What Do You Think About Single String Playing?

Lap steels, resonators, multi-neck consoles and acoustic steel guitars

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Bishop Ronnie P Hall
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Post by Bishop Ronnie P Hall »

Hi Ian,
Thanks so much, for your kind words of greeting, and encouragement. I`ve never thought of myself as anything more than one of the many, who just tried to serve our church, and our God, by trying to add a little music in the praise, and worship services.
I am thankful too, for having met a real friend in Bob Stone, and the tremendous effort that he exibited in bringing this genre of music to an otherwise unknowing public. I kid him a lot, but as I have said to him personally, "you`re family"! We of the Sacred String genre owe him a lot. And for your help Ian, in helping him in what ever capacity, God Bless You too! Stay in touch my friend.
Bishop Ronnie P Hall
Don McClellan
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Post by Don McClellan »

A few years ago in another thread on the pedal steel section Buddy Emmons said when he plays the head of a song he tries to make it simple, with a nice blend of single notes, chords and octaves. Bud Tutmark shows how beautiful single notes can sound and guys like Curly Chalker show us how cool chords can sound but I think Emmons has the right idea.
Singles notes should not be overlooked though. I personally don't care much for single string playing.
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Post by basilh »

What do you think about Single String Playing as a style of playing?
I would liken it to one of an artist's brushes. The great players of the Hawaii Calls era used it as an integral part of their style usually reserved for making the definitive statement and reverting to chordal work and harmonies when playing back-up OR more sedate parts. Not for one moment inferring that single string (note) work is used solely for swing style soloing, just listen to Andy Iona's playing on indebted to you.

The one we all know

Version 2

Listen to the difference between the takes, he plays in different octaves on the second one, also the band have discovered the "Half Diminished chord" (m7b5) I often wonder just how many players today even realize that the Hawaiian Steel recordings of the past had quite advance chords in use.?
Beginners would do well to study single (note) string playing BEFORE attempting to play more exotic things, I would help their foundation of harmony and chordal understanding, unfortunately far too many start putting in harmonies and chords before they've reached the level of understanding that would help them be more correct.

The study of single (note)string playing is a definite help to the understanding of harmonies..
I suppose you could liken it to a pianist playing with just one finger, or just single notes, definitely part of playing but only one of the tools in the arsenal.. their are exceptions of course but these only go to further outline the norm. (Because they stand out)

Generally, I would consider single (note) string playing as PART of playing the Hawaiian Guitar, others being Harmonics, major thirds and sixth harmonies either close or wide, vibrato manipulation, use of glissando, chordal work, et al.

My view of this in general could be summed up in this version of South Sea Island Magic. It incorporates harmonics, chordal work, violining and single (note) string improvisation.

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Bishop Ronnie P Hall
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Post by Bishop Ronnie P Hall »

Hi Cliff Kane,
I may be a little late, in being able to contribute to your post of July 5th, But, I would like to help clarify by responding anyway.
I believe Chuck Campbell was referring to an Uncle/Nephew combination. Willie Eason,(Uncle)and his nephew, Henry Nelson, I`m sure Bob Stone, would be able to help you more accurately in this area. I might be a little late, but there it is, for what its worth, at this time. My best to you.
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Post by basilh »

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Bishop Ronnie P Hall
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Post by Bishop Ronnie P Hall »

Hello Basilh,
I`ve been expecting you! Suppose you ask him why?
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Post by basilh »

Sorry "Bishop" I didn't realise this was a chat post I understood it was about single string playing and the question posed by Don "Kona" Woods
What Do You Think About Single String Playing?
I didn't realise it was about promoting "Sacred Steel"

We're bordering on the "No No" as far as forum's rules about Politics etc go.

Sorry for interjecting with an "On Topic" post.
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Bishop Ronnie P Hall
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Post by Bishop Ronnie P Hall »

This isnt about sacred steel. It`s about question asked, question answered!
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Post by basilh »

Bishop Ronnie P Hall wrote:Basilh
This isnt about sacred steel. It`s about question asked, question answered!
Bishop Hall
Which, being somewhat off topic should have been answered with a "PM" that's what the "PM" is for.
Let's not Hi-Jack Don's post with the analysis of the posting procedure and protocols, it's plain to read in the forum rules..
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Post by basilh »

Back to the topic, I personally find that single string work if played higher than the listener can relate to subliminally and with a thin out of tune sound, is not the best way to promote the Hawaiian Steel Guitar.
Most of the Hawaiian Players remain inside the vocal range of the norm, whilst a lot of the other kind tend to play the Hawaiian Steel Guitar as a "Wannabe Shredding Telecaster," not my cup of tea I'm afraid.
Bud Tutmark and the Andy Iona clips are definitive examples of "Good Taste"
To help those who don't wish to scroll back a few pages,
The Late Bud Tutmarc

Andy Iona first version

Version 2

South Sea Island Magic. It incorporates harmonics, chordal work, violining and single (note) string improvisation.
whilst my version of South Island Magic isn't a studio recording and just taken from a tape of a live show, I thought it relevant as it demonstrates my slant on the subject.
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Bishop Ronnie P Hall
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Post by Bishop Ronnie P Hall »

What is done in the open, Is dealt with in the Open!
It is called "Forum"!
Bishop Hall
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Post by Bishop Ronnie P Hall »

To "The Steel Without Pedals" community element, of The Steel Guitar Forum.
I have always been amazed, at how quickly something wonderfully inspired, can always be eroaded by indivdual concepts concerning a basic idea. I guess, it is borne of a basic need to be recognized.
I have been accused, of promoting a genre of music, called: "Sacred Steel" by one of our own, simply because I addressed a post by another one of our own. I presented a piece of information relevant to the post for clarification, and upon doing so,I was immediately attacked for posting it! I was accused of promoting "Sacred Steel" out of the norm of what the original topic required. Also, I was rebuked for coming dangerously close to breaking the "Rules of this Forum", by turning this forum into a personal "chat Room", plus a few other things, that are not worth going into. The point is,
this "is" a forum. I might add an "Open Forum"! If my understanding is on target, all that come here, have the right to express their concepts, Ideas, questions, answers, all within the bylaws, and specifics that were expressed to us by the founders of this great enterprise. We signed on by the acknowlegement of same, when we joined up. Plus the fact that in this great country of ours, we share the rights of freedom of speech! By the same token, this forum that we greatfully particpate in, is not just a "Hiwaiian" "only" forum, but one that says:Lap Steel, Pedal Steel, Gospel Steel, Country Western, Acoustical Lap, and any as well as "All" forms of "Musical Expression"! It Is an "OPEN FORUM"!! Can it be helped, if while that we are posting, that one post should, and often does overlap into another?
It is sad, that one forumite, should try to "Bully" another because he, or she wants to "run" things? Or because there is something that is much deeper,and a darker motive at his, or her foundation?
Well, let me say folks, as long as this inspired basic idea of "The Steel Guitar Forum", in all of it`s varied musical concepts, no matter what they are, continues uphold the "American constitutional Rights of Freedom of Speech", I intend to "Stick" right here with my fellow musicians, and share my thoughts, concepts, and ideas, right along with the rest of you, because by God, "This Is America!!" And no one disgruntled forumite will prevent it!!!!

Bishop Ronnie P. Hall

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Mark Mansueto
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Post by Mark Mansueto »

Ron, I think your contributions to this thread have been excellent as well as inspiring and your youtube video is great example of single note playing (posted by the originator or this thread who stated that he loves Sacred Steel).
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Post by Edward Meisse »

Whether purposely or inadvertantly, this thread has been, "Hijacked." It's plain for some of us to see. I think that rather than flaming the person who pointed it out, it would have been more gracious to recognize that their observation was correct. That is true even IF their observation was made a bit heavy handedly. I would have been interested to hear what some of us had to say about the topic in the heading. But alas, I'll have to wait.
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Post by Bishop Ronnie P Hall »

Hello Mark, My Brother.
I hear you very deeply my friend. It is good to know by fact that you are there! I look forward as time unfolds, to those of this forum, and know it has shining examples of fellowshipping individuals, who are there to encourage us when needed. God Bless!!!
Bishop Hall
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Post by Bishop Ronnie P Hall »

To Edward Meisse,
I realize that you probably will not accept any reasonable explanation at this moment. But would you agree, that sometimes people get excited when they see a new face, a different sound, or an old friend, enter into their arena, that their excitement sometimes causes a distraction momentarily. That is the product of an "open forum" situation. "Hijack!" I doubt it! You, or anyone else, still has the time to interject their opinion(s), if they truly desire to. You took the time to express your feelings in this post, did`nt you?
The issue that I addressed was,a question was asked in the arena of the forum "openly", which I responded to, very honestly in the arena of the same open forum "openly". Upon which a totally different door was open, and I was attacked, and accused innocently of something of a totally different issue. I trust now, that we all understand each other.
"This Is America" We "all" have the right of "Freedom of Speech"! No one individual has the right to "bully" another!
Bishop Hall
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Cliff Kane
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Post by Cliff Kane »

Hi Bishop Hall,
thank you for the clarification. I apprecaite that. I was hoping that someone would chime in on who the player was.
BTW, I would like to add my happiness and appreciation for you being here.

Thank you,
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Steinar Gregertsen
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Post by Steinar Gregertsen »

I didn't realise it was about promoting "Sacred Steel"
I believe there's been plenty of threads where certain playing techniques has been discussed and "Hawaiian players" and "Hawaiian style" has become central, with references to new/old books and albums, so why not Sacred Steel?

That said, I stopped following this thread after a while because I felt it had become too "personal" and drifted too far from the original topic.
On the other hand (confused? me? :oops: ) there's nothing new about that, a lot of threads drifts off topic by the time they reach page 4, so it didn't bother me, I didn't see it as anything to get worked up over.
We "all" have the right of "Freedom of Speech"!
Indeed, but every forum has its rules and traditions that needs to be respected. But there are moderators to take care of that if things gets out of control.
No one individual has the right to "bully" another!
Absolutely, and to me your playing and enthusiasm is a breath of fresh air in here, so I hope you stick around! :)
"This Is America"
Actually, this is The Internet, with a wide variety of nationalities, cultures, religions and political views present... :wink:

Now about those single notes.....
I absolutely agree that to realize the full potenial of the instrument a combination of single notes, harmonized lines and full chord voicings should be used. But in my case it was the singing quality, those haunting "lonesome" melody lines, that caught my attention, so that's where my main focus has been...

"Play to express, not to impress"
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Post by Andy Volk »

Ronnie, I for one am very glad you've chosen to join this community. I hope that most of your interactions with my fellow forumites will reflect the graciousness of your own posts so far. Topics on web bulletin boards tend to skew off-topic. It's informal human communication, not precision flying. Conversations wander. It's okay.
Last edited by Andy Volk on 11 Jul 2008 12:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Ron Whitfield
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Hijack shmijack

Post by Ron Whitfield »

Those who wish to cry about so-called hijacking of threads are just limiting the discussion which is unnecessary.
If a thread is started about one thing and then leads to one or more/many, so what? So much the better! Nobody is being excluded, they can continue to contribute on the original topic or whatever til the cows come home. This simply allows more discussion about a broader spectrum of topics that may not have otherwise been explored.

That said, let's not explore the hijacking theme any longer, it's all fair game, and games are for fun!
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Bishop Ronnie P Hall
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Post by Bishop Ronnie P Hall »

To Cliff Kane,
Thanks so much, I am "Glad" to have been of service.
Bishop Hall
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Post by Bishop Ronnie P Hall »

Steinar Gregertsen,
Thank you my friend, It was accurately communicated!Going to the business at hand!!!
Bishop Ronnie P. Hall
by the way Loved your videos on You Tube! Keep up the Good Work!
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Post by Bishop Ronnie P Hall »

Andy Volk,
Thank you for your understanding!
Bishop R.P. Hall
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Post by Bishop Ronnie P Hall »

Ron Whitfield,
That, is what I`ve always thought a "Forum" was meant to be!
Bishop Hall
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Post by Ron Whitfield »

Yes, what a shame that it has to be clarified sometimes.
There's even a thread somewhere's else complaining about 'hijacking', and sadly it has a lot of support.
Talk about tunnel vision...

Now, let's drop this and get back to the fun!
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