock bumper sticker in a good while. Guess the rage died out. Now, it's 'The Giant Side of Texas.'
Thanks, Stu, Ed.
Carl, the Tonealigners, you may know, have adjustable pole pieces.
What I'm saving my nickels for. |
C Dixon
From: Duluth, GA USA
Posted 29 Jul 2008 10:09 am
Thanks Charlie. And I did not know that until yesterday. I got several emails about the "Tonealigners", and if the DiMarzio does not do the trick, I am definitely going to try one of these
One of the reasons, I so want the adjustable pole pieces is: I have always had a problem in getting enough volume level (respect to the other strings on my 12 string) on strings 1 and 2.
I feel certain this is due to the way I pick. But after 60 yrs of playing, I doubt seriously if I could ever truly get around that by trying to teach an "ole dog new tricks".
So being able to adjust the levels of each string individually is a blessing. As it was on the "Crap Traps" I had on my Sierra.
Thanks dear friend,
carl _________________ A broken heart + † = a new heart. |
ed packard
From: Show Low AZ
Posted 29 Jul 2008 10:09 am adjustable poles
Charlie...My Di Marzio has two rows of adjustable (Allen screws) pole pieces (actually = return paths for the magnetic field(s). |
C Dixon
From: Duluth, GA USA
Posted 29 Jul 2008 10:30 am
Yes Ed,
They do.
Note this picture I JUST received from Mitsuo on the guitar he is building for me.
It is not finished underneath, but he wanted to show me how it looks so far. It has the DiMarzio PU installed, after I told him to put it in.
Hopefully, it will not be too HOT and brite like the "Rockers" love. If so, I am going to see if he will give me credit at the show in St.Louis and I will try the Tonealigners.
He uses the DiMarzio also (as I said earlier) on his own guitars. It is where I found about them, and the reason he wrote "DiMazio". As most know, bless his heart, Mitsuo does have a real problem with our language. But I love him dearly for how kind and accomadating he is to changes I wanted. Without the usual "we can't do that!"
Note: He apologized in the email about the over exposure. The sun was directly overhead, but he wanted me to see the picture to get an idea how the top side would look. Not too sure I am keen on that large logo at the left end, but it is a decal, so.....
Also, the LOK lever escutcheon is not as yet screwed down, thus why it is crooked. _________________ A broken heart + † = a new heart. |
Charlie McDonald
From: out of the blue
Posted 29 Jul 2008 12:47 pm Re: adjustable poles
Carl, I'm not trying to blow up your skirt, but that really is the most beautiful guitar I've ever seen.
Sorry Ed.
What I dig is the top view, the one you see, the way the control plate has a little cutaway, and the corresponding swoop on the other side. The keyless head really gives the view balance.
Kudos to Mitsuo.
ed packard wrote: |
Charlie...My Di Marzio has two rows of adjustable (Allen screws) pole pieces (actually = return paths for the magnetic field(s). |
Somehow this doesn't surprise me. I think the problem with my Supersustain doesn't have a return path, and the field is leaking around the room, like in Thurber's 'The Night the Bed Fell.' |
C Dixon
From: Duluth, GA USA
Posted 29 Jul 2008 1:47 pm
Quote: |
Carl, I'm not trying to blow up your skirt, but that really is the most beautiful guitar I've ever seen. |
I am humbled and honored you think that. I do too. Since you like that picture, let me show you some more that are clearer.
I sent the last picture to let you (and others who are interested) know some of the new features of the New Excel Superb PSG:
Tab: |
1. 7 raise holes per finger (UN precedented)
2. 5 lower " " " " |
NOTE: counting from the changer axle: 2 raise holes, 2 lowers, 5 raises and finally 3 lowers.
3. An 8th raise hole (it is hidden because of the angle the photo was taken. (You can see these screws if you blow up the first picture). They are used to adjust raise "helper" springs. This can be a real advantage if you have a lot of raises on one pedal or knee lever; such as the PF knee lever. IE: raises 1 and 7 a whole tone and 2 a half a tone. Which this guitar has.
4. The string balls do NOT attach at the changer end. Rather, they install at the keylees end. A long needed change IMO. NO more damage to the changer fingers by the string windings.
5. Three ways of locking down the strings after initial tightening, before tuning, after you change strings.
A. The top allen set screw
B. The lower allen cap screw
C. Both
Note that strings 11 and 12, do not use the bottom cap screws, since those strings are typically difficult to wrap around screws. So the top allen screw is used to lock down hard on them. (They have not as yet cut the tails off of those strings.)
There is still quite a bit to do on the guitar before it is shipped.
I am told that by stringing the strings with the ball end at the keyless end, it makes the strings easier to install, since it is 90% all done at the right end of the guitar. I can't wait to try this out.
The next picture shows you the balls UNDERNEATH the keyless end. I sent Mitsuo an email immediately after receiving this photo, afraid that I was going to have to thread the strings up through the bottom of the guitar. He responded quickly,
"You put in top. Very easy!" It takes a while to decipher his Japanese "english".
Ya gotta love him.
NOTE: If you put these pictures in your picture file, you can zoom in on areas that make things a lot clearer. Because it is almost impossible to see the balls without making this picture quite a bit larger. Being digital also, you do not loose resolution as quickly as with analog pics.
I will have this guitar in the Excel room in St. Louis. Do come and "set a spell". For those I have not met, come and let us become friends also. I would be honored.
Thanks again, Charlie,
carl _________________ A broken heart + † = a new heart. |
ed packard
From: Show Low AZ
Posted 29 Jul 2008 3:27 pm It was mid 2003 as I recall
Re DiMarzio of the very few places that will measure and tell you the resistance, Inductance, resonant frequency (belly up), and Q.
I am really partial to the string retaining method on your see why, check out the Sierra Web page. |